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    icon2.gif   Re: configuration of rss feeds, posted by W.Koster on Mon Apr 28 13:37:01 2008 
> Have you tried the RSS Title option?

doh ... thanks, works perfectly (well apart from the lost end-of-lines in the text portion)
    icon2.gif   Re: config settings to ensure replies to author, thread contributors, admin?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 1 08:40:13 2007 

Mark Bergman wrote:
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Severity, Subject, Entry ID, Status, CC E-mail To
Display Email recipients = 1
Email All = $CC E-mail To
Email All =
Email Format = 47
Suppress default = 0
Type CC E-mail To = museremail

The documentation states that there can be multiple "Email All" directives, so I thought they would be additive--causing the admin address and the author to always get mail.

There can be multiple "Email All" directives, but they have to be on one line, like
Email All = $CC E-mail To,

Mark Bergman wrote:

Is there a setting to ensure that the original author of the thread is always notified upon any change?

You can do something like:
Attributes = ..., Author Email
Preset Author Email = $user_email
Email All = $Author Email, $CC E-mail to,

An alternative (and that's what I usually do) is to keep "Suppress email to users = 0" and tell the users to remove their subscription if they don't like it. Note that you also can edit the password file manually (it's a XML file), and remove all subscriptions easily with an editor. Note that you have to do that when elogd is stopped, then edit the file, then restart elgod.

- Stefan
    icon2.gif   Re: conditional options are not working in find , posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 17 22:17:05 2008 

Arno Teunisse wrote:

Would be nice if the user can search with the same items he used entering the data into the form.

I finally found some time to implement conditional attributes in the find form. This new feature is contained in SVN revision 2104 and in the Windows version 2.7.3-3.

    icon2.gif   Re: conditional options are not working in find , posted by Arno Teunisse on Thu Apr 17 22:40:12 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Arno Teunisse wrote:

Would be nice if the user can search with the same items he used entering the data into the form.

I finally found some time to implement conditional attributes in the find form. This new feature is contained in SVN revision 2104 and in the Windows version 2.7.3-3.

Hello Stefan

Just downloaded the windows version. It is working great !! Thanks, for this quick solution.. and you're time..

Just like elog more and more...



    icon2.gif   Re: conditional options are not working in find , posted by Arno Teunisse on Thu Apr 17 23:20:50 2008 

Arno Teunisse wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Arno Teunisse wrote:

Would be nice if the user can search with the same items he used entering the data into the form.

I finally found some time to implement conditional attributes in the find form. This new feature is contained in SVN revision 2104 and in the Windows version 2.7.3-3.

Hello Stefan

Just downloaded the windows version. It is working great !! Thanks, for this quick solution.. and you're time..

Just like elog more and more...



Just noticed that in IExplorer and Firefox when creating a new entrie i got a popup with the following text in it : Unknown toolbar item "ShowBlocks"

When clicking OK : everything is working. Think it has to do with FCKedit, but I'm not shure.


    icon2.gif   Re: conditional options are not working in find , posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 18 07:47:54 2008 

Arno Teunisse wrote:

Just noticed that in IExplorer and Firefox when creating a new entrie i got a popup with the following text in it : Unknown toolbar item "ShowBlocks"

When clicking OK : everything is working. Think it has to do with FCKedit, but I'm not shure.

There must be an old version of FCKedit. Maybe just clear your browser's cache and try again. You can also try to download elog273-3.exe again (the one from yesterday I built at home on my laptop, so maybe something went wrong...). The current one (dated April 18th) I build at the institute.

    icon2.gif   Re: conditional options are not working in find , posted by Arno Teunisse on Fri Apr 18 20:30:12 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Arno Teunisse wrote:

Just noticed that in IExplorer and Firefox when creating a new entrie i got a popup with the following text in it : Unknown toolbar item "ShowBlocks"

When clicking OK : everything is working. Think it has to do with FCKedit, but I'm not shure.

There must be an old version of FCKedit. Maybe just clear your browser's cache and try again. You can also try to download elog273-3.exe again (the one from yesterday I built at home on my laptop, so maybe something went wrong...). The current one (dated April 18th) I build at the institute.

Hello Stefan

You're right. Probably it's the old FCKedit that was in the browser cache. Clearing it and the problem was gone.

So there's nothing wrong with you're laptop.

Thank's again for the fix..


    icon2.gif   Re: conditional attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 9 10:52:29 2009 
> I'm (ab)using elog as a database and would like to use conditional attributes, like:
> Attributes = PC Name, Operating System, Version, Distribution
> Options Operating System = Linux{1}, Windows{2}
> {1} Show Attributes Edit = Operating System, Distribution, PC Name
> {2} Show Attributes Edit = Operating System, PC Name, Version
> Problem is that there are several conditions and the list of attributes is rather long. Also, since it's a
> rather dynamic environment I have to make new attributes all the time, and adding them to all "show attributes"
>  lists is not only tedious, but bound to cause errors as well.
> So... 
> I was thinking, would it be an idea to make the list of attributes to be shown or hidden on a per attribute base.
> Like:
> Attributes = PC Name, Operating System, Version, Distribution
> # hide specific attributes
> Hide attributes = Distribution, PC Name
> # or configure which fields should be shown allways
> Show Attributes = Operating System, Version
> # add attributes based on OS
> Options Operating System = Linux{1}, Windows{2}
> {1} Show Attribute Edit = Distribution
> {2} Show Attribute Edit = PC Name
> (just thinking out loud here).

Sure such a think can be implemented, but I have no time right now to do so. I will put it on the wish list.
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