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  66293   Thu Apr 9 11:53:19 2009 Question urian bardullaurian.bardulla@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V2.7.export the elog data

Hi guys,

Is there any simple way to export the ELOG data in a more readable way, except copying the .log files????

Thank You in advance,


  2256   Wed Jun 27 14:42:13 2007 Question toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comBug reportWindows2.6.5-1855formating bug : css and Format command
Why Gain and G1,G2 .... G8 are on the same line ?
When I create a new entry, attibute 'attribgainname' is not used.( i can see lime color only when i see logged

here is my config

;liste des attributs
Attributes =CR,Serial,EDA,Experience,Lieu,Type,Gain,G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,G6,G7,G8,Intensité,Seuil bas, Seuil haut

; Combine attributes into singles lines
Format G1 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G2 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G3 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G4 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G5 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G6 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G7 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G8 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10

i added in default.css
.attribgainname {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;
Attachment 1: new.JPG
Attachment 2: log.jpg
  2258   Wed Jun 27 16:02:49 2007 Reply toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comBug reportWindows2.6.5-1855Re: formating bug : css and Format command

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Because you specified it! The first "1" in your format forces the attributes to show up on the same line. Just read the manual.

Oups ... I understand better now how to put a new line .
this is my example.
; start a new line G1,G2...G8
Format G1 = 0,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G2 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G3 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G4 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G5 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G6 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G7 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format G8 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
; start a new line I1,I2...I8
Format I1 = 0,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format I2 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format I3 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format I4 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format I5 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format I6 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format I7 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10
Format I8 = 1,attribgainname,attribvalue,10,10

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The 'attribmainname' is only used for the display page, not for the entry form.

ok so if you say it is not a bug i can understand but in that case the format command work half in the entry form.
Is it possible to implement it for the next time?

  2260   Wed Jun 27 19:51:39 2007 Reply toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comBug reportWindows2.6.5-1855Re: formating bug : css and Format command

Stefan Ritt wrote:

toumbi wrote:
ok so if you say it is not a bug i can understand but in that case the format command work half in the entry form. Is it possible to implement it for the next time?

Yes I will do that.

Thank you , I download and compile myself elogd and it work now.

But I found a line one the french language that make javascritp bug
line 391:
Enter heading level (1, 2 or 3) = Indiquez le niveau d'en-tête (1, 2 ou 3)

=> linkHeading_prompt = 'Indiquez le niveau d'en-tête (1, 2 ou 3)'; there is one more '

my french is better than my english so i can say it is a good translation but the symbole between the letter d and the letter e make exporer 7 bug.

Enter heading level (1, 2 or 3) = Indiquez le niveau d en-tête (1, 2 ou 3) (this work but translation isn't good.

Thanks a lot ! and continue it is a beautiful tool.
  2262   Thu Jun 28 15:20:06 2007 Question toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comQuestion 2.6.5-1870How to change elog directories in windows
Hi , I need an example for windows directories syntax.
I would like to start elog in windows xp from a server directories "\\myserver\elog\" for example and/or "G:\elog\"
I want my elogd.cfg be on this server and not on my local hard drive.
also I would like the windows service start automatically from "\\myserver\elog\" or "G:\elog\"
thank you for your help.
  2264   Thu Jun 28 17:05:56 2007 Reply toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comQuestion 2.6.5-1870Re: How to change elog directories in windows

Stefan Ritt wrote:

toumbi wrote:
Hi , I need an example for windows directories syntax.
I would like to start elog in windows xp from a server directories "\\myserver\elog\" for example and/or "G:\elog\"
I want my elogd.cfg be on this server and not on my local hard drive.
also I would like the windows service start automatically from "\\myserver\elog\" or "G:\elog\"
thank you for your help.

If you go to Computer Management, click on Services, double click on ELOG, you will see "Path to executable". Either you move elogd.exe to d:\elog and start it there, or you start elogd with the "-c" flag, which specifies the location of the config file, such as
...\elogd.exe -c g:\elog\elogd.cfg

I have to warn you however that sometimes I personally had kind of poor network connection to a Windows server, so the reply time of elog was many seconds.

Hi stephan , I remove elog and setup it again wiht the nis installer, and enter Z:\ELOG\ which is a mapping drive of my server directorie.
but it dont work. i have an error code 3 when i register the services with the shortcut "Register ELOG server service" .
Attachment 1: elog.JPG
  2268   Thu Jun 28 17:20:18 2007 Reply toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comQuestion 2.6.5-1870Re: How to change elog directories in windows

Stefan Ritt wrote:

toumbi wrote:
Hi stephan , I remove elog and setup it again wiht the nis installer, and enter Z:\ELOG\ which is a mapping drive of my server directorie.
but it dont work. i have an error code 3 when i register the services with the shortcut "Register ELOG server service" .

If you see the service config page, then the service is already registered, and you should not use the shortcut "Register ELOG server service" any more. Just change "Startup type" to "Automatic" or "Manual" and click on the "Start" button.

Hi again, See what happen when i install it on Z:\ELOG\ (it is a mapped drive of \\myserver\ELOG\)

Why code 3 ?

Ps: last time , i stopped and registered the service to copie the last version of elogd 1870
Attachment 1: elog.JPG
  2270   Thu Jun 28 17:38:39 2007 Reply toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comQuestion 2.6.5-1870Re: How to change elog directories in windows

Stefan Ritt wrote:

toumbi wrote:
Why code 3 ?

No idea, this is an error coming from Windows. Try to start the service manually via the Service Manager, maybe you get some more error there. Or start elogd interactively in a DOS box, like

z:\ELOG\elogd.exe -v -c z:\ELOG\elogd.cfg

maybe there is some access rights conflict.

When i start the service with start button it fail to lunch
but the command z:\ELOG\elogd.exe -v -c z:\ELOG\elogd.cfg work !!
Maybe The service doesn't have access right , ( i see it is Log on with Local System).
Attachment 1: elog.JPG
Attachment 2: elog.JPG
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6