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    icon4.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Charles Duncan on Sat Mar 27 18:52:16 2004 
> > a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
> > use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
> > moved my server to port 80.
> That problem has been fixed in revision 1.16 from Feb. 19th. Please get the
> newest version from release 2.5.2 issued today.
> > b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
> > spaces. Please refer the the following example:
> > 
> > elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
> > Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
> > Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
> > a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
> > Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
> > Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
> > Change Description"
> There was also some bug which has been fixed, plus you need following syntax:
> elog -h ... -p 8080 -a "Station Number=CC001" ...
> note the "" are around the whole attribute=value string, not only the attribute.


Thank you for the updates!!!

everything works great... -p 8080 and all my attribs get set. 

The only part that does not work is -l "Log Book" the -l variable has to stay as 
one word. If I submit 2 words (in quotes) it only looks for a logbook of the first 
word and fails.

icon4.gif   Extendable options, posted by Marc Neiger on Mon May 10 00:00:06 2004 elogd.cfg

the use of extendable options in the global section seem to "crash" elogd 
when creating a new entry.
My elogd.cfg is included
the problem attribute is "Client"
Should it be possible to have it extendable only in one specific logbook ?

Are extendable and conditionnal "compatible" on the same set of attributes ?

icon4.gif   Using date and subst date, posted by nait tauh on Fri May 14 06:19:40 2004 
I'm trying capture any edit/modified entry with the following, Using the
real date format instead of text string so that I could do a quick filter on it.

Type modified = date
Subst on Edit modified = $date

Problem: It seem that the Subst on Edit always default to 1 Jan 1970 instead
of current date on edit screen. 

Could it be $date is a string and not compatible with tape date? or is there
a variable or function to convert $date to date format?
    icon4.gif   Re: User/Admin privlege question, posted by Alexandre Camsonne on Fri Jul 2 15:18:20 2004 
I also have this problem, when a non admin user logs in he does not have access to
the config file but if he logs out he can then access the config file as non logged
I also tried to upgrade to version 2.5.3 but running under this version does not ask
for passwords so I reverted to 2.5.2.

Besides these few details, your software is great !

Thank you,


> > For some reason if I define a "login user" that is allowed the configure
> > option he is also allowed to change the configuration file. According to the
> > documentation it seems like this should NOT be the case. Any ideas as to
> > what the problem might be? 
> Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem. This leaves few possibilites:
> - any login user CAN change his/her full name, email address etc. but only admin
> users can change ALL OTHERS as well. Admin users should see a "change elogd.cfg"
> button on the config page, whil normal users will not
> - are you sure you logged out as admin user and loggin in again as non-admin
> user? Under some circumstances, the browser keeps old cookies which can confuse
> things. Best is if you delete all browser cookies and try again (Tools/Internet
> Options/Delete Cookies in IE).
> - Stefan
icon4.gif   An "options"-list starting with a " character is handled incorrectly , posted by Bartjan Wattel on Mon Jul 12 15:21:27 2004 
An options list that starts with a double-quotes character (") is handled 

Try the line: 
Options Student name  = "Doe, John", "Foo, Bar".

The ELOG list will have four entries, namely:
 - Doe
 - John
 - "
 - Foo, Bar
icon4.gif   'Full' mode gives incorrect results when searching, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Wed Jul 14 11:45:46 2004 

I was just searching your online discussion forum for entries with the 
word 'password' in the subject. I noticed that the 'Full' option in 
the 'full/summary/threaded' line displays the results of all entries in the 
logbook, and not only the entries with the word 'password' in the subject.

I think there is an error in the URL, because when looking for the word 
password in the subject, the URL for the 'Full' option is:

If I change the word 'reve' in this URL to 'reversed=1', the results are 

Bartjan Wattel
icon4.gif   Date format problem in "Thread display = ", posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jul 16 16:53:01 2004 
I have an attributes defined as:

 - Attributes = Author, PlannedDate, FunctionalArea, Operation, Category,
HardwareName, Significance, EmailNotify, LastRevision, Subject

I have PlannedDate defined as:
 - Type PlannedDate = date

When I use the following statement:
 - Thread display = $subject, planned for $PlannedDate. Last revised:

I get the following in my THREADED logbook view:

"Adding new services, planned for 1090519200. Last revised: Thu Jul 15
18:03:52 2004"

Note that the ATTRIBUTE $PlannedDate prints as a (I am guessing) serialized
date and is not formatted.

I'm not sure if this is manifested elsewhere.
icon4.gif   BUG?: Preset text = causes replication of text when re-editing a logbook entry., posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jul 16 19:06:35 2004 
With the "Preset text = " specified, when re-editing a logbook entry (say to
correct a spelling error) the text of the "Message" is replicated and placed
directly below the original text.

Commenting out the "Preset text = " line prevents this behavior.  this
occurs under both FireFox and IE6.0 clients.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6