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  67875   Tue May 5 07:33:50 2015 Angy Thomas Lindnerlindner@triumf.caBug reportLinux3.1.0Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' button

We recently tried upgrading the ND280 elog instance to elog 3.1.0. [1] We seem to have some problems with this 'auto-save' functionality.  Specifically, it doesn't seem to play nice with the fact that we prefer to disable user's ability to edit old messages.  So we have (up to now), had the following set of commands specified in elogd.ccfg

Menu commands = List, New, Reply, Delete, Duplicate, Copy to, Move to, Find, Help

The problem is that we now get auto-saved messages, but no ability for the user to actually go back and finish the draft message.  You can see an example of this state in this test elog

Clicking on the draft message you can see that it can't be editted.  If you try to click 'new' then edit the draft, you get the message 'Error: Command "Edit" not allowed'.  So we had zombie draft messages, until we added the edit command back; but that defeats our preference that users not mess up old messages.

In general this auto-saving seems like a useful feature.  So the ideal solution for me would be to have some mode where users could edit/finish draft messages, but where we could still disable users from editting completed/finished messages.  Ie, where we can omit 'Edit' from the menu command, but still get auto-save.

A less ideal, but perhaps simpler solution would be that if an elog has omitted 'Edit' from the menu commands, then this auto-save/save functionality is disabled so that we don't get uneditable draft messages.


  67874   Mon May 4 22:28:37 2015 Question Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindows3.1.0-3Load attribute options from attributes in another logbook
Hi again,
Hope I'm not draining to much time from you guys !

here is the scenario (fake one just to understand the logic..):
My main logbook as a Option attribute Called "Electrician availables" 
My second logbook is a list of workers and there capacities Moptions : "Electrician", "Plumber", "Genius"

So my question is:

Is it possible to load my main logbook attribute "Electrician availables" Options based on all the "Electrician" found under my second logbook ?

Thanks :)
  67872   Mon May 4 16:03:19 2015 Cool Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindowsV3.1.0-5beRe: Subst Attributes...
Wow !!! Im impressed :):):) I didn't expect such a fast reply !!!

Thanks alot Stefan, I will try it right away !!

Andreas, I really like the idea of hiding attrib 1 and attrib2 and fill attrib3 with a script (I guess using elog.exe command line) ?
I play a little with it and I can modify an attribute with the command line but I cant figure how to set the cell style based on the attrib2 and 
replace attrib3 value with attrib1 value... (basicially I need help !!!) do you think you could help me ?
  67871   Mon May 4 15:44:07 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsV3.1.0-5beRe: Subst Attributes...

Indeed there was a bug when you have "Show Text = 0". I fixed that in the current GIT version. I also hide the "Preview" button if "Show text = 0" since it really makes no sense there. I made a Windows Patch 3.1.0-3 which  ontains this fix.

Francois Cloutier wrote:

-When using "Show Text = 0" (i'm only using attributes), creating a new entry present the menu "Submit", "Save", "Preview" and "Back".... Pressing "Save" leaves the page, shows "OK with a number" and "Preview" is useless. Is it possible to tune what button should be present or not ? I would like to remove Save and Preview....

  67870   Mon May 4 15:13:08 2015 Reply David Subst Attributes...

I only saw Andreas' edited version of the original enquiry, so I didn't see the orignal config file under discussion - so most of my previous entry is totally pointless.  Sorry about that.

David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Francois and Andreas,

On Francois' first question, I wonder if Francois is using attrib1, attrib2... as the actual attribute names in the config file.  If this is the case, Francois, you can name attributes with suitable names in the configuration file and dictate which ones appear in the List and Threaded display modes. In the List Display, those names appear along the top row at the top of each column, which I think is what you want. 

This example of three lines in a config file (made up).

Attributes = Worker, System, Organisation, Customer, Status, Ticket

List display = ID, Date, Organisation, Customer, Worker, System, Status, Ticket

Thread display = $Ticket: $Worker. $Organisation / $Customer, ($message id).

In list display, those words ("Organisation", "Customer" etc) are those that appear at the top of each column.  In Thread Display, note how you can use punctuation.  Also (not shown here) you can colour the line in Thread Display depending on the attribute System (which is akin to your question on cell style colouring) a feature not much used in this forum, and the Icon at the beginning of the line depending on the attribute Status. 

This is in the documentation, but perhaps it's not clear to all that - apart from the system defined attributes - any word can be used as an attribute name, and that "attrib1" "attrib2" is just shorthand for "any words you wish to use as attribute names".

Otherwise, if you want a different word along the top if the column in the List Display (and also in the form for making a new entry) for the attribute that appears in that column, why not just use that different word as the name for the attribute?

On the third point, about Cell Style, it would be good for having attrubute 2 able to dictate the colour of the cell of attribute 1, and no need to show attribute 2 in the List Display.  But take your point that it can be done in a shell script.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Hi Francois,
welcome to the community! I'll try to answer your questions inline (Numbering them would have been a good idea ;-):

- I'm creating a logbook with a lot of attributes. I would like to know if there is a way to name (display) my attribute differently then it's original name. That way I could program $attrib1; $attrib2, etc, and map a name to display the column accordingly... Is it something possible ? 

