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icon5.gif   How to insert new entry between two entries., posted by Daniel Roldan on Mon Nov 3 15:28:41 2014 
    icon2.gif   Re: How to insert new entry between two entries., posted by David Pilgram on Mon Nov 3 17:14:44 2014 
    icon2.gif   Re: How to insert new entry between two entries., posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Nov 4 14:51:20 2014 
Message ID: 67710     Entry time: Mon Nov 3 15:28:41 2014     Reply to this: 67711   67712
Icon: Question  Author: Daniel Roldan  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: How to insert new entry between two entries. 

 I would like to put between two entries a new entry.

My Users forgot to put a entry, and now they would like to put a new entry between olders entries.

For Example:

We have 10 entries order by Id:






They want to put between the entry 300 and 301 a new entry.

Is possible to do this feature?



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886