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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
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  1518   Fri Nov 18 21:09:01 2005 Reply Stefan Windows2.6Re: Send a email to E-log?

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
Is it possible to send an email to Elog and record an entry automatically?
Have a look at elog:Contributions/10
  1519   Fri Nov 18 21:30:44 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.0beta5Re: Changing width in entry mode

Ulrich Trüssel wrote:
Problem: see pic "Eingabe.jpg", if thre are more MOptions to select in entry mode, I have to scroll from right to left all the time. Ti s isn't really comfortable.
I had a nowrap statement in the MOptions check boxes, which should not be there. I removed that and now the options are wrapped nicely:The problem is that in HTML, the check boxes and the associated text are sometimes ripped apart, i.e. the box appears at the right corner and the text at the next line. That's why I had the nowrap statement there.This fix will be contained in the next release of elog.
  1520   Fri Nov 18 21:48:33 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0beta5Re: Passive elog mirrors

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Is it possible to install a "passive" elog mirror? We want to allow members of another institute to browse our logbook, but the connection is rather slow. The idea is now to set up an elog mirror at their site for faster access. Still, we should be the only ones who can add and edit the entries, so the update mechanism needs to be restricted in one direction. Is this possible at all? I didn't find any clues on that in the documentation ...

This is not implemented directly, but you can achieve it in several ways:

  • In the remote logbook, prohibit any modifications. You can do that with the Menu commands = ... option, where you just remove New, Edit, Reply and Duplicate.
  • Do not allow public write access, but public read access. The remote logbook server can read but not write. This requires a guest access, see the manual.
  • Create a special user, let's call it "mirroruser". Use this user to log in from the remote elog server by using the command Mirror user = mirroruser. Now restrict the right of this user via
    Deny New = mirroruser
    Deny Edit = mirroruser
    Deny Reply = mirroruser
    Deny Duplicate = mirroruser

  1525   Mon Nov 21 13:01:21 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows2.6.0-betaRe: Add Button on calendar

Alex H wrote:
Could you add a "Today button" on the calendar to set immediatly the date of today on a date type field ?

"Today" is selected by default if you pop-up a new calendar, so just click on the selected day.
  1528   Mon Nov 21 17:54:54 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows2.6.0-betaRe: Add Button on calendar

Alex H wrote:
I don't have the today date highlighted so I don't have some visual effect to find the date immediatly. Is it a bug or other ?

If I click Find on this page, then click on an calendar, I get following picture:

which clearly shows me the 21st highlighted. Do you get a different picture? Which browser are you using? If you get the proper picture here at the forum, but a different one at your installation, it might be that the default.css file is out of date in your installation and you have to copy over a newer one.
  1528   Mon Nov 21 17:54:54 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows2.6.0-betaRe: Add Button on calendar

Alex H wrote:
I don't have the today date highlighted so I don't have some visual effect to find the date immediatly. Is it a bug or other ?

If I click Find on this page, then click on an calendar, I get following picture:

which clearly shows me the 21st highlighted. Do you get a different picture? Which browser are you using? If you get the proper picture here at the forum, but a different one at your installation, it might be that the default.css file is out of date in your installation and you have to copy over a newer one.
  1529   Tue Nov 22 09:00:42 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.6.0-betaRe: Undesirable TAG { }
That problem was fixed on June 24th, 2005. So please upgrade to the current 2.6.0-beta5 version.
  1534   Thu Nov 24 08:27:01 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0-betaRe: Email format flags

Elaine Cristina Franchini dos Anjos wrote:
I've been tried to format our email notification messages
like this forum, but I couldn't.

Every email notification is sent in plain text although I've tried
all options listed in documentation about Email Format flags. Crying

What is the Email Format flag that I need to use ?
Is there something else that I have to configure ? ?)

The email notification is under revision right now, that's why 2.6.0 is still in beta. It will change again before the final release. I want to make a multipart/alternative encoding, where plain text and HTML are sent in the same email, and the user can select on the email client which part to view.

In the 2.6.0-beta5, you can select the eamil format with

Email encoding = 4

which then produces the same notifications as the forum.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886