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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68112   Fri Sep 4 10:04:20 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1Re: User based theme selection

No, I don't think it is possible.

Oliver Kleinau wrote:
Hi, is it somehow possible to use different themes for different users? Perhaps editing the password XML file? Thanks, Oliver


  68111   Thu Sep 3 07:09:33 2015 Question Oliver Kleinauoliver.kleinau@it.niedersachsen.deQuestionLinux3.1User based theme selection
Hi, is it somehow possible to use different themes for different users? Perhaps editing the password XML file? Thanks, Oliver
  68110   Wed Sep 2 20:23:21 2015 Entry Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduBug reportWindows3.1.1Attachment Uploaded Time is off by one hour

If I upload an attachment the timestamp of the attachment is set to one hour in the future, as demonstrated with this test attachment being one hour in the future compared to the entry time

Attachment 1: elogTest.rtf
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 test}
  68109   Wed Sep 2 17:06:17 2015 Entry Mike BodineMike.Bodine@alcatel-lucent.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Copy To Function


We've recently implemented the Copy To function and it works as advertised. The issue we're having is the original entry time is also copied, so if we take an old log and copy it to another log book the entry using reverse sort, preserve = 0 may not display as the newest id. It will receive the next message id, but not display in the correct order on the page. Is there an option or parameter that will force Copy To create a new entry time, so the message id will appear in the correct order?



  68108   Wed Sep 2 17:06:10 2015 Entry Mike BodineMike.Bodine@alcatel-lucent.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Copy To Function


We've recently implemented the Copy To function and it works as advertised. The issue we're having is the original entry time is also copied, so if we take an old log and copy it to another log book the entry using reverse sort, preserve = 0 may not display as the newest id. It will receive the next message id, but not display in the correct order on the page. Is there an option or parameter that will force Copy To create a new entry time, so the message id will appear in the correct order?



  Draft   Wed Sep 2 16:55:00 2015  Mike BodineMike.Bodine@alcatel-lucent.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Copy To Function


We've recently implemented the Copy To function and it works as advertised. The issue we're having is the original entry time is also copied, so if we take an old log and copy it to another log book the entry using reverse sort, preserve = 0 may not display as the newest id. It will receive the next message id, but not display in the correct order on the page. Is there an option or parameter that will force Copy To create a new entry time, so the message id will appear in the correct order?



  68106   Mon Aug 31 22:35:03 2015 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.1-3f3Preset on duplicate


Is there any way that "Preset on duplicate" contain ID entry from which it was duplicated?




  68105   Mon Aug 31 17:14:08 2015 Reply Eric Quinteroericq@caltech.eduQuestionAll3.0.0-70b274bRe: Show attachments = 0

The automatic hiding behavior is what I'm after, and I've discovered that it is only a problem for PDF attachments. I have reproduced this on the demo logbook on git revision f828049. 

I've taken a look at the source you mentioned, but as far as I can tell, it is just looking for the opening of the img tag in the HTML source, and I'm not sure why that is different for a PDF.

ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf