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  881   Mon Jan 17 16:44:28 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportAllv2.5.5-4Re: MOptions and Extendable
> If an attribute uses MOptions and is also extendable, clicking "Add 
> <attribute name>" and entering a value adds the value to the MOptions, but 
> does not put the value into the log entry. The log record has that 
> attribute blank.
> You have to go back into the record and edit it to put the new value in.

I fixed that bug just now, thanks for reporting it. It's available in revision
1.535 under CVS.
  565   Wed Jun 30 11:59:57 2004 Question Bartjan Wattelbartjan@wattel.netQuestionWindowsv2.5.3Only show log entries for logged-in user

Is it possible to restrict the display of logbook entries to the entries 
created by the currently logged-in user?

I'm thinking of using the ELOG system in a school laboratory environment: 
students must write entries in the logbook about their excersises, but I 
would like that students can not "see" what other students have written. To 
make it even more complicated, I would like that students can see their own 
entries and the teacher entries.....

Is something like this possible?

Thanks in advance
Bartjan Wattel
the Netherlands
  566   Wed Jun 30 14:59:06 2004 Question Ralph Kuehnr.e.kuehn@larc.nasa.govQuestionWindowsv2.5.3Re: Only show log entries for logged-in user
One way would be to create a seperate logbook for each student including the
teacher. It should then be fairly simple to set up the permissions however you
would like. For a large class it might be a bit cumbersome to set it up this way.
Ralph Kuehn

> Hi,
> Is it possible to restrict the display of logbook entries to the entries 
> created by the currently logged-in user?
> I'm thinking of using the ELOG system in a school laboratory environment: 
> students must write entries in the logbook about their excersises, but I 
> would like that students can not "see" what other students have written. To 
> make it even more complicated, I would like that students can see their own 
> entries and the teacher entries.....
> Is something like this possible?
> Thanks in advance
> Bartjan Wattel
> the Netherlands
  572   Wed Jul 7 16:43:52 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsv2.5.3Re: Only show log entries for logged-in user
> For a large class it might be a bit cumbersome to set it up this way.

What you can do is put most of the configuration options into the [global] section,
such as

Attributes = ...
Password file = ...
Admin user = teacher

Login user = john
Login user = joe
Login user = fred

In this case, each logbook only requires two lines, while all the other options are
inherited from the [global] section. The "login user" restricts logins only to a
single student, which the teachis has admin rights for all logbooks. The teacher can
reply to individual students by writing into their "personal" logbook, or he can set
up a dedicated teacher logbook which everybody can read (Just omit the 'login user').
  396   Tue Jul 15 23:37:58 2003 Question Gary Cramblittgarycramblitt@comcast.netQuestionLinuxv2.3.9Modify the date of an entry?
Great program!  Thank you.

Short of manually editing the logbook files, is there a way I can change the
date of an entry?  I want to transfer my "Linux Journal", which I have been
writing as a regular document for several months, into elog so I can take
advantage of the threading, sorting, find, etc.
  397   Wed Jul 16 08:32:35 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxv2.3.9Re: Modify the date of an entry?
> Short of manually editing the logbook files, is there a way I can change the
> date of an entry?  I want to transfer my "Linux Journal", which I have been
> writing as a regular document for several months, into elog so I can take
> advantage of the threading, sorting, find, etc.

You cannot change the entry date, since this is kind of system stamp which 
should not be modified. But you can add an attribute like "Issue" for your 
Linux Journal, where you can add manually the month and year of release or so. 
Then you can preset this attribute with the current date, which you can change 
for older issues, like

Attributes = ...., Issue
Preset Issue = $date
Date format = %B %Y

Hope this helps.

- Stefan
  398   Wed Jul 16 21:21:52 2003 Reply Gary Cramblittgarycramblitt@comcast.netQuestionLinuxv2.3.9Re: Modify the date of an entry?
> > Short of manually editing the logbook files, is there a way I can change the
> > date of an entry?  I want to transfer my "Linux Journal", which I have been
> > writing as a regular document for several months, into elog so I can take
> > advantage of the threading, sorting, find, etc.
> You cannot change the entry date, since this is kind of system stamp which 
> should not be modified. But you can add an attribute like "Issue" for your 
> Linux Journal, where you can add manually the month and year of release or so. 
> Then you can preset this attribute with the current date, which you can change 
> for older issues, like
> Attributes = ...., Issue
> Preset Issue = $date
> Date format = %B %Y
> Hope this helps.
> - Stefan

Yes! Thank you.  But now another question.  How can I hide the entry date
attribute on the summary screens and automatically sort by Issue?  No point in
showing both dates.
  399   Wed Jul 16 21:31:26 2003 Reply Gary Cramblittgarycramblitt@comcast.netQuestionLinuxv2.3.9Re: Modify the date of an entry?
> > > Short of manually editing the logbook files, is there a way I can change the
> > > date of an entry?  I want to transfer my "Linux Journal", which I have been
> > > writing as a regular document for several months, into elog so I can take
> > > advantage of the threading, sorting, find, etc.
> > 
> > You cannot change the entry date, since this is kind of system stamp which 
> > should not be modified. But you can add an attribute like "Issue" for your 
> > Linux Journal, where you can add manually the month and year of release or so. 
> > Then you can preset this attribute with the current date, which you can change 
> > for older issues, like
> > 
> > Attributes = ...., Issue
> > Preset Issue = $date
> > Date format = %B %Y
> > 
> > Hope this helps.
> > 
> > - Stefan
> Yes! Thank you.  But now another question.  How can I hide the entry date
> attribute on the summary screens and automatically sort by Issue?  No point in
> showing both dates.

I figured out how to hide columns, using the "Display search" parameter.  (BTW,
suggest you modify the Administrator manual to mention that "Display search" applies
  to the initial display as well as any "Find"s.  I had seen this, but assumed it
only applied to actual search results.)  Still have not figured out how to change
the default sort attribute however.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6