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  66306   Tue Apr 14 08:48:24 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.5-2175Re: Allow password change ???


Hal Proctor wrote:


Hal Proctor wrote:

How do you allow users to change password for a given logbook when the user keeps getting prompted for admin password to enter the change password feature?

I have Allow password change = 1 set global and at each logbook hoping that would work.

It allows them to change the password when and only when the user gets past the admin login when clicking CONFIG.




 Thats what we get for having two people working on the install and configuration.  LOL

When first creating and setting up the configs, we had  Admin Password = xxxxx  entered in each logbook config.  Once we created a password list we no longer needed that entry.

This was why each user who had login credentials was being asked to provide the admin password when trying to change their password. 


I didn't get your point completely, so is this issue now resolved? 

  66307   Tue Apr 14 10:28:11 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionMac OSX2.7.5-2172Re: images in elog in safari


Tsuguo Aramaki wrote:
Stefan Ritt wrote:


David Jaffe wrote:

i cannot view images in elog, either as attachments or as icons,

safari 3.2.1 mac os x 10.5.6


Thank you



Can you give me some more information? Can you see attachments in the Demo Logbook like here ? What about other browsers? Can you try to start elogd without keep-alives (using the "-k" flag)?


 Hi. I have a same problem... It works well with other browsers, like firefox and internet explorer, but not with safari (with and without keep-alives). 

The demo logbook in the link works fine with safari, though. 




Thanks for reporting this bug. I finally found the reason and fixed it in revision 2191. I made a new release 2.7.6 which contains all the collected bug fixes from the last few months.

  66315   Wed Apr 15 09:26:37 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAll2.7.6Re: Long cookie content is not handled properly.

Simon Patton wrote:
I discovered the infinite loop in 2.7.5 which can happen when a cookie's content is longer that the cookie array
designed to hold it. I also note that this issue has been addressed in 2.7.6, but the solution does not appear
to be correct and it can end up completely confusing the cookie extraction.

In 2.7.5 the code was:
    for (i = 0; *p && *p != ';' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' ; )
        if (i < (int) sizeof(cookie)-1)
            cookie[i++] = *p++;

While in 2.7.6 is became:
    for (i = 0; *p && *p != ';' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n';)
        if (i < (int) sizeof(cookie) - 1)
            cookie[i++] = *p++;

This leaves 'p' pointing to the middle of the cookie's content and I can not see that this is corrected in the loop (sorry if I've missed that).

The solution I used to patch 2.7.5 was the following:
    for (i = 0; *p && *p != ';' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' ; ++p)
        if (i < (int) sizeof(cookie)-1)
            cookie[i++] = *p;

which simply truncates the contents of the cookie (which is assumed not to be an elogd cookie) but leaves 'p' in the right place to extract the next one.

You're absolutely right about that. I incorporated your patch into revision #2192.
  66316   Wed Apr 15 09:51:35 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.5Re: Multi Logook Login


Hal Proctor wrote:


Grant Jeffcote wrote:


Hal Proctor wrote:

We have two logbooks, each with a different list of users. 
 The logbooks are open to all network users for read only.
A user with Write permisions logs into his designated logbook.
He then decides to view the other logbook, the one he does not have write permissions to by clicking on the tab to the other logbook.
He is immediately logged out of the logbook he has write permissions to.
He did not close his browser session, only clicked on the other logbook tab.
Is there Any way to keep that person logged into the logbook he has rights to without having the "keep me logged in Checkbox"?

 Just like this site has Forum, Config Examples, etc.

Once you select another tab they are logged out of their logbook they just logged in to.



 Have a look at this thread Hal, worked well for me:  Link


 thanks Grant, but I dont see the solution.  your last entry still states users being logged out when switching logbooks.

Are you suggesting that every user within our orginization needs to be on the deny list of logbook1 if they have rights to logook2?


Can you try the following:

  • Put your "password file = xxx" option from the [global] section in elogd.cfg into each individual logook, remove it from [global] 
  • Remove all cookies from your browser
  • Try again to log in to the individual logbooks

The login is handled through cookies. Once you log in, you get two cookies unm (for user name) and upwd (for user password). Each cookie contains a "path" which controls to which URL the browser sends that cookie. If you "password file = xxx" statement is under [global], then "path=/", meaning the cookie is sent for all logbooks. This confuses you if you have different rights for different logooks. If "password file = xxx" is however in each individual loogbooks configuration, then you get "path=/<lobook>". You can check that by inspecting your browser's cookies. In that case the login name and password cookies are only sent to the URL for that specific logbook. I have not tested that extensively (different browsers, with/without Apache proxy), but if it works reliably, I will put this into the documentation.

  66318   Wed Apr 15 12:56:18 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.6-2191Re: ROptions value changed in the edit page
> When ROptions items contain the same substring and this substring is also an ROptions item (ex: notdone, 
> done), the value of the entry could change in the edit page. 
> It depends on the item order in the config file. 
> If Options is used (instead of ROptions), it works as expected.
> Is it a bug?
> Examples : 
> #Insert "notdone" as new entry. When you try to edit the entry, the displayed value is "done".
> [test_bad]
> Attributes = Author, Category
> ROptions Category = notdone, done
> #No problem if you change the item order 
> [test_good]
> Attributes = Author, Category
> ROptions Category = done, notdone

Thanks for reporting this bug. I fixed it in SVN revisoin 2193.
  66321   Thu Apr 16 08:34:03 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2.7.5Re: Config so that users can delete only their own entries?

Dennis Seitz wrote:
I've tried

Deny_Delete = All
Allow Delete = $author

and just
Allow Delete = $author

But either users can delete anyone's entries, or they can't delete any entries.

Am I missing something? If not, can you add the capability to allow users to delete, but only their own entries?

Thanks as usual for a great piece of code!

You cannot put $author into any Allow or Deny option, only explicit login names (not "full" names). What you want however is
Restrict Edit = 1

which lets only the original author either delete or edit entries. If you use that option, you probably want as well
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Preset on duplicate Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author

So a user cannot pretend to be somebody else. You also need a valid "admin user = ..." statement. Note that the admin user always can delete/edit entries. If no admin user is defined, everybody has automatically admin rights, so Restrict Edit has no effect.
  66328   Fri Apr 24 09:03:05 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.6Re: Is there a way to import old log messages


Joseph Le wrote:

I update my elog from version 2.7.5 to 2.7.6 and mistakenly replace configuration file. so i have to reconfigure everything from ground up.  when my elog back online, old log messages are not show up. is there a way to import old log messages from old log book to new one.




You don't have to import old log book messages, they should be shown automatically (as long as you don't overwrite your configuration file mistakenly). If you had a different logbook name (not "demo") your files will still be there under c:\Program Files\ELOG\logbooks\<logbook name>.  Just add the proper name in elogd.cfg, restart elogd and you will see your old messages.

  66329   Fri Apr 24 12:25:16 2009 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.7.6-219Re: mail to localhost?


Mike wrote:



 What was your problem (maybe others could benefit from this information...) ???

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886