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  67980   Tue Jun 9 16:51:55 2015 Reply David subject line bug on resumit elog entries as new?

Hi Stefan,

The email sent from here had he expected (correct) message "A new ELOG entry..."

Thanks, David.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Any better now?

David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I see that you've updated the elog running this forum today, 5 versions after you reported fixing the "A new elog entry has been entered" and "An old elog entry has been updated" issue.  But the emails coming out are still all of the "An old elog entry...", rather than "A new..."


  67979   Tue Jun 9 16:46:48 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxV3.1.1-2c4f838Re: subject line bug on resumit elog entries as new?

Any better now?

David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I see that you've updated the elog running this forum today, 5 versions after you reported fixing the "A new elog entry has been entered" and "An old elog entry has been updated" issue.  But the emails coming out are still all of the "An old elog entry...", rather than "A new..."

  67978   Tue Jun 9 16:17:06 2015 Reply David subject line bug on resumit elog entries as new?

Hi Stefan,

I see that you've updated the elog running this forum today, 5 versions after you reported fixing the "A new elog entry has been entered" and "An old elog entry has been updated" issue.  But the emails coming out are still all of the "An old elog entry...", rather than "A new..."


Stefan Ritt wrote:

I fixed both issues, now resubmitting an entry or submitting a new entry both yields "New LEOG entry".

Jacky Li wrote:


I updated an old elog entry and resubmit it as new by checking the box resubmit as new.   Does the subject line should said it is a "New ELOG entry" instead of "Updated ELOG entry"?  Thank you.

Also when some people submit a new elog, the subject line is "Updated ELOG entry".  This is a bit odd.  I can't reproduce that bug when I did my test. 




  67977   Tue Jun 9 16:09:39 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll3.1.0Re: logout to external page

I implemented it, but actually called it Logout to URL = <URL>

Christof Hanke wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I am happy to see that you include the webserver authentication.
So I can now login at some other page and then access elog.
However, I would also need some means of logging out some where else.

For this I propose a new Configuration option "Logout to page" which redirects to another page if set and "Logout to main" is 0.

See the attached patch (against git HEAD)


Does this make sense to you ?



PS: Many thanks for the autosave mode,  I already used it ;-)


  67976   Tue Jun 9 15:44:49 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAll3.1.0Re: parse a correctly the username in save_user_config when using Webserver authentication

Hi Christof,

thanks for the patch, I merged it into the current HEAD.


Christof Hanke wrote:

Hi Stefan,


When we use Webserver authentication, we have the correct username already in the variable http_user.

The old way of copying this http_user to "user" is wrong since we don't use the size of http_user.

Instead, just encode the http_user variable directly.

See attached patch against git HEAD.




  67975   Tue Jun 9 15:28:53 2015 Reply Midas Userstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows3.1.0-3Re: Attribute not updated
> I saw in the doc that an attribute cant be bigger than 100 char. but I couldn't figure the maximum size for options...  I'm wondering if the issue comes from the browser not refreshing correctly or if its elog..

The number of possible options is limited in elog to 100. This is defined by MAX_N_LIST in elogd.h. You can try to increase it and recompile elogd, but no guarantee that this works.

The reason that it *sometimes* work is really a bug, I should do better limit checkings...

  67974   Tue Jun 9 15:22:03 2015 Reply Midas Userstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportOtherthis oneRe: edit somebody else's draft
> this elog offers me to edit a draft message, then yells at me "only some other user can edit this draft!!!".
> methinks I should only be offered to edit draft messages that I own or I can edit. K.O.

I changed this behaviour now, so authors can only edit their own drafts. Furthermore, drafts are not shown any more in the elog lists. In addition, deleting of entries is allowed now again in this forum, so if someone creates a draft by accident, he/she can delete it.

  67973   Tue Jun 9 13:22:25 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsV2.9.0-239Re: RSS Feed Not Providing Time Stamps For datetime Attributes

I fixed the problem in the current GIT version.


Kamen Nikolov wrote:

Can anyone help? Do I need to do something different or could this possibly be a bug that is fixed in a newer version?



Kamen Nikolov wrote:


I am using the RSS feed feature of Elog (V2.9.0-2396). I have a couple of attributes of type "datetime" (Start Time and Stop Time). I don't have a "Time Format" statement, so just using the default format. I am passing the Start Time and Stop Time attributes to the RSS Title with $Start Time and $Stop Time, but when looking at the RSS title in IE11 browser, I only see the date and not the time. Is there any way I can see the time as well?

Additional info:

I'm also passing the creation time of the Elog with $entry time and this is displaying correctly (both date and time).

Please let me know if I am doing something incorrectly?




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6