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icon4.gif   icons\elc_anchor.png is missing ? , posted by toumbi on Thu Jun 28 17:48:40 2007 
the file icons\elc_anchor.png is missing I setup the windows version.
icon5.gif   is it possible to have unique attribute ?, posted by toumbi on Wed Jul 11 11:52:24 2007 
Hi there !

I have an attribute that have to be unique (but i need also to write it myself) , so i would like to be able to create it the first time, and if i try to create it again, i want not be able.
Is there a way to do that ?
icon4.gif   CVS import + french = impossible , posted by toumbi on Fri Jul 20 16:06:50 2007 
Hi ,
I found a bug , when I want to import a cvs file and if i had set Language=french into global , I m not allowed.
Erreur : commande "CSV Import" non autorisée 
Utilisez le bouton "page précédente" de votre navigateur pour revenir en arrière  

there is no problem if i use english.
    icon6.gif   Re: How to change elog directories in windows, posted by toumbi on Fri Jul 20 16:13:07 2007 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

toumbi wrote:
Maybe The service doesn't have access right , ( i see it is Log on with Local System).

In that case it might help to run elog under your personal account.

I finaly found how to do it.

Replacing Z: by \\\ELOG\ and running the service with my personnal acount

cmd /K net stop elogd

change ImagePath of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\elogd to "\\\ELOG\elogd.exe" -D -c "\\\ELOG\elogd.cfg"
close regedit

cmd /k net start elogd
icon5.gif   ELCode how to with URL, posted by toumbi on Mon Aug 27 17:27:41 2007 
Hello there !!

I wonder if it's possible to write an url like this[URL=?CR=CR00000429]CR00000429[/URL] 
in fact it don't work for the moment , because it is redirected tu http:///?CR=CR00000429
is it possible to have url without http://

I have a logbook CR and a type CR and i work now in localhost but i want my elog to be accessible from anywhere.
Im not very clear but I hope you understand.

[TABLE border="1"]
Emplacement|CR|TYPE|Cable trace voix 1|Cable trace voix 2|url|-
POW1|CR00000429|POWER Ro|x|x|[URL=?CR=CR00000429]CR00000429[/URL]|-
POW2|CR00000430|POWER Ro|x|x|[URL=?CR=CR00000430]CR00000430[/URL]|-

    icon2.gif   Re: ELCode how to with URL, posted by toumbi on Tue Sep 11 11:36:04 2007 
Thank you a lot !!
icon5.gif   self-registration, posted by tony summerfelt on Fri Aug 9 21:10:20 2002 
i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-registration in the docs.

just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it were in the changelog and the faq.

it could be just me but i'm not reading between the lines or connecting the various places in the docs to get it going :/
    icon2.gif   Re: self-registration, posted by tony summerfelt on Sun Aug 11 18:45:08 2002 
> Sorry, I haven't fully documented it yet, will do on Monday next week. For 
> now, see the configuration file for this forum which is attached.

that's ok. i just wanted to make sure that i hadn't missed something. i'm eventually switching over my entire dial up bbs, to my web page, with elog being the message system. self-registration was the last piece of the puzzle for me :)
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6