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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67988   Tue Jun 9 19:35:28 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxV3.1.1-22022e6Re: Problem with a draft message

Just read what I wrote at elog:67983

David Pilgram wrote:

Just to comment that the expected emails that one would have expected with the last two entries have either
been held up or simply have not been generated and sent - both the preceeding entries were submitted by using the "Back" button, this time I'll use the "Submit" button, which should generate a email.

David Pilgram wrote:

Just to comment that I submitted the entry below by pressing the "Back" button!

David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I had started to write a completely different bug report, but then realised I had not checked a detail.  I had written about one sentence.  So I decided to abort the message, and hit the "back" button.  Only I found that this had created a new entry in the elog listings.  I immediately went in and deleted it, but I had expected the "Back" button to have aborted the entry (as it does in 2.9.x) not to submit the entry!

It doesn't seem to have created an email, though.  And for the sake of all your users, I'd not want to experiment here on the matter too much!




  67986   Tue Jun 9 17:23:27 2015 Reply David reportLinuxV3.1.1-22022e6Re: Problem with a draft message

Just to comment that the expected emails that one would have expected with the last two entries have either
been held up or simply have not been generated and sent - both the preceeding entries were submitted by using the "Back" button, this time I'll use the "Submit" button, which should generate a email.

David Pilgram wrote:

Just to comment that I submitted the entry below by pressing the "Back" button!

David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I had started to write a completely different bug report, but then realised I had not checked a detail.  I had written about one sentence.  So I decided to abort the message, and hit the "back" button.  Only I found that this had created a new entry in the elog listings.  I immediately went in and deleted it, but I had expected the "Back" button to have aborted the entry (as it does in 2.9.x) not to submit the entry!

It doesn't seem to have created an email, though.  And for the sake of all your users, I'd not want to experiment here on the matter too much!



  67985   Tue Jun 9 17:21:25 2015 Reply David reportLinuxV3.1.1-22022e6Re: Problem with a draft message

Just to comment that I submitted the entry below by pressing the "Back" button!

David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I had started to write a completely different bug report, but then realised I had not checked a detail.  I had written about one sentence.  So I decided to abort the message, and hit the "back" button.  Only I found that this had created a new entry in the elog listings.  I immediately went in and deleted it, but I had expected the "Back" button to have aborted the entry (as it does in 2.9.x) not to submit the entry!

It doesn't seem to have created an email, though.  And for the sake of all your users, I'd not want to experiment here on the matter too much!


  67984   Tue Jun 9 17:17:11 2015  David reportLinuxV3.1.1-22022e6Problem with a draft message

Hi Stefan,

I had started to write a completely different bug report, but then realised I had not checked a detail.  I had written about one sentence.  So I decided to abort the message, and hit the "back" button.  Only I found that this had created a new entry in the elog listings.  I immediately went in and deleted it, but I had expected the "Back" button to have aborted the entry (as it does in 2.9.x) not to submit the entry!

It doesn't seem to have created an email, though.  And for the sake of all your users, I'd not want to experiment here on the matter too much!

  67983   Tue Jun 9 17:09:22 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0-2ELOG Forum: drafts cannot be deleted
> Another strange thing: the draft got submitted when I hit the "Back" button after reopening it.

Well, this is a problem indeed. When edit entries now, drafts gets saved regularly, overwriting your original entry. This is a limitation of the elog database, which cannot do full versioning. So "Back" is actually the same as "Commit without email notification". Or better "Commit some ten seconds ago". Now I 
don't know what the best solution is. I'm tempted to just remove the "Back" button and replace it with a "Delete" button. So people can either submit an entry or delete it completely. Any thoughts?
  67982   Tue Jun 9 16:58:28 2015 Reply Christof Hankehanke@rzg.mpg.deRequestAll3.1.0Re: logout to external page

Yes, I saw it on bitbucket, also all the commits. Thanks!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I implemented it, but actually called it Logout to URL = <URL>

Christof Hanke wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I am happy to see that you include the webserver authentication.
So I can now login at some other page and then access elog.
However, I would also need some means of logging out some where else.

For this I propose a new Configuration option "Logout to page" which redirects to another page if set and "Logout to main" is 0.

See the attached patch (against git HEAD)


Does this make sense to you ?



PS: Many thanks for the autosave mode,  I already used it ;-)



  67981   Tue Jun 9 16:57:06 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chCommentAll3.1.0Re: Documentation of the webserver authentication

Also this made it now to the docs. Thanks.

Christof Hanke wrote:

Hi Stefan,

here is a draft of how you could describe the webserver authentication in your docs.



  67980   Tue Jun 9 16:51:55 2015 Reply David subject line bug on resumit elog entries as new?

Hi Stefan,

The email sent from here had he expected (correct) message "A new ELOG entry..."

Thanks, David.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Any better now?

David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I see that you've updated the elog running this forum today, 5 versions after you reported fixing the "A new elog entry has been entered" and "An old elog entry has been updated" issue.  But the emails coming out are still all of the "An old elog entry...", rather than "A new..."


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6