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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1993   Mon Oct 16 17:18:58 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size
I improved the performance by some factor in SVN revision 1733. Can you give it a try and report your speed improvement? Depending on the result, I can probably do even a bit better with some more effort.

- Stefan
  1996   Tue Oct 17 09:14:41 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.2Re: Email format

Arckonit wrote:
I know the use "use email heading" and other, but i would like to configure the body of the mail, where there is the link, the name of the author, etc.

Following options can be used to format the email body:

  • Use Email heading = ...
  • Use Email Subject = ...
  • Email attributes = ...
  • Email encoding = ...
  • Email format = ...

Probably the last one is the one you are looking for...
  1998   Tue Oct 17 09:32:21 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.2Re: Email format

Arckonit wrote:
Thanx for the quick answer
Email format = ?
Where can i find some help to use this feature ?

RTFM! search for Email format
  2002   Tue Oct 17 13:12:52 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux | Windows2.6.2-1723Re: Date format in Threaded display
That fix for Steve Jones was slightly different, it had to do with substitutions in threaded display. I fixed yours now in revision 1734, so give it a try.


  2004   Tue Oct 17 14:42:58 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size

Dimitrios Tsirigkas wrote:
I was wondering what is the cleanest way of changing old entries already submitted in ELCode into plain text. If I do not include ELCode in the allowed encodings does this apply to already submitted entries as well or will they still be treated as ELCode?

The encoding is stored as an "invisible" attribute in each entry. You can change it in two ways:

1) Select each entry, click "edit", change the encoding with the radio buttons at the bottom and submit it again

2) Go and edit directly the xxxxxxa.log files in your logbook directory. You will see in those files something like
Encoding: ELCode

and you can change it with an editor to
Encoding: plain

Afterwards you have to restart the elogd daemon.

Did you try the new version, would be interesting to see if it's any better...
  2009   Thu Oct 19 12:32:11 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux | Windows2.6.2-1723Re: Date format in Threaded display

deletoille wrote:
I’ve tried on the last available release (revision 1732) and I have the same problem.
You said in you previous message that: “I fixed yours now in revision 1734, so give it a try.”
Could you tell me when this one will be available?

Since you checked "Linux" in the "OS" of this entry, I was under the assumption that you were able to compile elog from the Subversion repository (

If you need the Windows executable, I made http://midas/elog/download/windows/elog262-6.exe for you.
  2011   Thu Oct 19 19:45:35 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.2-1699Re: How to pass attachment names to an Execute line?

Alexandre Lindote wrote:

I'm trying to pass the name of an attachment in a "Execute new " line, but I can't seem to get the correct syntax...
I've tried:
Execute new = echo "New document with reference $Internal Ref with the name $attachements " >> /home/zeplin3/lixo.log
Execute new = echo "New document with reference $Internal Ref with the name $attachements1 " >> /home/zeplin3/lixo.log
Execute new = echo "New document with reference $Internal Ref with the name $1 " >> /home/zeplin3/lixo.log

but nothing seem to work. If I remove the $attachments bit the output is correct...
Any suggestions?

Sorry there was a type in the documentation. You should write


and not


then it will work.
  2013   Fri Oct 20 13:28:38 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.2-1699Re: Text column in the main list

Alexandre Lindote wrote:
Is there a way of removing the "Text" column from the main listing of a logbook?
I have a logbook that works as a document database, and I don't even allow the entering of text... But the column insists on appearing! Smile

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