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  68458   Wed Nov 16 13:48:33 2016 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestAll3.1.2Cancel button missing when editing an entry

If I edit an old entry, and do some mistake while editing, then there is currently no way to savely discard the changes.

The problem is that the entry will become a draft: if I close the window without saving, then the whole entry is gone: it will be converted into a draft entry. But the draft does contain my changes, it is not the originally saved entry!

The draft mechanism should keep a copy of the entry before I opened it in edit mode, and allow to go back to that copy. The edit form has currently the buttons "Submit", "Save", "Preview" and "Delete"; it should have in addition the button "Cancel", that just closes the edit window without saving the entry and even deleting the draft that was saved while the entry was modified. This should bring you back to the previous list view.

Is anyone out there in favour of this change?

  68482   Fri Dec 2 13:54:36 2016 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.2-6ec506bDisplay of draft entries in elog

Dear all,

there seems to be still lots of confusion with the new "draft modus" introduced in elog 3.1.2. Here is how it works:

If you edit an old or new entry, your changes are written to the elog server every few seconds. The entry in the elog database is marked as "draft". The idea behind that is that if your browser crashes or you navigate away from the elog page without saving your entry, the "draft" entry is sill in the elog database and can be recovered later. This is typically useful on some shift logbooks, where people keep the entry open for many hours and add things every few minutes. If they have a crash, they would loose a few hours of information.

The draft modus now has a few drawbacks:

  • If you have some draft entries in your elog database, you don't see them until you hit "New" the next time. Then the system offers you to continue the open draft entries.
  • Once you change an existing entry, you cannot go back to the version of that entry before you started to make modifications. The only option is to keep the current version or delete the whole entry. The old version of your entry in the database is overwritten every few seconds with the current contents of your edit text field.

To fix the first problem, I introduced a new flag "List drafts = 0|1". If this flag is 1, the draft entries are shown in the list view. The default value for this flag is 1, so normally you should see the draft entries in the database. You should refrain from editing these entries if you know that currently somebody else is working on them, otherwise you will overwrite each other's modifications. The modification is in the current git version of elog which is 3.1.2-6ec506b.

The scond drawback is harder to address. In order to go back to previous version, you would need a full version system (ala git), which is far beyond the scope of elog. I'm working on a partial fix by storing the contents on an entry inside the browser when you start editing an entry. You can then "cancel" your modifications by pasting back the original version from your browser. This works of course only if your browser does not crash or you do not navigate away from the elog page, in which case the original version will be lost.

If anybody has a strong opinion about these changes, please post them here.


  68601   Wed Apr 12 13:52:34 2017 Idea Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caCommentWindows3.1.2-7933898Re: rename menu commands

Somehow, I've missed to see that option :)

Thanks :)

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Hm, maybe my question is silly, but why don't you just use the "Duplicate" command instead of renaming and misusing "Copy to"??

Here is the relevant excerpt from the documentation (

Menu commands = <list>
This option specifies the menu commands displayed on top of a single logbook page. For certain installations, it can be useful to disable some commands. Following commands are possible:

  • New - Enter new logbook entry
  • Edit - Edit current logbook entry
  • Delete - Delete current logbook entry
  • Reply - Submit a reply to current entry
  • Duplicate - Duplicate the current entry with the possibility to change some values
  • [...]
  • Copy to - Copy entry to other logbook
  • [...]

The commands are always in English, independent of the language = ... setting, and are automatically translated into the specified language.
If this option is not present, following default is used:

Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Duplicate, Find, Config, Help
Francois Cloutier wrote:

Hi !

I do have an setup were I would like to rename the menu command but keeping their fonction. Namely, I would like to rename the "copy to" button to "Duplicate" since thats the option I would like to put in place ( Copy to = Same logbook only).

I tried to do so with css but it is not possible since the button doesn't have a specific id... Would you have another solution ? 

Thanks for your help !



  68667   Mon Aug 21 11:45:06 2017 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportAll3.1.3-aded4aeBug with Drafts and Language German

Hi Stefan,

when one creates a new entry, and a draft entry exists for the logbook, then a menu appears (see attachment).
If one select "Neuen Eintrag anlegen" then it should ignore the draft and create a new entry.
This feat is done by adding a "&ignore=1" to the "new" command: "<URL>/?cmd=New&ignore=1".
The problem is, that it should not be "cmd=New&..." but "cmd=Neu", since the commands are part of the translation.
Due to this, no new entry can be created as long as a draft exists; at least not in any language other than english.
This problem apparently existed since the beginning of drafts, but it only created problems at our site recently.
Kind Regards

PS: Here's a patch that works:

diff  elogd.c elogd.c-orig
<    rsprintf("<input type=button value=\"%s\" onClick=\"window.location.href='?cmd=%s&ignore=1';\">\n", loc("Create new entry"),
<             loc("New"));
>    rsprintf("<input type=button value=\"%s\" onClick=\"window.location.href='%s';\">\n", loc("Create new entry"),
>             "?cmd=New&ignore=1");
  68771   Mon Mar 26 16:32:43 2018 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.2-0914a6New elog setting for large attachments

Most mail delivery systems have a maximum size for attachments. In the past, if an elog attachment was larger than this size, the email server refused to accept this email and no notification is sent. Now one can specify the maximum allowed email attachment size with

Max email attachment size = <n>

where <n> is the number of bytes. If an email attachment is larger than <n>, the attachment is not sent with the email notification, but rather replaced by a link to the elog server for that attachment. By clicking on the link in the email notification, a browser will then open and download the large attachment. For each each elog installation, the admin has to figure out what the maximum attachment size of their SMTP server is, and then put this number into the elogd.cfg setting  above. For most installations, the default of 10 MB will just work fine.


  68893   Wed Feb 20 22:24:05 2019 Idea Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caRequestWindows3.1.2New feature request for Options list

Is it possible to include an option in the next release to have the Options list reference a text file of attributes rather than explicity listing the attributes in the Config file directly?

This would make it much easier to maintain a particular list that is referenced in several log books.

  68971   Tue May 14 09:40:58 2019 Idea Xuan a little function--go to the specified page number

Hi all,

I added an input widget for pagination. I'd like to share it here, maybe someone needs. If there are many pages,  specifying the page number will be useful. 

The picture and patch code are in the attachment



  69044   Wed Oct 16 13:20:31 2019 Idea Xuan reportLinux3.1.3Re: elog hanged when uploading photo failed

Hi all,

I've found a bug in elog. It's all right that uploading an image which file name with special characters. I think it must have something to do with the code like"url_encode(file_enc, sizeof(file_enc));  /* for file names with special characters like "+" */". If I clicked the "Make small/Make larger/Original size/Rotate left/Rotate right" button, the elog server will hang. How it can be fixed? The attached image shows the debug info.


Stefan Ritt wrote:

The problem is you have some weird characters in your file name R2BLM15 ? ? ? ? ? .PNG which confuses the interpreter. There should not be any special character or blanks in attached images.


Xuan Wu wrote:

Hi all,

  We came across a problem recently when clicking "Upload" button, then elog hanged and never being accessed. I have checked the elog logs and find that it seems that elog didn't get the path of the picture for some reason. So is it a bug or our operation isn't correct?



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6