Not to my knowledge. But you can add comments like:
Comment <attribute> = <comment>
Tooltip <attribute> = <comment>

-Is it possible to hide the field "Entry Time" when creating or editing an entry ?

You can supress the display of the entry time in different views using:
Show Attributes = <list>
Show Attributes Edit = <list>
But the entry time will always be stored with the entry.

-I saw the Cell Style fonction to set Color (really nice...), My attribute1 is a worker name; Attribute2 is how the work is going on (stop, ready, in process) I would like to hide Atribute2 in list mode but change Attribute1 cell color based on Attribute2 status... is it possible to do so?

No, that is not possible as far as I see from the documentation. Cell styles can only be set according to the content of the specific cell.
But you could hide attribute1 and attribute2 and then generate an attribute3 with the help of a shell script, and the style of that cell could be created by the shell script depending on attribute2.

-When using "Show Text = 0" (i'm only using attributes), creating a new entry present the menu "Submit", "Save", "Preview" and "Back".... Pressing "Save" leaves the page, shows "OK with a number" and "Preview" is useless. Is it possible to tune what button should be present or not ? I would like to remove Save and Preview....

As far as I know the display of these buttons cannot be configured.





  67869   Mon May 4 14:10:08 2015 Reply David Subst Attributes...

Hi Francois and Andreas,

On Francois' first question, I wonder if Francois is using attrib1, attrib2... as the actual attribute names in the config file.  If this is the case, Francois, you can name attributes with suitable names in the configuration file and dictate which ones appear in the List and Threaded display modes. In the List Display, those names appear along the top row at the top of each column, which I think is what you want. 

This example of three lines in a config file (made up).

Attributes = Worker, System, Organisation, Customer, Status, Ticket

List display = ID, Date, Organisation, Customer, Worker, System, Status, Ticket

Thread display = $Ticket: $Worker. $Organisation / $Customer, ($message id).

In list display, those words ("Organisation", "Customer" etc) are those that appear at the top of each column.  In Thread Display, note how you can use punctuation.  Also (not shown here) you can colour the line in Thread Display depending on the attribute System (which is akin to your question on cell style colouring) a feature not much used in this forum, and the Icon at the beginning of the line depending on the attribute Status. 

This is in the documentation, but perhaps it's not clear to all that - apart from the system defined attributes - any word can be used as an attribute name, and that "attrib1" "attrib2" is just shorthand for "any words you wish to use as attribute names".

Otherwise, if you want a different word along the top if the column in the List Display (and also in the form for making a new entry) for the attribute that appears in that column, why not just use that different word as the name for the attribute?

On the third point, about Cell Style, it would be good for having attrubute 2 able to dictate the colour of the cell of attribute 1, and no need to show attribute 2 in the List Display.  But take your point that it can be done in a shell script.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Hi Francois,
welcome to the community! I'll try to answer your questions inline (Numbering them would have been a good idea ;-):

- I'm creating a logbook with a lot of attributes. I would like to know if there is a way to name (display) my attribute differently then it's original name. That way I could program $attrib1; $attrib2, etc, and map a name to display the column accordingly... Is it something possible ? 

Not to my knowledge. But you can add comments like:
Comment <attribute> = <comment>
Tooltip <attribute> = <comment>

-Is it possible to hide the field "Entry Time" when creating or editing an entry ?

You can supress the display of the entry time in different views using:
Show Attributes = <list>
Show Attributes Edit = <list>
But the entry time will always be stored with the entry.

-I saw the Cell Style fonction to set Color (really nice...), My attribute1 is a worker name; Attribute2 is how the work is going on (stop, ready, in process) I would like to hide Atribute2 in list mode but change Attribute1 cell color based on Attribute2 status... is it possible to do so?

No, that is not possible as far as I see from the documentation. Cell styles can only be set according to the content of the specific cell.
But you could hide attribute1 and attribute2 and then generate an attribute3 with the help of a shell script, and the style of that cell could be created by the shell script depending on attribute2.

-When using "Show Text = 0" (i'm only using attributes), creating a new entry present the menu "Submit", "Save", "Preview" and "Back".... Pressing "Save" leaves the page, shows "OK with a number" and "Preview" is useless. Is it possible to tune what button should be present or not ? I would like to remove Save and Preview....

As far as I know the display of these buttons cannot be configured.




  67868   Mon May 4 13:23:55 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindowsV3.1.0-5beRe: Subst Attributes...
Hi Francois,
welcome to the community! I'll try to answer your questions inline (Numbering them would have been a good idea ;-):

- I'm creating a logbook with a lot of attributes. I would like to know if there is a way to name (display) my attribute differently then it's original name. That way I could program $attrib1; $attrib2, etc, and map a name to display the column accordingly... Is it something possible ? 

