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  67888   Thu May 7 02:25:16 2015 Reply Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindows310.3Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV
> > Title says all :)
> > 
> > Is it possible to preload Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV instead of being load from the elogd.conf ?
> > 
> > Thanks :)
> Quick and simple answer: No.
> But please explain me what your case is. Maybe this can be done differently.

That's clear :)

So basically, I have a list of 5-10 workers. I'll have to choose one for each entry I make into the logbook. But these workers will change from time to time 
(students) and I don't want the staff to manipulate the config file manually..("Extendable options" is not an option as I will get to many "Darth Vader" entry for 

I asked if I could populate that option box from another logbook attribute and Andreas told me only possible via external scripts.

I investigate a little but I found that :

a) I couldn't make shell command to execute while elogd was running as a service (I'm running windows and $shell was just returning weird stuff ); shell script was 
working only when I launch elogd.exe from a command line:

-elogd as a Service running the following : Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
will return : Shell execution not enabled via -x flag

-modifying the Windows Service to add "-X" and running the following :Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
will return : a empty attribute

-running elogd "-x" from a command line, the following : Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
will return : the dir result..

(I also tried to change under witch user the service was running..)

b) I just couldn't figure how to build that script....

But that would be so nice ! I can see so many situations where I could use such a scenario (loading options from another logbook or from a txt/csv file 


  67890   Thu May 7 14:37:39 2015 Reply Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindows310.3Re: Preloading Options or Moptions from a text file or CSV
Not really...
The thing is I have to let some users the capacity of changing the content of that option list.. I was hoping there could be a different way for 
them then to edit the cfg file...

That why I came up at first ask if it could be possible to load an Option list from the content of another logbook... that way I could have made 
up some sort of "worker" logbook that would have feed the main logbook Attribute "workers" options list.

> Forget scripting under Windows, this is painful and not really working. Wrong OS for that.
> But have you considered conditional attributes? With this you can load different option lists straight from the file. Use something 
like this:
> Attributes ..., List, Person
> Options List = List A{1}, List B{2}
> {1} Options Person = Person a1, Person a2, ...
> {2} Options Person = Person b1, Person b2, ...
> So if you choose either "List A" or "List B", you get a different set of persons. Is it that what you want?
> /Stefan
> > a) I couldn't make shell command to execute while elogd was running as a service (I'm running windows and $shell was just returning weird 
stuff ); shell script was 
> > working only when I launch elogd.exe from a command line:
> > 
> > -elogd as a Service running the following : Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
> > will return : Shell execution not enabled via -x flag
> > 
> > -modifying the Windows Service to add "-X" and running the following :Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
> > will return : a empty attribute
> > 
> > -running elogd "-x" from a command line, the following : Subst Infographiste = $shell(dir c:\) 
> > will return : the dir result..
> > 
> > (I also tried to change under witch user the service was running..)
> > 
> > b) I just couldn't figure how to build that script....
> > 
> > But that would be so nice ! I can see so many situations where I could use such a scenario (loading options from another logbook or from a 
txt/csv file 
> > somewhere...)
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > :)
  67900   Wed May 13 14:58:46 2015 Idea Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caBug reportWindows3.1.0-3Attribute not updated
Good day,

I'm populating 2 fields based on the Option set in a third one.
It works, but for some reason, sometimes when I change the entry from one value to another (from 3/01/2015 to 26/03/2016) , the field "# Volume" stays at the first position 
(149) and doesn't get updated... I tried both with Chrome and IE.

Attributes = #Réception, #Galée, #Volume, #Parution, Partie, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
Commentaires, Contrôle final
List display = Edit, #Réception, #Volume, #Parution, #Galée, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
Show attributes edit = #Réception, #Volume, Partie, #Galée, Parution, #Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, 
Commentaires, Contrôle final

Menu commands = Select, edit, Move to, Delete
List menu commands = Select, New, Find
Move to = Archives

Fixed Attributes Edit = #Réception, #Parution
Locked Attributes = #Réception, #Volume, Partie,  #Parution

Preset #Réception = 1-#####

Preset Partie = 1
Preset Infographiste = -
Preset Réviseur = -
Preset Contrôleur = -
Preset Correcteur = -

