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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  67921   Wed May 20 12:52:31 2015 Reply David reportLinux3.1.0Re: elogd moves elog entries> > elogd 3.1.0 moves all elog entries into
year-named subdirectories. this feature makes
it incompatible with older elogs and so should
  67920   Wed May 20 11:59:59 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: elogd moves elog entries> elogd 3.1.0 moves all elog entries into
year-named subdirectories. this feature makes
it incompatible with older elogs and so should
  67919   Wed May 20 01:59:17 2015 Entry Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caBug reportLinux3.1.0elogd moves elog entrieselogd 3.1.0 moves all elog entries into year-named
subdirectories. this feature makes it incompatible
with older elogs and so should be clearly
  67918   Wed May 20 01:54:55 2015 Entry Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caBug reportOtherthis oneedit somebody else's draftthis elog offers me to edit a draft message,
then yells at me "only some other user can
edit this draft!!!".
  67917   Wed May 20 01:52:23 2015 Entry Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caBug reportOtherthis onethis elog errors sending emailthis elog gives errors sending mail through
PSI email server. (did not capture the error
messages, sorry). K.O.
  67916   Wed May 20 01:49:37 2015 Entry Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caBug reportLinux3.1.0elconv deletes everythingConverting from elog 2.9.something to new
elog 3.1.0 elogd refuses to start, instructs
running elconv in one logbook.
  67915   Wed May 20 01:45:09 2015 Entry Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caBug reportLinux3.1.0elogd complains about unknown cookieselogd is spewing these messages about unknown
  67914   Tue May 19 16:34:20 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.2Re: Entry size too large for email notificationHi Jacky,

if I read the
source code correctly then the maximum size
of a base64 encoded email is hard coded to
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6