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  68558   Mon Jan 30 17:45:18 2017 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.8.1-2350Re: Opening a Local File using <a href="file:///../filename.doc">text</a>If a file is on a memorystick and the memorystick
is gone, how could elog bring it back? What
you ask for is magic, sorry for that. Also
  68559   Mon Jan 30 17:52:20 2017 Question fabio vitalemc3356@mclink.itRequestWindows3.1.2How can change the justification of a column?It is possible to change the justification
for a column/attribute in the list mode (left-aligned,
centered, right-aligned)?
  68560   Mon Jan 30 17:58:11 2017 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?You can do that chaning the CSS of the
underlying theme. But you need some experience
with CSS.
  68561   Mon Jan 30 18:30:30 2017 Reply fabio vitalemc3356@mclink.itRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?I need to set text-align:left but only
for an attribute in the List mode, For example,
say that FirstName column must be left justified
  68562   Tue Jan 31 08:18:05 2017 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows2.8.1-2350Re: Opening a Local File using <a href="file:///../filename.doc">text</a>Hi Terry,

I'm not really sure I understand
the question; I'll try to rephrase how
  68563   Tue Jan 31 08:42:54 2017 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?You might tell your browser to show you
the source code of an ELOG page in list mode.
There you'll find the class name you're
  68564   Tue Jan 31 09:20:07 2017 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?The CSS class for the list display table
"listframe". If you want the second
column to be left-aligned, you put following
  68565   Tue Jan 31 11:42:19 2017 Reply Terry Opening a Local File using <a href="file:///../filename.doc">text</a>Hi Stefan,

Obviously it's not magic but
my inability to explain. I've attached
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6