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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67861   Wed Apr 15 09:01:04 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.0Re: ELOG Version 3.1.0 announcement

The changelog is here:

It is save to install the new version over the old one.


Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

congrats, any detail changelog? I assume in software packages?

is it save just install and overwrite the old version?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

This is an announcement for the ELOG version 3.1.0 being released just now. Among several bug fixes and an improved Drag & Drop interface for attachments, it contains a long awaited "autosave" feature.

Let's assume that you write an ELOG entry, and keep the window open for a longer time (like to write some shift notes over several hours). If your browser crashes or closes for some reason, you will loose your entered text. To avoid that, ELOG starting from version 3.1.0 has an autosave feature. Whenever you enter some text, it is saved in the background as a draft message to the server. If your browser is closed by accident, you always can go back to the logbook, click "New" and ELOG will tell you that there is a draft message and asks you if you want to edit it. When you edit and regularly submit this message, it becomes a "normal" entry and the draft flas is removed. In addition to the background saving, there is now also a "Save" button so you can manually save your text to the draft entry.

I have tested this to some extent, but I might not have seen all browser/OS combinations, so in case there is a problem, please report it here.

Happy Easter,



  67860   Wed Apr 15 04:02:41 2015 Reply Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comInfoAll3.1.0Re: ELOG Version 3.1.0 announcement

congrats, any detail changelog? I assume in software packages?

is it save just install and overwrite the old version?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

This is an announcement for the ELOG version 3.1.0 being released just now. Among several bug fixes and an improved Drag & Drop interface for attachments, it contains a long awaited "autosave" feature.

Let's assume that you write an ELOG entry, and keep the window open for a longer time (like to write some shift notes over several hours). If your browser crashes or closes for some reason, you will loose your entered text. To avoid that, ELOG starting from version 3.1.0 has an autosave feature. Whenever you enter some text, it is saved in the background as a draft message to the server. If your browser is closed by accident, you always can go back to the logbook, click "New" and ELOG will tell you that there is a draft message and asks you if you want to edit it. When you edit and regularly submit this message, it becomes a "normal" entry and the draft flas is removed. In addition to the background saving, there is now also a "Save" button so you can manually save your text to the draft entry.

I have tested this to some extent, but I might not have seen all browser/OS combinations, so in case there is a problem, please report it here.

Happy Easter,


  67859   Sun Apr 12 21:12:29 2015 Question David c701Odd behaviour when attaching a file to an entry

Having installed v3.1.0 on a test logbook, I find that I can browse and select a file, but when I click on the "Upload" button, I get a pop-up message from the browser asking me:

"This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved."


The stay on page does nothing, the leave page option does what one expects from elog - that is the attachment thumbnail is generated etc. 

I guess this is something to do with the drag and drop feature, but wondered if others have this issue or whether it may just be some mystery setting of the browser (firefox).


  67858   Fri Apr 10 09:59:42 2015 Reply Oliver Kleinauoliver.kleinau@it.niedersachsen.deQuestionLinux3.1Re: Max Logbooks for Email notify

It was str variable in function process_http_request in elogd.c.

This should have the size of received buffer.


Oliver Kleinau wrote:

It seems to be the GET buffer of the elog-Server. The GET statement is cut off after &sub_lb72=1&sub_ eg. 1000 chars.

Oliver Kleinau wrote:


we've got 109 logbooks in Elog. Whenever I set a notify for all logbooks in configuration menu it is limited to 73 entrys. After saving the changes the rest of the entrys are cut off.
I've already searched in the sourcecode if I can find some limitation for that but without success.

When I change the password file by hand, it is working as long as I don't change anything in the configuration that rewrites the file.





  67857   Fri Apr 10 08:37:19 2015 Reply Oliver Kleinauoliver.kleinau@it.niedersachsen.deQuestionLinux3.1Re: Max Logbooks for Email notify

It seems to be the GET buffer of the elog-Server. The GET statement is cut off after &sub_lb72=1&sub_ eg. 1000 chars.

Oliver Kleinau wrote:


we've got 109 logbooks in Elog. Whenever I set a notify for all logbooks in configuration menu it is limited to 73 entrys. After saving the changes the rest of the entrys are cut off.
I've already searched in the sourcecode if I can find some limitation for that but without success.

When I change the password file by hand, it is working as long as I don't change anything in the configuration that rewrites the file.




  67856   Wed Apr 8 11:40:27 2015 Angy Oliver Kleinauoliver.kleinau@it.niedersachsen.deQuestionLinux3.1Max Logbooks for Email notify


we've got 109 logbooks in Elog. Whenever I set a notify for all logbooks in configuration menu it is limited to 73 entrys. After saving the changes the rest of the entrys are cut off.
I've already searched in the sourcecode if I can find some limitation for that but without success.

When I change the password file by hand, it is working as long as I don't change anything in the configuration that rewrites the file.



  67855   Thu Apr 2 15:44:33 2015 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.0ELOG Version 3.1.0 announcement

This is an announcement for the ELOG version 3.1.0 being released just now. Among several bug fixes and an improved Drag & Drop interface for attachments, it contains a long awaited "autosave" feature.

Let's assume that you write an ELOG entry, and keep the window open for a longer time (like to write some shift notes over several hours). If your browser crashes or closes for some reason, you will loose your entered text. To avoid that, ELOG starting from version 3.1.0 has an autosave feature. Whenever you enter some text, it is saved in the background as a draft message to the server. If your browser is closed by accident, you always can go back to the logbook, click "New" and ELOG will tell you that there is a draft message and asks you if you want to edit it. When you edit and regularly submit this message, it becomes a "normal" entry and the draft flas is removed. In addition to the background saving, there is now also a "Save" button so you can manually save your text to the draft entry.

I have tested this to some extent, but I might not have seen all browser/OS combinations, so in case there is a problem, please report it here.

Happy Easter,

  67854   Wed Apr 1 20:25:21 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsELOG V2.9.Re: Strange browser behaviour with chrome? </table>

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Now I'm confused: if I create an entry with "elog -n 2 ...", then I put HTML code into elog and it is displayed as HTML. This HTML code does NOT convert a "<" into "&lt;", otherwise you could not display any HTML.
But of course this code can be wrongly formatted, for example it can contain a </table> tag without a <table> tag before it. This will definitely spoil the display in ELOG, and that was what I was refering to.
I agree that html tags in plain text entries will not have this problem.

Sure, in the main body text you can insert arbitrary HTML if this type of encoding is not prohibited. The &lt; encoding I meant was for attribute values. Proof of principe above in the Subject field.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6