Not to my knowledge. But you can add comments like:
Comment <attribute> = <comment>
Tooltip <attribute> = <comment>

-Is it possible to hide the field "Entry Time" when creating or editing an entry ?

You can supress the display of the entry time in different views using:
Show Attributes = <list>
Show Attributes Edit = <list>
But the entry time will always be stored with the entry.

-I saw the Cell Style fonction to set Color (really nice...), My attribute1 is a worker name; Attribute2 is how the work is going on (stop, ready, in process) I would like to hide Atribute2 in list mode but change Attribute1 cell color based on Attribute2 status... is it possible to do so?

No, that is not possible as far as I see from the documentation. Cell styles can only be set according to the content of the specific cell.
But you could hide attribute1 and attribute2 and then generate an attribute3 with the help of a shell script, and the style of that cell could be created by the shell script depending on attribute2.

-When using "Show Text = 0" (i'm only using attributes), creating a new entry present the menu "Submit", "Save", "Preview" and "Back".... Pressing "Save" leaves the page, shows "OK with a number" and "Preview" is useless. Is it possible to tune what button should be present or not ? I would like to remove Save and Preview....

As far as I know the display of these buttons cannot be configured.


  67867   Fri May 1 21:19:18 2015 Question Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindowsV3.1.0-5beSubst Attributes...

Good day,

I'm new to Elog and I find it really nice and straight foward...

I still have a few questions that I couldn't address reading the manuals.

-I'm creating a logbook with a lot of attributes. I would like to know if there is a way to name (display) my attribute differently then it's original name. That way I could program $attrib1; $attrib2, etc, and map a name to display the column accordingly... Is it something possible ? 

-Is it possible to hide the field "Entry Time" when creating or editing an entry ?

-I saw the Cell Style fonction to set Color (really nice...), My attribute1 is a worker name; Attribute2 is how the work is going on (stop, ready, in process) I would like to hide Atribute2 in list mode but change Attribute1 cell color based on Attribute2 status... is it possible to do so?

-When using "Show Text = 0" (i'm only using attributes), creating a new entry present the menu "Submit", "Save", "Preview" and "Back".... Pressing "Save" leaves the page, shows "OK with a number" and "Preview" is useless. Is it possible to tune what button should be present or not ? I would like to remove Save and Preview....


For the info, my config file

Theme = default
Show Text = 0
Enable attachments = 0
Show attachments = 0
Use lock = 1
Bottom text = 
Comment = Gestion de la charge de travail
omit email to = 1
Suppress Email to users = 1
Suppress default = 2
Suppress Email on edit = 2
Resubmit default = 2
Enable browsing = 0
Back to main = 1
List after submit = 1
'Mode commands = 0
Menu commands = Select, edit, Delete
List menu commands = Select, New, Find
Attributes = #Réception, #Galée, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, Contrôle final
List display = Edit, #Réception, #Galée, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, Contrôle final
Fixed Attributes Edit = #Réception
Preset #Réception = #####

Format #Réception = 0,attribname,attribvalue,5,5
Format #Galée = 0,attribname,attribvalue,10,10
Format Infographiste = 0,attribname,attribvalue,2,2
Format Réviseur = 0,attribname,attribvalue,2,2
Format Contrôleur = 0,attribname,attribvalue,2,2
Format Correcteur = 0,attribname,attribvalue,2,2

Options Infographiste = ??, ML
Options Réviseur = ??
Options Contrôleur = ??
Options Correcteur = ??

Preset Infographiste = ??
Preset Réviseur = ??
Preset Contrôleur = ??
Preset Correcteur = ??

Extendable options = Infographiste, Réviseur, Contrôleur, Correcteur 

ROptions Traitement = ., En cours, Prêt, Vérification
ROptions Révision = ., En cours, Prêt
ROptions Contrôle = ., En cours, Prêt
ROptions Correction = ., En cours, Prêt
ROptions Contrôle final = ., OK

Cell Style Traitement En cours = background-color:#FF0000 
Cell Style Traitement Prêt = background-color:#33FF33
Cell Style Traitement Vérification = background-color:yellow

Cell Style Révision En cours = background-color:#FF0000 
Cell Style Révision Prêt = background-color:#33FF33
Cell Style Révision Vérification = background-color:yellow

Cell Style Contrôle En cours = background-color:#FF0000 
Cell Style Contrôle Prêt = background-color:#33FF33
Cell Style Contrôle Vérification = background-color:yellow

Cell Style Correction En cours = background-color:#FF0000 
Cell Style Correction Prêt = background-color:#33FF33
Cell Style Correction Vérification = background-color:yellow

Cell Style Contrôle final OK = background-color:#33FF33

Cell Style Contrôle final En cours = background-color:#FF0000 
Cell Style Contrôle final Prêt = background-color:#33FF33
Cell Style Contrôle final Vérification = background-color:yellow

Thanks alot for your help :)

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6