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ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  1456   Thu Oct 13 14:08:26 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0beta2Re: Conditional hiding of attributes in list view[quote="Yoshio Imai"]I noticed the quickfilter
option in the config guide in the meantime
  1460   Thu Oct 13 21:26:31 2005 Reply Stefan Linux2.6Re: New Accounts[quote="Carl Shirey"]I hope you can help me
The problem that I am having is when someone
  1462   Fri Oct 14 11:07:40 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.0beta1Re: Next ELOG Release ?> Hello Stefan,
> Did you have a release Date for Elog V2.6.0
  1467   Mon Oct 17 10:18:29 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0beta2Re: Error message: "Attachment #6 of entry #0 not found"> Hi all, I get messages like this
> Attachment #16 of entry #0 not found
> Please use your browser's back button to
  1468   Mon Oct 17 10:20:31 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0Re: How to connect to an ELOG server running behind apache+ssl using the elog command line program?[quote="Johan Nyberg"]I need to post a large
number of "old" messages to one of my logbooks
and I am trying to modify the script doelog
  1471   Tue Oct 18 08:04:29 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0beta2Re: Error message: "Attachment #6 of entry #0 not found"> This is the URL after logging in: 
> http://localhost:8081/debian/17?cmd=List&mode=summary
  1475   Thu Oct 20 16:01:49 2005 Reply Stefan Linux2.6.0beta4Re: Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?[quote="Johan Nyberg"]Is there a way to force
the users to supply an email address when
they register?[/quote]
  1479   Mon Oct 24 14:30:48 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionOther2.6.0 b4Re: Login screen reappears after correct login[quote="Daniel Broers"]We are running elog
perfectly on a solaris machine for some time
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886