Options Parution = 3/01/2015{1}, 10/01/2015{2}, 17/01/2015{3}, 24/01/2015{4}, 31/01/2015{5}, 7/02/2015{6}, 14/02/2015{7}, 21/02/2015{8}, 28/02/2015{9}, 7/03/2015{10}, 
14/03/2015{11}, 21/03/2015{12}, 28/03/2015{13}, 4/04/2015{14}, 11/04/2015{15}, 18/04/2015{16}, 25/04/2015{17}, 2/05/2015{18}, 9/05/2015{19}, 16/05/2015{20}, 23/05/2015{21}, 
30/05/2015{22}, 6/06/2015{23}, 13/06/2015{24}, 20/06/2015{25}, 27/06/2015{26}, 4/07/2015{27}, 11/07/2015{28}, 18/07/2015{29}, 25/07/2015{30}, 1/08/2015{31}, 8/08/2015{32}, 
15/08/2015{33}, 22/08/2015{34}, 29/08/2015{35}, 5/09/2015{36}, 12/09/2015{37}, 19/09/2015{38}, 26/09/2015{39}, 3/10/2015{40}, 10/10/2015{41}, 17/10/2015{42}, 24/10/2015{43}, 
31/10/2015{44}, 7/11/2015{45}, 14/11/2015{46}, 21/11/2015{47}, 28/11/2015{48}, 5/12/2015{49}, 12/12/2015{50}, 19/12/2015{51}, 26/12/2015{52}, 2/01/2016{53}, 9/01/2016{54}, 
16/01/2015{55}, 23/01/2016{56}, 30/01/2016{57}, 6/02/2016{58}, 13/02/2016{59}, 20/02/2016{60}, 27/02/2016{61}, 5/03/2016{62}, 12/03/2016{63}, 19/03/2016{64}, 26/03/2016{65}

Options Infographiste = -, ML, TS, AN, AC
Options Réviseur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
Options Contrôleur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
Options Correcteur = -, ML, TS, AN, AC

{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51}Preset #Volume = 149
{53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65}Preset #Volume = 150

{1} Preset #Parution = 1
{2} Preset #Parution = 2
{3} Preset #Parution = 3
{4} Preset #Parution = 4
{5} Preset #Parution = 5
{6} Preset #Parution = 6
{7} Preset #Parution = 7
{8} Preset #Parution = 8
{9} Preset #Parution = 9
{10} Preset #Parution = 10
{11} Preset #Parution = 11
{12} Preset #Parution = 12
{13} Preset #Parution = 13
{14} Preset #Parution = 14
{15} Preset #Parution = 15
{16} Preset #Parution = 16
{17} Preset #Parution = 17
{18} Preset #Parution = 18
{19} Preset #Parution = 19
{20} Preset #Parution = 20
{21} Preset #Parution = 21
{22} Preset #Parution = 22
{23} Preset #Parution = 23
{24} Preset #Parution = 24
{25} Preset #Parution = 25
{26} Preset #Parution = 26
{27} Preset #Parution = 27
{28} Preset #Parution = 28
{29} Preset #Parution = 29
{30} Preset #Parution = 30
{31} Preset #Parution = 31
{32} Preset #Parution = 32
{33} Preset #Parution = 33
{34} Preset #Parution = 34
{35} Preset #Parution = 35
{36} Preset #Parution = 36
{37} Preset #Parution = 37
{38} Preset #Parution = 38
{39} Preset #Parution = 39
{40} Preset #Parution = 40
{41} Preset #Parution = 41
{42} Preset #Parution = 42
{43} Preset #Parution = 43
{44} Preset #Parution = 44
{45} Preset #Parution = 45
{46} Preset #Parution = 46
{47} Preset #Parution = 47
{48} Preset #Parution = 48
{49} Preset #Parution = 49
{50} Preset #Parution = 50
{51} Preset #Parution = 51
{52} Preset #Parution = 52
{53} Preset #Parution = 1
{54} Preset #Parution = 2
{55} Preset #Parution = 3
{56} Preset #Parution = 4
{57} Preset #Parution = 5
{58} Preset #Parution = 6
{59} Preset #Parution = 7
{60} Preset #Parution = 8
{61} Preset #Parution = 9
{62} Preset #Parution = 10
{63} Preset #Parution = 11
{64} Preset #Parution = 12
{65} Preset #Parution = 13
  67901   Wed May 13 15:19:55 2015 Reply Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caBug reportWindows3.1.0-3Re: Attribute not updated
I also tried with :
{1, 53} Preset #Parution = 1
{2, 54} Preset #Parution = 2
{3, 55} Preset #Parution = 3
{4, 56} Preset #Parution = 4
{5,57} Preset #Parution = 5
{6, 58} Preset #Parution = 6
{7, 59} Preset #Parution = 7
{8, 60} Preset #Parution = 8
{9, 61} Preset #Parution = 9
{10, 62} Preset #Parution = 10
{11, 63} Preset #Parution = 11
{12, 64} Preset #Parution = 12
{13,65} Preset #Parution = 13

