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ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  66344   Mon May 4 18:06:01 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.5-2172Re: Using preset text files

Stefan Ritt wrote:


soren poulsen wrote:


I am trying the Preset text option from the documentation: like:

Attributes = Author, Type
Options Type = Network check{1}, System check{2}

{1} Preset text = network.txt
{2} Preset text = system.txt

I have two questions:

1. Where are the preset text files searched from ? I guess I could put them in the logbook (and specify a relative path like in this example) but it appeared only to work when I specifiy an abcolute path. That is even better in my case.

2. How do I specify line feeds in the file ? I tried Linux and Windows new line characters - but I always end up with just  one line in my e-log. I would really like a multi-line form.



Without path, the file must reside in the "scripts" subdirectory.

For the multi-line form, it depends how you want to format your elog entry. If you format in "plain", the simple line breaks are sufficient. If you format in HTML, your preset file must be in HTML as well, so a line break has to be a <br> tag. If you format in ELCode, a simple line break again would be ok. 

 Thanks for the hints on the "scripts" dir.  For the formatting, that's clear. I started with the sample "network.txt" file from the doc and the default encoding (HTML), so that did (of course) not render correctly (before inserting a few tags).



  66361   Thu May 14 17:41:44 2009 Disagree soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.6E-log crash


I am having a little problem with e-log that I can easily reproduce.

I have defined a number of constraints on my e-log fields and I am testing what happens when the user does not respect them.

So this only happens when I am not observing the input formats or the mandatory fields.

This is the GDB trace. This is not very verbose, so I must learn to use the other tracers, I guess.

Server listening on port 8079 ...
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000414077 in is_script (
    s=0x7fff1a0b89a0 "<a href=\"\"\"></a>")
    at src/elogd.c:5414
5414       for (i = 0; script_tags[i][0]; i++) {


  66364   Tue May 19 15:19:16 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.6Re: E-log crash

Stefan Ritt wrote:


soren poulsen wrote:


I am having a little problem with e-log that I can easily reproduce.

I have defined a number of constraints on my e-log fields and I am testing what happens when the user does not respect them.

So this only happens when I am not observing the input formats or the mandatory fields.

This is the GDB trace. This is not very verbose, so I must learn to use the other tracers, I guess.

Server listening on port 8079 ...
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000414077 in is_script (
    s=0x7fff1a0b89a0 "<a href=\"\"\"></a>")
    at src/elogd.c:5414
5414       for (i = 0; script_tags[i][0]; i++) {



It would be best if I could reproduce your problem. So can you start from a very simple configuration file, add your constraints until the problme happens, and then send me the config file? 


The problem is not exactly what I thought, but I did track it down. Here is a logbook definition that reliably creates a segmentation fault in e-log. This logbook's only useful purpose is in fact to create a segmentation fault:

You select "New", then "Select", without entering anything.


Login user = Admin

Attributes = Link

Change Link = <a href="https://$Link"">$Link</a>


I would be able to create some more debugging information of course, if needed.




  66400   Wed Jun 17 03:46:31 2009 Warning soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chRequestLinux2.7.6Denial of access after failed import using invalid attributes


A user tried to import a CSV file, which caused e-log to add a field called "date" to the list of attributes (and then crash). This caused the log-book to be blocked until someone (guess who) would go edit the elogd.cfg file and then trigger a reload.

1. suggestion : E-log should not crash in this case

2. suggestion: E-log should not allow invalid attributes to be added via CSV Import, which causes the log-book to be blocked.

For the time being, I will just  "Deny import" (by the way, the doc says it is "Deny CSV import", but I think the syntax is "Deny import". Not really important.

I think this should be quite easy to reproduce.

Thanks a lot


  66404   Wed Jun 17 22:01:57 2009 Question soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.6Export and save problem with IE7


Would it be possible to use the "Export to:" function with IE7 on the Forum logbook, and save the logbook.

I can do the export but saving the file with IE7 does not work. Saving the file with Firefox, Chrome, Safari works.

This makes me think that E-log is good and IE7 is bad ?




  66496   Thu Aug 6 11:40:11 2009 Question soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.7HTML in attribute values


I am using syntax like (from the doc):

Display Telephone = <a href="$Name">$Name's telephone number</a>

Until yesterday this was interpreted as HTML.

After upgrading to 2.7.7, I still get a valid link but the full HTML code is also displayed: the user sees
''<a href="">myname's telephone number</a>''
where he should only see:
''myname's telephone number''

I am 99% sure this is a consequence of the upgrade. Is there a way to get the original behaviour back?
Thanks a lot
Soren Poulsen

  66497   Thu Aug 6 11:53:29 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.7Re: HTML in attribute values

soren poulsen wrote:


I am using syntax like (from the doc):

Display Telephone = <a href="$Name">$Name's telephone number</a>

Until yesterday this was interpreted as HTML.

After upgrading to 2.7.7, I still get a valid link but the full HTML code is also displayed: the user sees
''<a href="">myname's telephone number</a>''
where he should only see:
''myname's telephone number''

I am 99% sure this is a consequence of the upgrade. Is there a way to get the original behaviour back?
Thanks a lot
Soren Poulsen

 I have more precise information about the nature of this issue, which concerns the display of E-logs

In the previous version 2.7.6, E-log would generate HTML like this:

td class="attribvalue">
<a href="">15403690</a>&nbsp;</td>

In the latest version 2.7.7, E-log generates HTML like this (for the same attribute):

<td class="attribvalue">
&lt;a href="<a href=";button=Search">;button=Search</a>"&gt;15575045&lt;/a&gt;&nbsp;</td>


Soren Poulsen


  66499   Thu Aug 6 13:09:50 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.7Re: HTML in attribute values

Stefan Ritt wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:


I am using syntax like (from the doc):

Display Telephone = <a href="$Name">$Name's telephone number</a>

Until yesterday this was interpreted as HTML.

After upgrading to 2.7.7, I still get a valid link but the full HTML code is also displayed: the user sees
''<a href="">myname's telephone number</a>''
where he should only see:
''myname's telephone number''

I am 99% sure this is a consequence of the upgrade. Is there a way to get the original behaviour back?
Thanks a lot
Soren Poulsen

 I have more precise information about the nature of this issue, which concerns the display of E-logs

In the previous version 2.7.6, E-log would generate HTML like this:

td class="attribvalue">
<a href="">15403690</a>&nbsp;</td>

In the latest version 2.7.7, E-log generates HTML like this (for the same attribute):

<td class="attribvalue">
&lt;a href="<a href=";button=Search">;button=Search</a>"&gt;15575045&lt;/a&gt;&nbsp;</td>

You need

Allow HTML = 1

in your configuration file. See the documentation for details. This featue is new in 2.7.7.

Thanks a lot. In fact I did not read the 2.7.7 version of the documentation, which I should have done.

Have a good aftenoon



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6