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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1439   Mon Oct 10 12:53:46 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chOtherAll2.6.0beta5Re: The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files

Exaos Lee wrote:
I want to make elogd display the date in Chinese format. Please tell me howto.

Thank you for the files.

If you specify

Language = zh_CN

Then elogd looks for a file "eloglang.zh_CN" for the translation, for a file "eloghelp_zh.html"
for the help, and does a


to switch to Chinese date format. To retrieve the date, elogd calls strftime("%x");
  1440   Mon Oct 10 13:57:20 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.60-beta5Re: Display Attribute no longer works in Beta 5?

Ulrich Trüssel wrote:
I'm using Display Attribut = [elog:$logbook/$message id] as a reference link for other entries (ex.: Display Referenz = [elog:$logbook/$message id]). also see the attached elogd.cfg file.

This option has been changed on July 25th from "Display <attribute>" to "Change <attribute>" which is a more appropriate expression. The documentation has also been updated.
  1441   Mon Oct 10 14:01:14 2005 Question Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5Re: Cannot submit admin password while logbook is named in Chinese

Exaos Lee wrote:
As the title.

There is no possibility to change an admin password. You probably mean that you logged in as admin and cannot change your own password, is that right? Do you use user level access via "password file = ..."? What is your elogd.cfg? I tried to switch language to German and I can change my own password via the config page.
  1442   Mon Oct 10 14:09:49 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.6.0beta5Re: Some spell mistakes

Exaos Lee wrote:
I find some new strings from the warnings like this:

Language error: string "HelpELCode" not found for language "chinese"

I have added these new string to the languages files in Chinese. I think:
"Enter name of hypelink" should be "Enter name of hyperlink".

Ok, fixed in the current subversion repository. Better write such things by personal mail to me, since it might not interest the elog community very much.
  1447   Tue Oct 11 09:24:12 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5Re: Cannot submit admin password while logbook is named in Chinese

Exaos Lee wrote:
Sorry for my poor English. The case is like this: When I set an admin password for my logbook which is named in Chinese, I cannot open the config page while the password is correct. It seems that the logbook named in Chinese cannot recieve the password submitted. If the logbook is named other than Chinese, everything is OK. I will repeat the problem and describe it more exactly.

A way around that problem would be to use user level access (via the Password file = ... and Admin user = ... settings). Can you try if that works under a Chinese logbook?
  1450   Thu Oct 13 08:32:20 2005 Reply Stefan Windows2.5.4Re: Trying to remove "mailto:" from the email address

Matt Kimball wrote:
We are using ver 2.5.4. As users enter new requests into the system, they would like email notifications. I have added the $user_email into a "notifications" section that we created. The email address that gets entered is "". Is there a way to remove the "mailto:"? Attached is my config file.

The "mailto:" is there for good reason. After you submit the entry, elogd converts the "mailto:" into
<a href=""></a>

so the browser shows the email address as a link. If you click it, the browser automatically opens your email client with the email address already in the "To:" field. The same works in the main text body. So if I put "", it gets converted automatially to "", a feature many people rely on.

Now from your request it looks to me like you want email notifications, so you put
Email System CareWare = ..., $user_email

In that case the "mailto:" gets automatically stripped during the email notification, so the user_email gets entered and will be used correctly for the notification.
  1452   Thu Oct 13 11:19:09 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0-betaRe: Long lines in printout
Ok, I found the problem. In the default.css file, you will find a section
.messagepre {
  font-family:'lucida console',courier,monospace;

Just go and delete the line with the font-size, this should fix your problem. If the font-size is fixed, the browser cannot resize the text to fit into your printing page. I still have problems with IE, but with Firefox it works fine if you select Shrink to fit page width on the page setup.
  1455   Thu Oct 13 13:51:55 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0-betaRe: Long lines in printout

Bertram Metz wrote:
The lines are still cut, if printed on paper.

Are you sure? After you change the CSS file, you have to reload the page. I just tried with the very long entry from this thread and got in the Firefox preview window the picture which I attached. The font size of the text body is shrunk such that all lines (except the one very long line) fit on the paper.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886