> Good day,
> I'm populating 2 fields based on the Option set in a third one.
> It works, but for some reason, sometimes when I change the entry from one value to another (from 3/01/2015 to 26/03/2016) , the field "# Volume" stays at the first position 
> (149) and doesn't get updated... I tried both with Chrome and IE.
> Attributes = #Réception, #Galée, #Volume, #Parution, Partie, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
> Commentaires, Contrôle final
> List display = Edit, #Réception, #Volume, #Parution, #Galée, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
> Contrôle 
> final
> Show attributes edit = #Réception, #Volume, Partie, #Galée, Parution, #Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, 
> Correction, 
> Commentaires, Contrôle final
> Menu commands = Select, edit, Move to, Delete
> List menu commands = Select, New, Find
> Move to = Archives
> Fixed Attributes Edit = #Réception, #Parution
> Locked Attributes = #Réception, #Volume, Partie,  #Parution
> Preset #Réception = 1-#####
> Preset Partie = 1
> Preset Infographiste = -
> Preset Réviseur = -
> Preset Contrôleur = -
> Preset Correcteur = -
> Options Parution = 3/01/2015{1}, 10/01/2015{2}, 17/01/2015{3}, 24/01/2015{4}, 31/01/2015{5}, 7/02/2015{6}, 14/02/2015{7}, 21/02/2015{8}, 28/02/2015{9}, 7/03/2015{10}, 
> 14/03/2015{11}, 21/03/2015{12}, 28/03/2015{13}, 4/04/2015{14}, 11/04/2015{15}, 18/04/2015{16}, 25/04/2015{17}, 2/05/2015{18}, 9/05/2015{19}, 16/05/2015{20}, 23/05/2015{21}, 
> 30/05/2015{22}, 6/06/2015{23}, 13/06/2015{24}, 20/06/2015{25}, 27/06/2015{26}, 4/07/2015{27}, 11/07/2015{28}, 18/07/2015{29}, 25/07/2015{30}, 1/08/2015{31}, 8/08/2015{32}, 
> 15/08/2015{33}, 22/08/2015{34}, 29/08/2015{35}, 5/09/2015{36}, 12/09/2015{37}, 19/09/2015{38}, 26/09/2015{39}, 3/10/2015{40}, 10/10/2015{41}, 17/10/2015{42}, 
> 31/10/2015{44}, 7/11/2015{45}, 14/11/2015{46}, 21/11/2015{47}, 28/11/2015{48}, 5/12/2015{49}, 12/12/2015{50}, 19/12/2015{51}, 26/12/2015{52}, 2/01/2016{53}, 9/01/2016{54}, 
> 16/01/2015{55}, 23/01/2016{56}, 30/01/2016{57}, 6/02/2016{58}, 13/02/2016{59}, 20/02/2016{60}, 27/02/2016{61}, 5/03/2016{62}, 12/03/2016{63}, 19/03/2016{64}, 26/03/2016{65}
> Options Infographiste = -, ML, TS, AN, AC
> Options Réviseur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
> Options Contrôleur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
> Options Correcteur = -, ML, TS, AN, AC
> {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51}Preset #Volume = 149
> {53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65}Preset #Volume = 150
> {1} Preset #Parution = 1
> {2} Preset #Parution = 2
> {3} Preset #Parution = 3
> {4} Preset #Parution = 4
> {5} Preset #Parution = 5
> {6} Preset #Parution = 6
> {7} Preset #Parution = 7
> {8} Preset #Parution = 8
> {9} Preset #Parution = 9
> {10} Preset #Parution = 10
> {11} Preset #Parution = 11
> {12} Preset #Parution = 12
> {13} Preset #Parution = 13
> {14} Preset #Parution = 14
> {15} Preset #Parution = 15
> {16} Preset #Parution = 16
> {17} Preset #Parution = 17
> {18} Preset #Parution = 18
> {19} Preset #Parution = 19
> {20} Preset #Parution = 20
> {21} Preset #Parution = 21
> {22} Preset #Parution = 22
> {23} Preset #Parution = 23
> {24} Preset #Parution = 24
> {25} Preset #Parution = 25
> {26} Preset #Parution = 26
> {27} Preset #Parution = 27
> {28} Preset #Parution = 28
> {29} Preset #Parution = 29
> {30} Preset #Parution = 30
> {31} Preset #Parution = 31
> {32} Preset #Parution = 32
> {33} Preset #Parution = 33
> {34} Preset #Parution = 34
> {35} Preset #Parution = 35
> {36} Preset #Parution = 36
> {37} Preset #Parution = 37
> {38} Preset #Parution = 38
> {39} Preset #Parution = 39
> {40} Preset #Parution = 40
> {41} Preset #Parution = 41
> {42} Preset #Parution = 42
> {43} Preset #Parution = 43
> {44} Preset #Parution = 44
> {45} Preset #Parution = 45
> {46} Preset #Parution = 46
> {47} Preset #Parution = 47
> {48} Preset #Parution = 48
> {49} Preset #Parution = 49
> {50} Preset #Parution = 50
> {51} Preset #Parution = 51
> {52} Preset #Parution = 52
> {53} Preset #Parution = 1
> {54} Preset #Parution = 2
> {55} Preset #Parution = 3
> {56} Preset #Parution = 4
> {57} Preset #Parution = 5
> {58} Preset #Parution = 6
> {59} Preset #Parution = 7
> {60} Preset #Parution = 8
> {61} Preset #Parution = 9
> {62} Preset #Parution = 10
> {63} Preset #Parution = 11
> {64} Preset #Parution = 12
> {65} Preset #Parution = 13
  67905   Thu May 14 02:27:58 2015 Reply Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caBug reportWindows3.1.0-3Re: Attribute not updated
> Hi Francois,
> as far as I know there is a limit on the number of conditions you can use (See elog:67303).
> I guess you did hit that limit.
> I think I've mentioned recently that ELOG is not a relational database, didn't I?
> It is of course possible to drive screws with a hammer, but there do exist more suitable tools for that ;-)
> Kind regards
> Andreas

