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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  69222   Mon Sep 21 20:03:49 2020 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: Query to get values for Attributes

That would be a nice feature...

If you are good in parsing HTML you can achieve this feature: when you create a new entry "<elog-URL>?cmd=new", you'll get HTML source code that provides you with all possible attribute choices.

Disclaimer: this only works if you don't use Conditional attributes.

Florian Feldbauer wrote:


I'm trying to integrate the Elog into our SlowControl System (Phoebus/EPICS). As a first step I translated the python library to Java. So writing new Entries and viewing them works.
But for Phoebus, you need a list of the possible values for the attributes. Currently this is done via the config file from Phoebus.

Is there a way to get the values also via a query directly from the Elog?



  69235   Tue Oct 20 02:34:46 2020 Idea Anthony Krishockajkrishock@verizon.netQuestionWindowslatestField values dependent on other selections


I would like to know if there is a way in elog to populate a field based on the value of another field. What I want to do is have a field with a few selections (a menu) and another text field that populates based on what I select from the menu.


Is this possible?

  69332   Wed Mar 24 22:09:56 2021 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestLinux | AllV3.1.4Re: Request: make $text available for "subst"

Hi Stefan,
no problem: if I just strip all newlines from the $text field (in HTML you use <br> anyway, the newline has no function apart from whitespace), and my multiline attribute is fine to go.
I do not intend to make the attribute editable: it is just used for display. Because that allows me to create the attribute either from free text or from combining other fields - depending on conditional attributes.

As a special feature you could strip all newlines beforehand, when providing the $text for subst statements.

Cheers, Andreas

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sure, attributes can be shown multi-line, but they cannot be stored in the elog internal database. The database is a very old design and only allows for single line attributes. Just look at a YYMMDDa.log file and you will see that. I would have to change the database format to somethign more advanced like XML, but that would take me a couple of weeks or months.

Soooorrryy! ;-)

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

While the input widget of text attributes is a single line, they can easily be multi-line in the display - when you use HTML at least.
And of course the user can parse the text field and generate a single line, if he wants to.
If you leave it to me, I'll create wonderful applications to that feature :-)

Please? ;-)

Stefan Ritt wrote:

$text is the full body text and can go over many lines. Since attributes are restricted to single lines, it's not possible to substitute them with the body text.


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I've just tried to read the $text with subst into another field and failed.
It looks like $text is only available for the execution of shell scripts in the "execute new|edit|delete = <script>" command.

Could that be added? I can think of a multitude of applications:

  • In my case I want to fill an attribute X either with free text or generated from other fields. The list view will show just X and not how it was generated.
  • I could fill an attribute automatically with the character length of the text.
  • I could parse the text in a shell script and set other attributes according to the content.

Thank you for considering it.

Cheers, Andreas





  69370   Mon Jun 14 17:25:02 2021 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportAllV3.1.4Bug Report with CSS includes (was Re: How to format a column in list display?)

Okay, found some solution for my problem:

List Change Pikett = <div class="pikett">$Pikett</div>

And file themes/default/pikett.css contains:

.pikett {

That works like a charm - until I log in to the logbook. Then the include of the CSS in the header is garbled with some "prefix" of random chars:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="elog.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="`=T ýpikett.css">

And a quick check in the source code shows some bad code:

L7615: function "show_html_header"

         rsprintf("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s%s\">\n", css_base, css);

Here css_base is a not initialized local variable of the function. In fact the above line is the only reference of that variable char css_base[1000].

The bug is still present in elog-3.1.4-611489b


Andreas Luedeke wrote:
There is the nice conditional formatting feature for List display:
Cell Style <attribute> <value> = <style>
I would like to use it without conditions: some attributes should always be formatted in a specific way.
Specifically I want a generated attribute (combined from other attributes) to be display in monospace font.
The "Format Pikett = 0, attribname, messagelist" works nicely for the single entry display (pik1), but not for List view (pik-list).

Would it be possible to create a new command "List format <attribute> = <css_class_name>,<css_class_value>,<width>,<size>", or is there another way to achieve this?


  69371   Mon Jun 14 18:06:06 2021 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chCommentLinux | AllV3.1.4Re: Request: make $text available for "subst"

I should tell that I found a simpler way to achieve the same:
I suppress the "text" field and use a single line text input field instead.
The single line input in "free text" modes just contains "<br>" : I would have had to use those in the text field anyway.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Hi Stefan,
no problem: if I just strip all newlines from the $text field (in HTML you use <br> anyway, the newline has no function apart from whitespace), and my multiline attribute is fine to go.
I do not intend to make the attribute editable: it is just used for display. Because that allows me to create the attribute either from free text or from combining other fields - depending on conditional attributes.

As a special feature you could strip all newlines beforehand, when providing the $text for subst statements.

Cheers, Andreas

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sure, attributes can be shown multi-line, but they cannot be stored in the elog internal database. The database is a very old design and only allows for single line attributes. Just look at a YYMMDDa.log file and you will see that. I would have to change the database format to somethign more advanced like XML, but that would take me a couple of weeks or months.

Soooorrryy! ;-)

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

While the input widget of text attributes is a single line, they can easily be multi-line in the display - when you use HTML at least.
And of course the user can parse the text field and generate a single line, if he wants to.
If you leave it to me, I'll create wonderful applications to that feature :-)

Please? ;-)

Stefan Ritt wrote:

$text is the full body text and can go over many lines. Since attributes are restricted to single lines, it's not possible to substitute them with the body text.


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I've just tried to read the $text with subst into another field and failed.
It looks like $text is only available for the execution of shell scripts in the "execute new|edit|delete = <script>" command.

Could that be added? I can think of a multitude of applications:

  • In my case I want to fill an attribute X either with free text or generated from other fields. The list view will show just X and not how it was generated.
  • I could fill an attribute automatically with the character length of the text.
  • I could parse the text in a shell script and set other attributes according to the content.

Thank you for considering it.

Cheers, Andreas






  69400   Thu Oct 21 11:15:20 2021 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestAll3.1.4How about string constants in config files?

My config files are often large and use some shell scripting. In these shell scripting part I interact with files and execute scripts in specific folder.
It would be nice to have the ability to define for example a file path once and reuse it in different parts of the config file. It would help to make config files cleaner. For example:

Constant c_cid = "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/elog-campaignID.default"
Execute new = if ! [ -z "$CampaignID" ] ; then echo "$CampaignID" > $c_cid; fi

Preset CampaignID = $shell( if [ -r $c_cid ] ; then cat $c_cid; else echo None > $c_cid; echo None; fi )

  69413   Mon Nov 15 15:41:04 2021 Idea Anthonyanthony.weathers@pm.meQuestionAll3.1.4Shared logbook and elog.cfg file across multiple installations


I'm wondering if it's possible to have a shared logbook and elog.cfg between multiple instances of elog.  Ideally, I'd like to have my logbooks folder and elog.cfg hosted on a nextcloud instance while running the elog service locally.  I've tried this using symlinks and shortcuts on windows with no luck.  I was able to install elog into my mounted nextcloud folder, but this isn't ideal as I would like this to work from multiple computers.

Any ideas or thoughts on how I can do this (if I can actually do this)?

  69462   Tue Feb 1 15:39:38 2022 Idea Jan Just Keijserjanjust@nikhef.nlInfoLinux3.1.4-3Default "Author" when replying to a log entry

what is the default value for "Author" when replying to a log entry ?  I now see that for each reply to a log entry, the value of "Author" is set to the value of the author of the original entry - this makes it very hard to see which user has replied to a particular log entry, especially when users start replying to replies etc.

This is with elog 3.1.4-3 on CentOS 7

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886