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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67816   Thu Feb 26 10:39:58 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.9.2Re: Elog stability with multiple users

By desing, there is no collision between different users, since all requests are executed in sequence (single thread). The only problem is that the server becomes unavailable for others if it executes a long search. This is why most users of large lobooks restrict their search to let's say the last month or so by default. This speeds up the search and limits the dead time for others. This can be done via the show last default = <days> directive.

Alan Grant wrote:

Are there any known or reported daemon stability issues with an increase of concurrent users logged in to view and search entries, while the elog client is also adding 5 to 10 new entries every minute during a peak 2-hour period each day?


  67815   Wed Feb 25 08:41:59 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionAll3.0.0Re: Enter past date for logbook

As an administrator of the logbook you could add an additional attribute, e.g. "when" of type datetime.

Each entry would then have the unchangeable entry time and an addtional time, e.g. of the event you are describing in the entry.

For more details look here: elog:67712

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

Is it possible to enter past date in logbook

I forgot to enter log yesterday, is it possible to add up now?


  67814   Wed Feb 25 07:52:21 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Enter past date for logbook

No. The date/time tag is there to actually document the time when the log was made. If you are late, you are late.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

Is it possible to enter past date in logbook

I forgot to enter log yesterday, is it possible to add up now?


  67813   Wed Feb 25 03:28:24 2015 Question Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionWindows3.0.0Enter past date for logbook

Is it possible to enter past date in logbook

I forgot to enter log yesterday, is it possible to add up now?

  67812   Fri Feb 20 16:18:36 2015 Reply David maximum attributes for drop down menu.
Hi Rob,

I don't think the default number of 100 has ever changed. However, you can change the number in the source
code and recompile. This was discussed in elog:67674

I increased my maximum from 100 to 120 and recompiled. At some point, though, you'll overflow some stack or other, and maybe that's why you've got the limit of 250. You might also want to consider Andreas's alternative (which I am also thinking about).

rob wrote:
We use a servername field to be able to select a server.

When i entered my entire serverlist (574 entries), only 250 of them show up.

Looking at the online documentation about attributes, it is stated that there is a maximum of 100 entries.

With the version we are using (2.7.1) it seems the limit is 250

Can someone tell me if version 3 has the same limitation, or that the max has been increased?

  67811   Fri Feb 20 11:04:03 2015 Question robrob@5db.nlQuestionLinux2.7.1maximum attributes for drop down menu.
We use a servername field to be able to select a server.

When i entered my entire serverlist (574 entries), only 250 of them show up.

Looking at the online documentation about attributes, it is stated that there is a maximum of 100 entries.

With the version we are using (2.7.1) it seems the limit is 250

Can someone tell me if version 3 has the same limitation, or that the max has been increased?

  67810   Wed Feb 18 04:57:32 2015 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows2.9.2Elog stability with multiple users

Are there any known or reported daemon stability issues with an increase of concurrent users logged in to view and search entries, while the elog client is also adding 5 to 10 new entries every minute during a peak 2-hour period each day?

  67809   Fri Feb 13 21:18:46 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportMac OSX3.0.0Re: Fail to install in mac

Point your browser to http://localhost:8080 as written in the documentation

Alex wrote:

Thanks! now install works fine - but I cannot find how to open and start writing- I do


elogd 3.0.0 built Feb 13 2015, 16:42:32 revision 21dc563
CKeditor detected
ImageMagick detected
Indexing logbooks ... done
Server listening on port 8080 ...

but nothing pops up...I mean it is not possible to run "offline" ie locally on my mac ?


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6