Got it...
But again, I found it strange that it works from time to time.... is it an elog limit or a javascript issue....

the guide mentions :
Options <attribute> = <list>
Usually, an text field is used for an attribute, where the user can fill in text of up to 100 characters.
but no words on options size...

I would say if it was a size issue it would not work at all no ?... but now it works from time to time....
But you are right, maybe I should get a bigger hammer :)

Seriously, I really hope It could make it... Could you try it on your side ? could I enable some sort of debug mode other than running elogd from a shell ?
  67906   Thu May 14 02:35:15 2015 Question Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindows3.1.0Elogd synchronisation with remote server
I came accross the admin guide and I was reading / searching for a way to sync logbooks across sites...
elogd mention "-m" and "-M" ... not elog but elogd... with that description :
synchronize logbook(s) with remote server

Does it sync all logbooks ? is there any examples somewhere or advice ?

Thanks :)
  67908   Thu May 14 05:08:06 2015 Reply Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caBug reportWindows3.1.0-3Re: Attribute not updated
> > Seriously, I really hope It could make it... Could you try it on your side ?
> My personal opinion here is, that if you want others to investigate your problems, then the best way to do it is like that:
> - attach a minimal configuration that reproduces your problem (never attach a 100 line configuration, unless you've tested that the problem disappears
> regardless of which line you remove!);
> - attach the entry data, if the behaviour depends on the data;
> - use a specific, to the point subject line;
> - explain what you did, what happened and what you would have expected to happen;
> - ask kindly; and then
> - wait and hope for the best ;-)
> (This is actually a very general procedure; I think it is applicable to all newsgroups, forums, etc.)
> BTW: This tip was absolutely free of charge ;-)

Thanks for your comments. Thats why I posted in the first msg my configuration details... I just hope there can be a solution :)
I saw in the doc that an attribute cant be bigger than 100 char. but I couldn't figure the maximum size for options...  I'm wondering if the issue comes from the browser not refreshing correctly or if its elog..
Again, I tought that if that was from elog limitations, the attributes wouldn't load the options presets at all... but they do, (attribute volume) ... just not all the time :)

I understand that you are proactive on this forum and eventually I was thinking of contributing with detailed specific config examples but for now I just would like to get on track :) 
The last time I used Elog was 10 years ago :) it changed alot since :)
  68125   Fri Sep 25 19:10:45 2015 Question Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindowsCurrentSubmit to multiple logbooks simultaniously

Good day,

My question is : Is it possible to submit to multiple logbooks simultaniously ?

I have 5 logbooks that could share common attributes, is there a way to acheive that without recreate a new entry in each of them ?

Thanks for your help.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886