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  65705   Wed Jan 23 16:15:56 2008 Reply stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux2.7.1.2004Re: inline button for upload image

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:


In elog version, when I want to upload an image, after browsing I obtain a error message like < Upload command not unauthorized>. That is strange is the file is right uploaded in the logbook directory but not appear in the entry.

Thank you for your help.


Thank you for reporting this problem. I found that it was related with switching ELOG to French (in the English version it always worked). I fixed this in revision #2006 and re-made the 2.7.1 distribution with the bug fix.


I made the test and it's really switching english to french. Another problem I observe by switching in french is when I want to create / edit an entry in html, the tool bar is hide ! Does the #2006 will corret this too ?



  65707   Wed Jan 23 16:41:20 2008 Reply stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux2.7.1.2004Re: inline button for upload image

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:


I made the test and it's really switching english to french. Another problem I observe by switching in french is when I want to create / edit an entry in html, the tool bar is hide ! Does the #2006 will corret this too ?

 This seems to be a problem with the FCKeditor which is used inside ELOG. If you upgrade from a previous version of elog, make sure not to only update the executable, but the whole scripts directory tree. When you start elogd manually, you will see FCKedit detected if the installation is correct.

Thank you for the #2006 which correct the upload problem in french.

The problem with the toolbar when creating / edting entry in html mode still exist. I try in french, it fails. I try in english, it works. I ran manually elogd and FCKedit detected is printed during elogd starting.

Kind regards


  65709   Wed Jan 23 17:21:15 2008 Reply stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux2.7.1.2004Re: inline button for upload image

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:

The problem with the toolbar when creating / edting entry in html mode still exist. I try in french, it fails. I try in english, it works. I ran manually elogd and FCKedit detected is printed during elogd starting.

Ok, I guess I found it. Can you try with #2007 again?

It works... Thank you very much for correcting so quickly

Best regards


  65712   Sat Jan 26 08:59:35 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux | Windows2.7.1.2007Several attachement at the same time


I would like to make several attachement at the same time. I would be great cause I have lot of attachements to do every day. I try wiht CTRL or SHIFT key but I failed in.

Is it possible at this moment ?

Kind regards


  65714   Sat Jan 26 11:13:38 2008 Reply stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux | Windows2.7.1.2007Re: Several attachement at the same time

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:


I would like to make several attachement at the same time. I would be great cause I have lot of attachements to do every day. I try wiht CTRL or SHIFT key but I failed in.

Is it possible at this moment ?

Kind regards


Unfortunately this is a limitation of HTML and your browser. Most photograph printing services have the same problem, you can only upload one photo at a time, so they come up with some Java programs you have to run locally to upload sets of photos. Or they have standalone programs, but they only work under Windows. So the only way to ease your pain is if you put your attachments into a single zip file.


Thank's for your answer.


  65723   Mon Feb 4 11:44:42 2008 Question stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frQuestionLinux2.7.1.2007FCK Editor + spell check


How do I proceed to have spell check in fck editor under linux / firefox ?

Kind regards


  65751   Thu Feb 21 12:50:53 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frOtherLinux2.7.2.2041elog hand on destination mirror server


When I start elogd on the mirror destination server, until cron job started, I can access to the website normaly. Once cron job started, I can't access to the website of the elog mirror destination server.

How can I solve this problem ?

Kind regards



  65752   Thu Feb 21 12:55:56 2008 Agree stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frQuestionLinux2.7.2.2041elog hand once mirror started


When I started elogd on the mirror server, I can access to the website on it until cron job started. Once cron job started, the elog mirror server hang and I can't obtain any response on it.

How can I solve this problem ?

Kind regards



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886