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  66257   Thu Mar 19 02:50:16 2009 Cool Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionAll2.7.4"Full" view formatting
I have a logbook I use to capture machine settings. There are many (~30) different attributes defined. I've defined the "Summary" view via "List display" in such a way that not all the attributes are displayed in the summary list, because there's no practical way to fit the 30 different attributes in 30 rows across the screen, and there's no need to have every attribute shown in the summary view. I would like to define something for the "Full" view that lets me put one (or more, but not all) attributes per line; much like the single-entry view does now, just with multiple entries. So a "Full" listing would look like

ID: 1
Attribute1: Value1
Attribute2: Value2
Attribute3: Value3

ID: 2
Attribute1: Value1
Attribute2: Value2
Attribute3: Value3

rather than
ID Attribute1 Attribute2 Attribute3
1 Value1 Value2 Value3
2 Value1 Value2 Value3

Any suggestions?

Thanks as always for a wonderful piece of software!
  66310   Tue Apr 14 17:57:56 2009 Reply Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionWindows2.7.5-2187Re: Simple Math

Stefan Ritt wrote:


mike cianci wrote:

Sorry to bother you. I could see in past Forum entries that the question of  "Simple Math" has come up before, although the answers were not all that simple.

Can you do simple math (i.e. attribute A + attribute B = attribute C) in ELOG ?

Thank you for putting up with my questions.



No, you can't. The only way is to export a logbook to CSV, then import it in a spreadsheet program, then do the math there. 

 You can pass numerical attributes to an external command via "Execute new =...".  This external command can then do the math and pass the result _back_ to the logbook either as a new entry or as an edit with the command-line client "elog".

For example, given a new entry with (numerical) attributes A and B, if you have

Execute new = $A $B $message id

in your elog.cfg file, then $A and $B will be passed to the perl script.  Now have the perl script (or bc, or whatever you want to use) do the appropriate math and submit the result.  For example, your perl script might include



elog -a C=$C ... -e "$message id" "Sum as edit"

elog -a D=$D ... "Product as new entry"


  66500   Thu Aug 6 22:29:12 2009 Entry Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionAll2.7.3Pre-populate Attachments in URL
Is there a way to pre-populate the new entry window with one or more attachments? Per the documentation, this is easy to do with attributes, i.e., http://localhost:8070/demo/?cmd=New&pauthor=joe&ptype=Info as a URL or bookmark will do it. I'd like to do the same thing with attachments, for example http://localhost:8070/demo/?cmd=New&pauthor=joe&ptype=Photograph&attfile1=picture1.jpg&attfile2=picture2.jpg might prepopulate two attachments, giving me an edit window all ready to enter the brief description represented by the two pictures.
  66662   Thu Jan 7 21:41:43 2010 Question Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionAll2.7.8Any way to paste clipboard into entry?
Is there any way to directly paste an image from a Windows clipboard into an elog entry page?  It's obvious
for uploading a file, but many of my users say that they never make a file, they just want to paste in an image
already onscreen.
  66667   Mon Jan 11 16:44:23 2010 Reply Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionAll2.7.8Re: Any way to paste clipboard into entry?
> > Is there any way to directly paste an image from a Windows clipboard into an elog entry page?  It's obvious
> > for uploading a file, but many of my users say that they never make a file, they just want to paste in an image
> > already onscreen.
> This is a limitation of the FCKEditor used inside ELOG, and actually of the whole browser concept under Windows. 
> There are some extensions to Firefox which let your paste an image as an attachment, but none for doing this right 
> into the text body. For some discussion about this have a look at
> for example.

Hmmm.  Well, does that mean that it is easier under Linux?  I have to confess I couldn't figure that out either.  But
I'd be delighted to have Yet Another Reason to tell the users that "it works under Linux, maybe you should switch...."  
  68039   Fri Jul 3 21:26:32 2015 Agree Erkcan Ozcanerkcan@gmail.comInfoLinux3.1.0-5be245eRe: ELOG and Gmail?
Using stunnel4 and the 3.1.0 version of elog, I was able to use gmail smtp without the use of iptables.

In my elogd.cfg I chose:

SMTP username = <gmailusername>
SMTP Password = <The hash produced with the perl statement posted by Christopher Lee>
SMTP host =

And in /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf:

client = yes
accept =
connect =
verify = 2
CApath = /etc/ssl/certs

FInally, run sudo stunnel4.
  68040   Tue Jul 7 21:57:04 2015 Question Erkcan Ozcanerkcan@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.0-5be245eCustomized email subject line for an updated entry


The default email subject line for a new entry is: "New ELOG entry", and the default email subject line for an edited entry is: "Updated ELOG entry". However when we set "Use Email Subject", both new entries and the updated entries use the same email subject. Is there an equivalent of "Use Email Heading Edit" for the subject line? I tried "Use Email Subject Edit", to no avail.

Thanks in advance,


  68044   Wed Jul 15 21:30:47 2015 Reply Erkcan Ozcanerkcan@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.0-5be245eRe: Customized email subject line for an updated entry

Since there were no responses, I decided to make good use of the fact that the software is thankfully open-sourced. I modified elogd.c and added just a couple of lines to get what I wanted.

<    if (old_mail && getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email Subject Edit", subject, sizeof(subject))) {
<       i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE);
<       sprintf(str, "%d", message_id);
<       add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", str, &i);
<       strsubst_list(subject, sizeof(subject), slist, svalue, i);
<    } else


These lines just follow the comment line: /* compose subject from attributes */


Erkcan Ozcan wrote:


The default email subject line for a new entry is: "New ELOG entry", and the default email subject line for an edited entry is: "Updated ELOG entry". However when we set "Use Email Subject", both new entries and the updated entries use the same email subject. Is there an equivalent of "Use Email Heading Edit" for the subject line? I tried "Use Email Subject Edit", to no avail.

Thanks in advance,



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886