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    icon2.gif   Re: Mass postings, posted by Erik Iverson on Mon Jun 9 15:57:15 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

mike cianci wrote:

I am setting this up as instrument log in a multi-hospital system, where there will be multiple instruments, in multiple departments, at multiple facilities.

I am using the "Top Group" function to keep the books separate so operators from one instrument/department/facility don't contaminate another instrument/department/facility's logbook.

What I am wondering is there someway to set it up so that a system wide manager could post a message to 5 individual logbooks for 5 identical instruments at 5 different locations all at once (one ELOG server)?

I hope this made sense.  Thank you for your help.

Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. You would have to use the menu command "copy to" and enable it for the admin user. Then you create your entry, and click on "copy to" once for each location you want to copy this entry.


I found a way to get this to work.  Define a "Messages" logbook for the messages to be broadcast.  None of the user installations need access to it. Use "Execute new = " to execute a script calling the elog command line client passing the message on to each target logbook.  Example:

--- elogd.cfg snippet begin ---



Execute new = $text &

--- elogd.cfg snippet end ---

--- begin ---


elog -a Sender="System Administrator" -l "Logbook 1" $@

elog -a Sender="System Administrator" -l "Logbook 2" $@

elog -a Sender="System Administrator" -l "Logbook 3" $@

--- end ---

The $@ expands to all the command line arguments, so the $text field, with all its spaces, gets passed correctly.  Sorry I showed you the example in bash/linux rather than in Windows, but I don't know Windows real well - you're better off translating into it yourself than my untested attempts.  The one thing I can tell you is that the "Execute new" command must include the "background fork".  In Linux this is provided by the & at the end of the line. In windows you'll need to use

Execute new = start "dummy" /min mass_post.bat

to background the process.  This is ESSENTIAL.  Without backgrounding the batch file, the elogd server will go into an infinite loop.  The parent process will wait for the child process to exit before continuing.  elogd is single-threaded, so the child process cannot start until the parent process has completed its current task (which is waiting for the child process to exit). 

You may need to tweak the above a little if you want to pass variable attributes to the script instead of defining them all in the script itself.


icon1.gif   Icon and Quick filter, posted by Franck C on Tue Jun 17 11:42:20 2008 


I have defined a quick filter based on an icon attribute and it does not work: no result. I have defined something like your "forum elog" (with Icon comment ): in the quick filter, i see the comments (that a good thing) but whatever i'm selecting, i have no entry.

Is it a bug or i miss something in the configuration ?


ELOG is a really helpful application

Thanks a lot !!

    icon2.gif   Re: Icon and Quick filter, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jun 23 12:40:12 2008 Capture.png

Franck C wrote:


I have defined a quick filter based on an icon attribute and it does not work: no result. I have defined something like your "forum elog" (with Icon comment ): in the quick filter, i see the comments (that a good thing) but whatever i'm selecting, i have no entry.

Is it a bug or i miss something in the configuration ?

I tried to reproduce your problem, but it worked fine for me. I used in elog.cfg:

Attributes = Icon, Author, Type, Last Edit, Subject
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, icon6.gif, icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
Quick filter = Icon

Then I entered two entries with different icons, and I selected the quick filter. It correctly showed me the entry with the icon I selected:


icon5.gif   browse for hyperlink target?, posted by George Chisholm on Thu Jun 26 22:53:59 2008 

Just upgraded to v2.7.4 and really like the new editor but I need to be able to browse for the correct file when inserting a hyperlink.  I looked into CKfinder but can't see how to use this with ELOG.  Can anyone help?  We have been using ELOG in our control center for about a year and it is working out great!

    icon2.gif   Re: browse for hyperlink target?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 27 11:45:09 2008 

George Chisholm wrote:

Just upgraded to v2.7.4 and really like the new editor but I need to be able to browse for the correct file when inserting a hyperlink.  I looked into CKfinder but can't see how to use this with ELOG.  Can anyone help?  We have been using ELOG in our control center for about a year and it is working out great!

CKfinder is a tool to browse the server, not the client where the web browser is running if I understand correctly. ELOG only supports attachment and inline images residing on the client side, so you browse with the file selector of your web browser. Or did I understand you incorrectly?

    icon2.gif   Re: browse for hyperlink target?, posted by George Chisholm on Fri Jun 27 18:31:08 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

George Chisholm wrote:

Just upgraded to v2.7.4 and really like the new editor but I need to be able to browse for the correct file when inserting a hyperlink.  I looked into CKfinder but can't see how to use this with ELOG.  Can anyone help?  We have been using ELOG in our control center for about a year and it is working out great!

CKfinder is a tool to browse the server, not the client where the web browser is running if I understand correctly. ELOG only supports attachment and inline images residing on the client side, so you browse with the file selector of your web browser. Or did I understand you incorrectly?


Thanks for the reply Stefan and thanks for making this program available - where can we send a donation?

When I click 'InsertLink' in the FCKeditor I get an 'Explorer User Promp' popup asking me to enter the name of the hyperlink.  After I enter the name I get 'Enter URL of hyperlink'.  Typically I want to link to a file on a mapped drive but I would prefer to browse to the file location and select the file rather than type it in.

    icon2.gif   Re: browse for hyperlink target?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Jun 28 10:10:54 2008 browse.jpg

George Chisholm wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

George Chisholm wrote:

Just upgraded to v2.7.4 and really like the new editor but I need to be able to browse for the correct file when inserting a hyperlink.  I looked into CKfinder but can't see how to use this with ELOG.  Can anyone help?  We have been using ELOG in our control center for about a year and it is working out great!

CKfinder is a tool to browse the server, not the client where the web browser is running if I understand correctly. ELOG only supports attachment and inline images residing on the client side, so you browse with the file selector of your web browser. Or did I understand you incorrectly?


Thanks for the reply Stefan and thanks for making this program available - where can we send a donation?

When I click 'InsertLink' in the FCKeditor I get an 'Explorer User Promp' popup asking me to enter the name of the hyperlink.  After I enter the name I get 'Enter URL of hyperlink'.  Typically I want to link to a file on a mapped drive but I would prefer to browse to the file location and select the file rather than type it in.


You can donate here by clicking the donate link at the ELOG page.

If you want to attach a file from a mapped drive you click on the "Browse..." button at the bottom of the ELOG page:



icon5.gif   Sorting Museremail, posted by Steve Williamson on Mon Jun 30 10:55:29 2008 

We use elog for (amongst other things) a simple change management log.  About two dozen users allowed to do updates and their email addresses are listed at the bottom of the page to allow any of them to be included on circulation for a change request.  The email addresses appear in the order that they were added (i.e. apparently random).  Is there any way to sort these, ideally by Last part of Full Name/First part of Full Name, but login name or email address would be OK?

Thanks for a great piece of software.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6