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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68214   Tue Jan 12 11:48:57 2016 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestLinuxV3.1.0-2411f95Re: Prefill attributes for new post
Hi Johan,
yes, it is possible. And you were actually very close :-)
In order to pass preset-parameters within a URL, you just need to prefix the fieldname with a "p". In your example, you would write "...&pSubsystems=Vacuum".
Here is an example for the Linux Demo logbook:
This feature is even already documented: :-)
I wish you a Happy New Year!
Johan Forsberg wrote:

Hi all,

I have a use case for ELOG where I need to be able to "prefill" some attributes in the "cmd=new" form, based on the URL.

To illustrate, imagine a link that takes the user directly to the form for creating a new post, with the "Subsystem" attribute already filled out to "Vacuum".

Is this possible already? I've tried naively using URL parameters (e.g. "&Subsystem=Vacuum") but that does not work. If it's not implemented, I think it would be a useful feature to have (and quite important for my particular use case). I could create a new post first using the "elog" tool, with the desired attributes set, but it makes more sense to defer the actual creation of the post to the user, i.e. he/she might change their mind before pressing "submit".


Johan Forsberg, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden


  68217   Tue Jan 12 15:06:42 2016 Idea Johan V3.1.0-241Monitoring a logbook for changes

Hi again!

I've another need that you probably already thought of :)

I'd like to be able to efficiently monitor a logbook for changes (new or edited posts) somehow. The most reasonable way I've found so far is to periodically poll a search that looks for posts after the time of the last poll. But that might note be very efficient, especially if the polling period gets short (or number of clients grows).

Is there some other feature that could be used for this? I was thinking maybe the ETag or Last-Modified HTTP header field could be used to show changes to a logbook by just reading the headers, but it would also require HEAD request support which does not seem to be there.



  68224   Wed Jan 13 08:25:50 2016 Idea Tamas Galtgal@km3net.deInfoLinuxELOG V2.9.2-245Slackbot for ELOG

Dear all,

I just wanted to share a small script which I wrote to integrate our ELOG in Slack. This allows us to be notified immediately if there is a new logbook entry directly within the appropriate Slack channels. We're using ELOG V2.9.2-245 but if the log-file format has "Subject, Author, Type" in the header, it should work with any other version. I'm using Pyinotify for the file watch which relies on a Linux Kernel feature (merged in kernel 2.6.13) called inotify, so the script only works on Linux.

Here is the code:

Cheers and thanks for ELOG!


Attachment 1: elog-slack.png
  68319   Wed May 18 16:19:07 2016 Idea Devin Bougiedevin.bougie@cornell.eduRequestLinux3.1.1support "authentication = webserver, kerberos"
The elog client binary does not work with webserver authentication.  One fix would be to support both webserver and kerberos authentication (authentication = webserver, kerberos), similar to how you currently support 
"authentication = kerberos, file".

A more general discussion of the elog client binary with webserver authentication can be found at .

Many thanks,
  68360   Mon Jul 18 23:37:22 2016 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportAllELOG V3.1.0-241Re: Escape character [ or ] doesn't work within [url]

The URL encoding of ']' as '%5D' appears to work:

[url=[%5D=v1&arrays[%5D=v2]click here[/url]

Cheers, Andreas

Don wrote:

Here is the problem:

[url=[]=v1&arrays[]=v2]click here[/url]

How can I escape [] inside url tag?

\[\] seems not working.


  68411   Mon Sep 5 10:31:02 2016 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.2New elog version 3.1.2

A new version 3.1.2 of elog has been released today and can be retrieved through the normal download section. Since it fixes some vulnerabilities, it is recommended to update to this version.


  68426   Sun Sep 18 03:31:42 2016 Idea Darren Hollinrakehollinrakedp@gmail.comBug fixLinux3.0.0Re: notification error services in CentOS 6.5

The quick fix I found was to uncomment line 10 in the init.d file. (This was tested on a CentOS 6.8 AWS instance.)

. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

This will allow the status command to function properly.

Clean install:

[centos@ip-172-31-51-59 ~]$ service elogd status
status: invalid option: -p

After uncommenting line 10:

[centos@ip-172-31-51-59 ~]$ service elogd status
elogd (pid  11438) is running...

