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ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  2098   Tue Nov 28 12:48:47 2006 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll2.6.3Version 2.6.3 released today
Dear ELOG users,

ELOG version 2.6.3 has been released today. It contains all the bug fixes, security fixes and a few new features collected since the last release which was actually almost half a year ago. The changelog contains all the details.

Due to the security fixes it is recommended to upgrade from any version prior to 2.6.3. Please note that the location of all password and log files has been moved from the main elog directory to the logbook directory. This means that after upgrading you have to move your password file manually, otherwise you cannot log in any more. This modification was requested because some ELOG installations (especially ones with top groups) can now have a read-only main directory.

Stefan Ritt
  2099   Tue Nov 28 12:50:19 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux | Windows2.6.2-1755Re: Resubmit-as-new-entry behaviour when synchronizing/mirroring

Andreas Warburton wrote:
Thanks for any comments or insights.

This problem was introduced a couple of months ago. It is now fixed in the new version 2.6.3.
  2101   Wed Nov 29 13:42:14 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows Re: Tool Tips

Grant Jeffcote wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Grant Jeffcote wrote:
What will the configuration line be?

If you have
MOptions item = value_1, value_2

you can do a
Tooltip value_1 = text

Thanks Stefan,

When implemented there seems to be a finite number of characters that are visible under a tool tip, is this an OS defined limit or something that can be changed?

ELOG itself has a limit of 256 characters, but that can be changed easily. I found that Mozilla Firefox only showed 70 characters and then three dots ("..."), while Internet Explorer showed all 256 characters, wrapping words if necessary. So it strongly depends on the browser.
  2104   Thu Nov 30 20:49:56 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows Re: Tool Tips

Grant Jeffcote wrote:
Thanks, we use Internet Explorer in service but I tested using Mozilla (hence above).
I'd really like to be able change the limit to more than 256 characters, is this simply a configuration parameter or a code change?

It is a code change. I increased it to 10000 chars in revision 1766, it will be contained in the next release.
  2107   Tue Dec 12 15:45:48 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.3Re: Preset reply date to nothing
> How do I preset the reply date to an empty box(es)?
> In 2.5.x it worked as
> Preset on reply Plan Date = ""
> gave me an empty date, which is what I wanted. Now in 2.6.3 I get some date in there (...1969) and have to
> manually set it to empty again ?
> Thanks

I fixed that in SVN revision 1777 again, so it will be included in the next release.
  2113   Tue Jan 16 21:13:42 2007 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAllELOG V2.6.Re: Addition of a Print CSS

Ian MacDonald wrote:
Is there any way to change the the embeded style sheet reference to allow a seperate style sheet for printing ?

Default config:-
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css">

Would like to configure to :-

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print">


I implemented your suggestion. You can use now
CSS = default.css&screen, print.css&print

The new code is in SVN revision 1782 and will be contained in the next release.
  2114   Tue Jan 16 23:01:30 2007 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.6.3-1776Re: ELOG Crash by many email address

An Thai wrote:

when I try to set above 112 email addresses in
"Email All = ..."
the Elog service will crash with the error ntdll.dll or memory addresses x0000000.
This problem does not happen when I reduce the number of email addresses.

Have you had the same problem?

I fixed that crash in the current version, but there is actually a limit of 100 email addresses. So anyhow you won't get the 12 ones above 100. I will try to increase that limit in the next version of elog.
  2116   Wed Jan 17 12:49:25 2007 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux | Windows2.6.3-1762Re: Two different attributes with the same list

deletoille wrote:
In this picture of my project, All the attributes included in the red circle are the same except the names of the attribute “Equipement Incriminé” and “Equipement impacté”.
“Equipement Incriminé” and “Equipement impacté” have the same list.

The displayed list for the both attributes is the multiple conditions result coming from the choice of “groupe incriminé or impacté, sous ensemble, selection, and localisation”.

So if I have to program the list twice, it will be twice bigger.

Do I need to program the same list twice for the two attributes or is there a simple command to say that the two precedent attributes are equal?

I don't understand your problem. The picture you attached, was this some ELOG output (it looks very different than the usual one...)? Do mean you have two attributes with the same "Options <attribute> = ...,..,.." list? With "multiple conditions" you mean that you do a search in ELOG with a condition one one attribute, but in the filter list both attributes having the same option list are shown. Is this correct? What section of the configuration file are you talking about?

Best regards

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6