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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  493   Mon Mar 1 18:04:08 2004 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug report 2.5.1Re: System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server
hello stefan 
sorry for the delay, was out of the office today. i had tested the same config 
and logbook under a "pseudo" win nt installation (suse linux 8.2 with vmware 
4.01 (virtaual pc simualtion) and a nativ win nt 4.0 sp6a: there is no 
problem! as well as this configuration works under linux as daemon. 
the problem only ocures on win 2003 server. I d'dn't test it under xp, 2000, 
2002 beause i don't have any of this systems. but it looks that no one else 
has this problem. would be helpfull to know if there anybody out in 
cyberspase using elog 2.5.1 with win 2000 or 2002 or even better with win 
2003 server? or do you have a 2003 server at psi? 
for me it looks like a incompatibility of a stack, boffer overrun or somethin 
in the memory. for me it really only occurs under win 2003. thats what i'm 
wondering. the system memory test of the server was ok (no virus, non 
controller problem or something, else, checked the hole stuff agian, just to 
be really shure!) , other apps don't have any problmes (it isonly iis 6 and 
mercure mail server runnig on this system with about 20gb free disk and about 
500mb ram totally and a pentium 4). 
if you think you have a chance to reproduce the problem i can zip the config 
file and the log for you. but in my opinion, you will need a win 2k3.  
i'd chdcked the file system rights again to be shure that they are ok. also 
i'd checked that elog run as a system service under win 2k3. it should have 
all rights. changing to run eleog with administrator rights didn't change 
would be great to find out what's happen. in the mean time i let it untreaded, 
hoping no one will click treaded view...  ;-)  for security, the servie is 
configured to restart if it hangs and to boot the system in an emergency, but 
it shouldn't happen evry hour... 
> All I can offer is send me your config file for the problematic logbook, and  
> I will try to reproduce the error. 
  492   Mon Mar 1 17:26:34 2004 Reply Val Schmidtvschmidt@ldeo.columbia.eduQuestionLinuxelog-2.5.1-1Re: top text/bottom text
> This was a bug which only occurs under certain conditions, that's why nobody 
> has seen it yet. I fixed it, the new version is available under CVS:


I'm inclined to wait until you release a new rpm with the changes, as I'm 
likely to mucky things up by trying to upgrade from the cvs archive rather than 
using the rpm mechanics. 

But glad to hear it's fixed.  

By the way, ELOG is a fantastic tool. I'm very thankful for all the effort gone 
into it. I do wish there were standard sql hooks, as I'm a bit fearful of how 
it will scale. But the front-end, which is often most neglected, is well 
thought out.  Thanks so much, Val
  491   Mon Mar 1 16:58:36 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxelog-2.5.1-1Re: top text/bottom text
This was a bug which only occurs under certain conditions, that's why nobody 
has seen it yet. I fixed it, the new version is available under CVS:
  490   Mon Mar 1 16:49:34 2004 Question Val Schmidtvschmidt@ldeo.columbia.eduQuestionLinuxelog-2.5.1-1top text/bottom text

I have a quick question regarding how to display text using the "Top text" 
feature in the elogd.cfg file.  I've made an entry that looks like the 

Top text = <h1>TEXT TO DISPLAY</h1>

But instead of getting just "TEXT TO DISPLAY" I get something like this:

----begin page ---
/usr/local/elog         "TEXT TO DISPLAY" of page 

----end page ---

...that is, on the far left at the top of the page in unformatted text 
is "/usr/local/elog/" prepended to the text I want do display. 

I don't know if this is a bug, or (more likely) something misconfigured in 
my setup. But any help that could be provided would be most greatful.


  489   Mon Mar 1 08:29:19 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.1Re: Instant Edit Link
> I even upgraded to the 2.5.1 version. Then I placed the elogd.c in the SRC 
> folder. Also placed the images in the themes folder.

As I wrote, you have to get the latest elogd.c, revision 1.272 and *COMPILE* it 
(or wait for the next official release). If you cannot compile elogd.c, let me 
know and I can send you the executable.
  488   Mon Mar 1 08:26:32 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report 2.5.1Re: System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server
All I can offer is send me your config file for the problematic logbook, and 
I will try to reproduce the error.
  487   Sun Feb 29 18:31:47 2004 Question Rajrajelio@yahoo.comQuestionWindows2.5.1Re: Instant Edit Link
I have done all that you suggested and all I get is the Message ID # that takes 
me to the message.
I even upgraded to the 2.5.1 version. Then I placed the elogd.c in the SRC 
folder. Also placed the images in the themes folder.
When I edit the List Display line it throws all my columns off by 1.
No luck so far. 
Any suggestions?

Thanks for such a quick reply!

> I have added that functionality according to your request. In elogd.cfg, you 
> can specify
> List Display = ID, Edit, Delete, Date, Author, ... <other attributes>
> which gives you two colums, one to edit and entry and one to delete one. See 
> the attached picture. I presume that's what you want. This works on the 
> newest version 
> and you need the two icons
> to be put under your elog/themes/default/ directory. Or you wait for the 
> next official release (;-)
  486   Sat Feb 28 16:46:41 2004 Angy Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug report 2.5.1System Error / Hangs with ELPG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server
Since I'n not a programmer I's like to be very carefulls with bug  
reports, but after testing for a while, I belive this my be a bug or  
something else:  
I have 2 systems running ELOG 2.5.1:   
1. uSE Linux 8.2, KDE 3.2 = NO problems at all! ELOG work's in every  
function quiet well!  
2. The Internet Server (of my friend): Windows 2003 Server, All MS paches  
installed, Running IIS 6.0 Port 80) and ELOG 2.5.1 (Port 8080) under  
FireDeamon 1.6GA (actual release) as a Service (Deamon).   
Problem under Win 2k3:  
This works very well, even with several users on the system and on ELOG  
as long as there is not msg. threaded! Is a Msg. Treaded ELOG produces  
the msg. showen in the attached Jepg-file below on Win 2k3.  
The problem occurs as soon as Elog would change to the threaded display 
or by clicking "Repaly" in the menu. Rights etc. are aleady checked on 
the file system and are looking well. Everithing will work well as 
nothing is thraded or testing locally under Linunx. 
Does anybody  
have an idea??? It my by a bog on Elog as well as from Microsoft or a  
problem produced by a dummy user (me...!). Since Linux don't have the  
problem and the same cfg-file and log-files are working well if I don't  
use mode=threaded as well as Display mode = threaded I believe it my be a  
realchance not to be the personal factor of the dummy user...   
ThankX for every hint!  
Attachment 1: Replay_Error_ELOG_auf_Wind_2k3_Server.jpg
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6