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  1457   Thu Oct 13 14:47:06 2005 Reply Yoshio Imaiimai@kph.uni-mainz.deRequestLinux2.6.0beta2Re: Conditional hiding of attributes in list view

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Of course you can put a separate tile line each time you switch from "one" to "two", but that costs a lot of space. So how would you layout a listing where different attribute sets are mixed?

Well, in our case the changes would not be very frequent (if the beamtime goes smooth, we will have mainly
run-entries and few admin entries; if it is a hardware developement beamtime, we will have mainly admin
entries and fewer run entries). So, for us a layout with a new title line at the change between the two sets of attributes is ok.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Well, the "theme" is a "resource". The manual says: Resource dir = <directory>: Specifies the root directory for ELOG resources like help files, themes, icons and user HTML files, so it's explicitly written there.

I see. I thought that the "hardcoded" default directory would still be searched -- my error.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Which features do you mean? In your previous posting you mentioned a filter, but you found that already. So what else is left except the hiding of attributes?

Not much Wink. The only thing left was that the elogd redirects to the "URL="-address only after logging in, and not already after selecting a logbook in the selection page (i.e. before the password is transmitted), when a user calls directly the elogd port and not, say, the stunnel port defined to secure the connection. In our case this doesn't matter so much, but maybe to others it does ... ?

Thanks for the work

  1497   Fri Oct 28 23:45:33 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinux2.6.0beta2Re: Conditional hiding of attributes in list view

Yoshio Imai wrote:
I have also found one possible problem, maybe it's already solved in the
newest version: We have set up the elog under an stunnel, but the elog
server also responds to the original port (i.e. 80), displaying the logbook
selection page and from there even the login screen. Only after logging in
the elog server redirects the client browser to the https-page defined with
the URL-statement of the config file. The whole thing seems like an unwanted
behaviour, but could you change it so that it either doesn't respond on the
wrong URL at all, or at least redirects to the secured URL before presenting
the login window, so that we transfer the passwords encrypted?

I implemented that in revision 1540. On the logbook selection page, the links to the individual logbooks honor the "URL = ..." statement from the config file, and thus you get redirected via "https://...". More is unfortunately not possible. If elogd gets contacted the first time, it is impossible to figure out by elogd under which URL it got contacted, and therefore it cannot distinguish between secure and insecure connections. The only way is to switch off port 80 by a firewall and only allow "https://..." connections from outside.
  1498   Mon Oct 31 01:36:52 2005 Agree Yoshio ImaiRequestLinux2.6.0beta2Re: Conditional hiding of attributes in list view
Thank you! I have tested it and it works just as expected!
  66321   Thu Apr 16 08:34:03 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2.7.5Re: Config so that users can delete only their own entries?

Dennis Seitz wrote:
I've tried

Deny_Delete = All
Allow Delete = $author

and just
Allow Delete = $author

But either users can delete anyone's entries, or they can't delete any entries.

Am I missing something? If not, can you add the capability to allow users to delete, but only their own entries?

Thanks as usual for a great piece of code!

You cannot put $author into any Allow or Deny option, only explicit login names (not "full" names). What you want however is
Restrict Edit = 1

which lets only the original author either delete or edit entries. If you use that option, you probably want as well
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Preset on duplicate Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author

So a user cannot pretend to be somebody else. You also need a valid "admin user = ..." statement. Note that the admin user always can delete/edit entries. If no admin user is defined, everybody has automatically admin rights, so Restrict Edit has no effect.
  66323   Sat Apr 18 00:33:53 2009 Reply Dennis Seitzdseitz@berkeley.eduQuestionAll2.7.5Re: Config so that users can delete only their own entries?
Thanks for reminding me of that, it will do fine. A suggestion: Separate Restrict Edit into Restrict Edit and Restrict Delete or some functional equivalent. Then we have the choice to restrict one or the other or both. Is that worth doing?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dennis Seitz wrote:
I've tried

Deny_Delete = All
Allow Delete = $author

and just
Allow Delete = $author

But either users can delete anyone's entries, or they can't delete any entries.

Am I missing something? If not, can you add the capability to allow users to delete, but only their own entries?

Thanks as usual for a great piece of code!

You cannot put $author into any Allow or Deny option, only explicit login names (not "full" names). What you want however is
Restrict Edit = 1

which lets only the original author either delete or edit entries. If you use that option, you probably want as well
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Preset on duplicate Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author

So a user cannot pretend to be somebody else. You also need a valid "admin user = ..." statement. Note that the admin user always can delete/edit entries. If no admin user is defined, everybody has automatically admin rights, so Restrict Edit has no effect.
  68707   Mon Nov 27 22:10:22 2017 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7Re: Config: conditional coloring of items when 2 conditions are met (and|or)

I am not aware that it is forseen to define logical operators in combination with the Style command. How did you get the idea that this should work?

But you should be able to define multiple Style commands, acting on different format parameter.

Tim Schelfhout wrote:


Trying to color an entry log when 2 conditions are met. Tried 

Style Result Hired and Administration NOK = background-color:red

where Result and Administration are Attributes.  Anyone?




  65695   Fri Jan 11 08:08:51 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.7.0-1954Re: Configuration of HTML editor

Kristján Jónsson wrote:

Do I have to do any extra configuration in elog to enable the FCKeditor.

What I get with V2.7.0-1954 is that the main message entry field looks and behaves identically whether I set the encoding to HTML or plain (except the width and height of the field changes).

ELCode works as expected.  Message files saved with the encoding set to HTML have a line "Encoding: HTML", but no HTML markup.  Those saved with encoding set to plain have the line "Encoding: plain", but are otherwise identical.

I have the scripts directory as set up by "make install" containing the elcode.js file and the fckeditor subdirectory.  All are world readable.

Any hints about what could be the problem?

Version 1954 is a bit old. Please update to the current SVN version and try again. There must be a file elog/scripts/fckeditor/fckeditor.js which was missing at some time.


  65696   Fri Jan 11 14:33:58 2008 Reply Kristján Jónssonkj@raunvis.hi.isQuestionLinux2.7.0-1954Re: Configuration of HTML editor


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Kristján Jónsson wrote:

Do I have to do any extra configuration in elog to enable the FCKeditor.

What I get with V2.7.0-1954 is that the main message entry field looks and behaves identically whether I set the encoding to HTML or plain (except the width and height of the field changes).

ELCode works as expected.  Message files saved with the encoding set to HTML have a line "Encoding: HTML", but no HTML markup.  Those saved with encoding set to plain have the line "Encoding: plain", but are otherwise identical.

I have the scripts directory as set up by "make install" containing the elcode.js file and the fckeditor subdirectory.  All are world readable.

Any hints about what could be the problem?


Version 1954 is a bit old. Please update to the current SVN version and try again. There must be a file elog/scripts/fckeditor/fckeditor.js which was missing at some time.


Excellent, works as expected now, thanks.

Didn't realise how far behind the SVN version elog-latest.tar.gz is.




ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886