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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Versiondown Subject
  195   Sat Jan 11 19:44:29 2003 Idea Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beRequest  call a shell from ELOG / new button [Submit & Notify]
propose to put 
[Submit] [Back] [Submit & Notify] button on top/bottom

new parameter 'shell option' 

Attributes = NotifyMode, Param1....Param10, Adresse, Subject, ...
Options NotifyMode = mail, SMS, Fax, printer...

; this command will invoque a shell command  
; example       
ShellCommand = <my shell command> parameters ...

like in WINDOWS 2000
ShellCommand = START.EXE notify.bat $NotifyMode $Param1, $Param2, $Param3
; in this case no necessity to modify the C source
; in windows I suggest the start.exe with a exit command
; so no necessary to wait the return code from the shell
  196   Mon Jan 13 11:43:37 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: 'group' option in conflict with 'guest logic' and 'LogBook Tabs' option
> small problem : 
> ****************
> Logbook Tabs = 0  in the guest logbook will close the group header
> may be create a parameter to solve ?
> GroupGuest Extranet = ....

What I would recommend in that case is to run two copies of elogd in 
parallel, one for the public and one for the private section. They can even 
run on differnt ports so the firewall can block the private section. If the 
private logbooks are not defined in the public elogd, they don't show up in 
the logbook tabs, so only the publick logbook tabs are seen. Please note 
that two elogd daemons should not have concurrent write access to the same 
logbook, since there is not locking and the logbook could get messed up that 
way. So only one elogd should have write access to any logbook.

- Stefan
  197   Mon Jan 13 11:45:18 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: call a shell from ELOG / new button [Submit & Notify]
I put this on the wish list.

- Stefan
  198   Tue Jan 21 10:04:46 2003 Angy Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beBug report  confused name in the attributes section
do not use confused name in attributes
Attributes Type, Type2
the info on Type2 will be placed in the Type also
see attachment 1

Never use confused name like '
Attributes PC_Memory, Memory

If Stephan need more info I can send a exemple of the logbooks
Attachment 1: elog_bug_attributes with confused names.JPG
elog_bug_attributes with confused names.JPG
  199   Fri Jan 24 12:24:18 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: confused name in the attributes section
> do not use confused name in attributes
> **************************************
> like
> Attributes Type, Type2
> the info on Type2 will be placed in the Type also
> see attachment 1
> Never use confused name like '
> Attributes PC_Memory, Memory

I acknowledge the problem. It had to do with the fact that for checkbox 
options, the first checkbox is submitted in the above case as "Type0", the 
second as "Type1", and the third as "Type2" which conficts with the other 
attribute. I fixed that and use now "Type#0" and so on which should be fine.

The fix will be included in V2.2.6.

  200   Thu Jan 30 19:52:46 2003 Question Matthewgreggmc@yahoo.comQuestion  Write only
I'm interested using elog for a lab notebook.  Once entries have been
entered they cannot be changed/edited.
Is it possible for elog to be setup to support something like this?  A write
only mode?
  201   Fri Jan 31 09:49:43 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Write only
> I'm interested using elog for a lab notebook.  Once entries have been
> entered they cannot be changed/edited.
> Is it possible for elog to be setup to support something like this?  A write
> only mode?

What you need is an entry in the elogd.cfg file:

Manu commands = Back, New, Reply, Find, Config, Logout, Help

As you see, the "Edit" and "Delete" commands are missing here and therefore 
do not get displayed. So you can enter a message with "New", but you cannot 
change it afterwards.
  202   Fri Jan 31 20:47:51 2003 Reply Matthewgreggmc@yahoo.comInfo  Re: Write only
Does this truly disable the edit command or just hide it?

> > I'm interested using elog for a lab notebook.  Once entries have been
> > entered they cannot be changed/edited.
> > Is it possible for elog to be setup to support something like this?  A write
> > only mode?
> What you need is an entry in the elogd.cfg file:
> Manu commands = Back, New, Reply, Find, Config, Logout, Help
> As you see, the "Edit" and "Delete" commands are missing here and therefore 
> do not get displayed. So you can enter a message with "New", but you cannot 
> change it afterwards.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6