When you start elog it still won't show that the service started successfully (No 'OK'). If you go to stop the service, it will give you the proper 'OK' indicating it stopped successfully.

So to fix the missing 'OK' (or 'FAILED') we need to update the start section around line 51 as follows:

          touch /var/lock/subsys/elogd

I've attached my modified init file which I believe corrects the above issues. I will say though that I'm not a programmer so I won't guarantee it's perfect. I haven't checked to see if CentOS 7 works with this modified version. Just checked it on a CentOS 7.2 AWS instance and it also appears to function correctly.

[root@oceana ~]# systemctl status elogd
● elogd.service - SYSV: ELOG is a weblog with integrated database
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/elogd)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2016-09-18 22:35:44 UTC; 7s ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 2263 ExecStop=/etc/rc.d/init.d/elogd stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 2275 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/elogd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 2277 (elogd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/elogd.service
           └─2277 /usr/local/sbin/elogd -D -c /usr/local/elog/elogd.cfg

Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2277]: elogd 3.1.1 built Aug  4 20...0
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2277]: revision
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2277]: Falling back to default gro..."
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2277]: Falling back to default use..."
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2277]: CKeditor detected
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana systemd[1]: Started SYSV: ELOG is a webl....
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2279]: Falling back to default gro..."
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2279]: Falling back to default use..."
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2277]: ImageMagick detected
Sep 18 22:35:44 oceana elogd[2277]: SSLServer listening on port....
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

The old SysV style commands ('service elogd start|stop|status') also function correctly.

[root@oceana ~]# service elogd stop
Stopping elogd (via systemctl):                            [  OK  ]
[root@oceana ~]# service elogd start
Starting elogd (via systemctl):                            [  OK  ]


Stefan Ritt wrote:

The init script supplied with elog was originally written for Redhat. It seems like CentOS has slightly changed the init daemon management, but I'm not an expert on that, nor do I have CentOS installed. If somebody comes with a fixed elogd.init for CentOS, I'm happy to include that in the distribution.


Banata wrote:

hello, I just upgrade from 2.9 into 3.0.0 in CentOS 6.5

but after upgrade, I can't check elogd services via command line

service elogd status,

always result in missing argument, while it works with httpd or mysqld services and old elogd version.

I try to uninstall and install rom scratch and same result,

Okay I give you screenshoot of that,

you may notice, on check service status and stopping services, error resulted



Attachment 1: elogd_modified

# chkconfig: 3 90 10
# description: ELOG is a weblog with integrated database
# processname: elogd
# config: /usr/local/elog/elogd.cfg
# pidfile: /var/run/

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Check for the config file
if [ ! -f /usr/local/elog/elogd.cfg ]; then
    exit 0

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
        if [ -f /var/run/ ] ; then
	   pid=`cat /var/run/`
	   if [ -d /proc/$pid ] ; then
	     echo "elogd already running"
	     # echo_failure
	     exit 1
        if [ -f /var/run/ ] ; then
           rm -f /var/lock/subsys/elogd
	   rm -f /var/run/
	echo -n "Starting elogd: "
	/usr/local/sbin/elogd -D -c /usr/local/elog/elogd.cfg  > /dev/null 2>&1 
        if [ $RETVAL -eq 0  ] ; then 
          touch /var/lock/subsys/elogd
     echo ""
      if [ -f /var/run/ ] ; then
        echo -n "Stoping elogd: "
        /bin/kill `cat /var/run/`
        rm -f /var/lock/subsys/elogd
	rm -f /var/run/
        echo -n "No elogd running?"
     status -p /var/run/ /usr/local/sbin/elogd
	$0 stop
	sleep 1
	$0 start
	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
	exit 1

exit 0

  68440   Mon Oct 3 10:02:36 2016 Idea Alex Kühnelalexander.kuehnel@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.2Is there a way to export logs


Is there a way to export logs from elog (for example after I have selected a filter) to txt or csv...

I found the "Download" attribute but this works for only one elog entry...


Attachment 1: elog_export.JPG
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6