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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Versiondown Subject Text Attachments
  68880   Fri Dec 21 14:59:05 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.3Re: inactive usersThanks for the fix, I merged it into the current
development branch.
  68884   Tue Feb 5 07:31:44 2019 Question Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itBug reportLinux3.1.3quick filter not working for attributes with special char Hi,
  I'm using elog 3.1.3 and I have an elogbook
with an attribute with name 
  68885   Tue Feb 5 08:10:32 2019 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.3Re: quick filter not working for attributes with special char No, there is no quick workaround. The only
way is to go through your logbook files manually
(or with a script), and replace all occurrences
  68900   Wed Feb 27 02:34:46 2019 Cool Xuan hanged when uploading photo failedHi all,

  We came across a problem
recently when clicking "Upload"
  68906   Tue Mar 5 20:48:51 2019 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: elog hanged when uploading photo failedThe problem is you have some weird characters
in your file name R2BLM15 ? ? ? ? ? .PNG
which confuses the interpreter. There should
  68907   Wed Mar 6 05:10:28 2019 Reply Xuan elog hanged when uploading photo failedThat make sense. Is there a way to
recovery when hung except restart elogd?
On the other hand, whether could  prompt for
  68916   Thu Mar 21 16:14:00 2019 Question Ben Loerben.loer@pnnl.govQuestionLinux3.1.3elog.css and lock.png fail to load with top groupsAs the title says, we have our elog running
behind an Apache proxy that is also providing
authentication. We also have top groups enabled. 
  68924   Thu Apr 4 12:12:58 2019 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: elog.css and lock.png fail to load with top groupsLooks more like a bug to me. Will investigate.


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886