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  66001   Mon Oct 13 17:02:17 2008 Disagree Kevin O'Sullivankosok@stanford.eduQuestionLinux2.7.4-2111Error Message During Uploads

We've been having toruble with uploads not working and I notice that every time someone uploads to our elog the same error message appears in /var/log/syslog:

Cannot restore original GID/UID.

How can I fix thsi error? Or, perhaps more importantly, could it cause elog to "lock up" (note, it doesn't crash)?

I'm runing elog on Ubuntu kernel version 2.6.24-server.

  66002   Tue Oct 14 10:29:34 2008 Question T. Ribbrockemgaron+elog@ribbrock.orgQuestionLinux2.7.5-2130"Style" based on two MOptions - possible?

We have a logbook in which we use two "Status" attributes, both of which are MOptions. What we want to do is have the corresponding line of the list change its colour depending on the combination of those attributes. I have done so successfully using "Style" for a single Options or MOptions or even two Options (using conditionals and a third attribute), but up until now I have no luck with two MOptions. Conditionals do not seem to work with MOptions (the manual only mentions Options and when I tried anyway, it did not work... ) and multiple "Style" statements also do not seem to work. I've tried the following:

MOptions StatusA = Status-A-red, Status-A-orange, Status-A
MOptions StatusB = Status-B-red, Status-B-orange, Status-B

Style StatusA Status-A-red = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-red | Status-A-orange = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-red | Status-A = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-red | Status-A-orange | Status-A = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-orange = background-color:orange
Style StatusA Status-A-orange | Status-A = background-color:orange
Style StatusB Status-B-red = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-red | Status-B-orange = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-red | Status-B = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-red | Status-B-orange | Status-B = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-orange = background-color:orange
Style StatusB Status-B-orange | Status-B = background-color:orange

As far as I can see, the "Style" statement for StatusB only gets evaluated if none of the statements for StatusA matches (i.e. StatusA = Status-A). What I would want to achieve is that any "red" condition in either StatusA or StatusB takes precedence over "orange" and "none" and that "orange" takes precedence over "none".

Is there any solution for this problem short of merging both status attributes into one (which would be very unwieldy, especially, as StatusB is not used at all in some cases)? Any suggestions are most welcome!

Thanks in advance,


  66003   Fri Oct 17 16:59:42 2008 Question thorsten kampst.kamps@gmx.netQuestionWindows Possible to submit entries by email to logbook

Hi, thanks to everyone involved for giving us the elog.

A question:

Is it possible to submit entries to an elog on a remote machine by email?


Thanks, Thorsten

  66004   Fri Oct 17 17:03:02 2008 Question thorsten kampst.kamps@gmx.netQuestionWindows Easy way to submit images from screenshots as new entry

Hi, thanks for everyone involved for giving us the elog.

A question:

Is there an easy way (without intermediate save) to send screenshots (with irfan, snagit or hardcopy) as a new entry to an elog running on a remote machine?

Thanks, thorsten

  66005   Fri Oct 17 18:04:15 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows Re: Easy way to submit images from screenshots as new entry


thorsten kamps wrote:

Hi, thanks for everyone involved for giving us the elog.

A question:

Is there an easy way (without intermediate save) to send screenshots (with irfan, snagit or hardcopy) as a new entry to an elog running on a remote machine?

Thanks, thorsten


 I use HoverSnap. This program generates a saved screenshot with one keystroke, so at least it saves you the manual save.

  66006   Fri Oct 17 18:06:04 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows Re: Possible to submit entries by email to logbook


thorsten kamps wrote:

Hi, thanks to everyone involved for giving us the elog.

A question:

Is it possible to submit entries to an elog on a remote machine by email?


Thanks, Thorsten


 Have a look at Contributions.

  66007   Fri Oct 17 20:40:39 2008 Question Barendb.vandevrande@amtc2.comQuestionWindows2.7.5-2130Standard login Screen - bottom text

Hi Stefan.

I have been "playing" around with this great tool and found an interesting "issue" ...

I use multiple logbooks and have both "Protect Selection page = 1" and "Expand Selection Page = 1".

When I open my elog, I get a Standard Login Screen with the Standard Bottom Text "ELOG V2.7.5-2130" which will link to your this website.

When I "Logout" and "Login" again from the Logbook page, I get another Login Screen with my own "Bottom text login" which will link to my own elog page.

How can I apply my own Bottom Text to the Standard Login Screen ?

Thanks & Regards, Barend

  66008   Mon Oct 20 15:32:19 2008 Question T. Ribbrockemgaron+elog@ribbrock.orgQuestionAll2.7.5-2130(How) can I hide columns in List view?

Originally, all information about our machines was stored in a spreadsheet with one sheet for the hardware of the machines and one for the software. By now, I've sucessfully moved the software part to an elog logbook and am now looking at transferring the hardware part as well.

As both lists are machine-name based, one of the options would be to merge both lists, as this would place all machine-related info into one logbook. The downside of this is that I get so many columns in list view that the result is quite unwieldy. Hence, I would like to hide some columns - ideally creating a "hardware view" and a "software view".

From the documentation, the only option I could find that seemed suitable was "List conditions". Unfortunately, I do not quite understand from the manual how this is supposed to work, so I'm quite possibly doing something wrong. I've tried this:

; General settings
List conditions = 1

; Attributes
Attributes = Type, Created, StatusA, StatusB, Archived

; Options & Tooltips
Options Type = Type1{10}, Type2{11}

; Conditionals
{10}List display = Edit, Type, Created, Status
{11}List display = Edit, Type, Created, StatusA, StatusB, Archived

but no matter how I set "Type", it does not seem to have any effect on the List display. One thing I don't understand for example is how does elog decide in List view which entry sets the condition? If all entries are set to the same value (in this example e.g. "Type1")? The first entry? Or am I missing something altogether?

Also, if there are alternative ways how I could accomplish my goal, I'd also be most grateful for suggestions.

Thanks in advance,


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886