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    icon2.gif   Re: Absolut links for images in FCK Editor, posted by Jochen Krempel on Tue Feb 12 23:57:52 2008 

            Stefan Ritt wrote:
    icon2.gif   Re: move mxml code into elog's src directory, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 15 06:59:52 2008 

            Jeff Stoner wrote:
            The mxml source code should be moved into the elog-*/src directory. This requires changing the Makefile
    icon2.gif   Re: Message ID and trouble ticketing system, posted by Richard Ecclestone on Fri Feb 15 15:46:38 2008 

    icon2.gif   Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Feb 18 07:03:29 2008 

            Dan Gawarecki wrote:
            I automatically install software on 3 machines in our lab, and at the end of the process, use eLOG to record
    icon2.gif   Re: elog crashing on startup, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Feb 18 08:00:44 2008 

            Jeff Stoner wrote:
            I create 14 of them, one for every 2 letters of the English alphabet and 0-9. The logbook name and Subdir
    icon2.gif   Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows, posted by Dan Gawarecki on Mon Feb 18 17:25:42 2008 
Thanks for the analysis and information.  Why am I not surprised that the "No error" came from Windows!? 
I tried some of your suggestions with the following results:
    icon2.gif   Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Feb 18 17:51:49 2008 

            Dan Gawarecki wrote:
            QUESTION:  does command line ELOG connect differently than ELOG through the browser?
    icon2.gif   Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows, posted by Dan Gawarecki on Mon Feb 18 22:20:02 2008 
Since both my machine and the Elog server PC are inside my company's "security zone", I am not running a firewall on my machine.
For what it's worth:  in trying to research the "No error" message, I did come across this information on MS's website; that is,
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6