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  66244   Mon Mar 9 19:00:26 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows2.7.5Re: Email recall function similar to what exists say in something like Outlook

Niall Dooley wrote:


Is there a way perhaps of implementing an email recall feature into E-Log? In other words, to recall an email before the recipient (s) read the email originating from the e-log. Something perhaps along the lines of what exists in something like Outlook.

Thks in advance.



No, this is not implemented. What I usually do is to check "Suppress Email notification", submit and revise my entry. Once I'm satisfied, I edit again and do not check "Suppress Email notification" so that the email is finally sent out.

  66252   Mon Mar 16 22:53:22 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinux2.7.5-2130Re: Adding texts for each attachment


Dongwook Jang wrote:

Dear Stefan,

First of all, I appreciate that you made such a nice program. I've used elog for more than 5 years and it was wonderful experince to me and my research work was very productive with this.

I have a suggestion to you to improve this while I was using elog. If users can add texts or comments for each attachment, it will be great.

I am not sure if someone was already suggested this or it is already in your wish list.

Thank you.

Dongwook Jang


Dear Dongwook,

no, this is not implemented and also was never requested. The way most people work is that images are included directly in the text, and the the text goes along with that.

So for example if I want to show you the ELOG logo, I put it here: elog.png 

If I want to add a comment for an attachment, I write it in the text and just refence the attachment with link. This way is more flexible that adding just a line of text to each attachment, since you can write several lines in the text, make a table etc. etc.

  66254   Wed Mar 18 04:23:41 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinux2.7.5-2130Re: Adding texts for each attachment
Dongwook Jang wrote:

Dear Stefan,

Maybe I used elog with very inefficient way so far. The way you suggested requires putting figures somewhere else, right?

Elog saves attachments on the machine that elog is running. I want to store figures in elog.

The logo you showed above is stored in this entry?

Thank you.

Dongwook Jang

If you embed an image (via the "insert image" button in the task bar) this image is stored as an attachment, but the actualy attachment is hidden and the image is shown in-line. Yes, it is stored on the server where elogd runs. 


  66255   Wed Mar 18 04:37:19 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.7.5-2130Re: Find usage


Mike Forster wrote:

Hello Stefan and Elog fans,

Is there a way to find entries with the words program and error when then are not contiguous in the text?



Please have a look at

does this help? 

  66262   Tue Mar 24 08:14:48 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.7.5Re: Storing Elog database files in version control (CVS/SVN/GIT)?

Brett Viren wrote:

Is it possible to store ELOG back-end database files in version control so as to synchronize multiple ELOG

Has anyone tried it? Any obvious show stoppers to such an approach?


I acknowledge that mirroring through SSL is highly requested, I will try to do my best to implement it. Doing it with version control on the back-end files is not such a good idea. After each synchronization you would have to restart the elogd servers, since they don't realize if the files got changed "under their feet". Furthermore, if you have changes on both sides on different entries for the same day, you have a conflict which you have to solve manually with an editor on the raw files. The elog synchronization works on the entry level, not on the file level. So if two different entries for the same day are changed on both servers, they are combined properly without conflict. Only if the same message got modified on both sides, elog reports a conflict and you have to choose one version or the other.
  66263   Tue Mar 24 10:34:14 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2.7.3Re: Escape emoticons in ELCODE


Gernot Buselmeier wrote:


I want to write a text like "John:Doe" in ELCODE. However the ":D" is converted to a LOL emoticon. I tried various ways to escape this. One solution I found was entering "John\:Doe". However, the upper-case D is converted to lower-case: the result reads "John:doe".


Thanks for an answer and many thanks for providing ELOG.



Thanks for reporting this bug. I fixed it in revision #2180. 

  66264   Tue Mar 24 10:42:25 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2.7.4Re: "Full" view formatting

Erik Iverson wrote:
I have a logbook I use to capture machine settings. There are many (~30) different attributes defined. I've defined the "Summary" view via "List display" in such a way that not all the attributes are displayed in the summary list, because there's no practical way to fit the 30 different attributes in 30 rows across the screen, and there's no need to have every attribute shown in the summary view. I would like to define something for the "Full" view that lets me put one (or more, but not all) attributes per line; much like the single-entry view does now, just with multiple entries. So a "Full" listing would look like

ID: 1
Attribute1: Value1
Attribute2: Value2
Attribute3: Value3

ID: 2
Attribute1: Value1
Attribute2: Value2
Attribute3: Value3

rather than
ID Attribute1 Attribute2 Attribute3
1 Value1 Value2 Value3
2 Value1 Value2 Value3

Any suggestions?

Thanks as always for a wonderful piece of software!

This is not implemented, but I will consider it for a future version.
  66265   Tue Mar 24 10:43:02 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.7.5-2130Re: Find usage


Mike Forster wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Mike Forster wrote:

Hello Stefan and Elog fans,

Is there a way to find entries with the words program and error when then are not contiguous in the text?



Please have a look at

does this help? 


 Hello Stefan,

I am looking for the same answer that Yoichi was looking for.  For instance, could the text keyword filtering be looped so that the first group of results is then filtered by the next keyword?



No, that's not possible unfortunately. 

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886