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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectup
  65703   Wed Jan 23 15:37:58 2008 Agree stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux2.7.1.2004inline button for upload image


In elog version, when I want to upload an image, after browsing I obtain a error message like < Upload command not unauthorized>. That is strange is the file is right uploaded in the logbook directory but not appear in the entry.

Thank you for your help.



  68139   Sun Oct 4 20:29:01 2015 Question Jacky Lizli@hawaii.eduQuestionLinuxV3.1.0-2411f95inline jpg to png


We have a user who posted a lot of inline jpg.  The elog system converted those to png and thus cause the size of the elog to expand about ~4x of the original size.  It is caused the problem of entry size too large for email notifications.  Is there a way to turn off the conversion to png picture file?  May I know also know why it converts to png to store on the server?  Thank you very much.


  66841   Tue Jun 8 15:48:06 2010 Question Yoshio ImaiRequestAll2.7.8inline-code
Hi, Stefan!

Sometimes, it is annoying that the
-Tag creates a line break, because there are situations where verbatim text inside the regular text flow is desirable (just like here). I would like to request an additional elcode-tag
(in-line code) which translates to
instead of


  66702   Wed Feb 3 21:54:41 2010 Question harleyh9s@ornl.govQuestionMac OSX2.7insert screenshots directly to elog?

Elog is excellent!

I apologize for the naive question, but is there a way to insert screenshots directly into elog entries?

  77   Wed Jul 17 23:46:01 2002 Question d. nettlesdnettle@lsu.eduQuestion  inserting pictures into a post
does elog have a way of inserting pictures into a post other than including
them as an attachment? i can put a picture in using html text, but this
method only works if the picture is stored on the local server. anyone
placing a post from a remote machine cannot include a picture off of their
any help?
  66285   Wed Apr 1 18:03:22 2009 Question Joseph Lejoseph.p.le@nasa.govQuestionWindows2.7.5-218is it posible to configure text message area contain two sections


I try to configure the elog as servers log book.  I need to devide the text entry area by 2 section: 1 for issue so I can put in detail what is the issue of my servers.  the other section below the 1st one for solution.  is it posible to do so?


  66286   Wed Apr 1 18:03:44 2009 Question Joseph Lejoseph.p.le@nasa.govQuestionWindows2.7.5-218is it posible to configure text message area contain two sections


I try to configure the elog as servers log book.  I need to devide the text entry area by 2 section: 1 for issue so I can put in detail what is the issue of my servers.  the other section below the 1st one for solution.  is it posible to do so?


  2288   Wed Jul 11 11:52:24 2007 Question toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comQuestion 2.6.5-1872is it possible to have unique attribute ?
Hi there !

I have an attribute that have to be unique (but i need also to write it myself) , so i would like to be able to create it the first time, and if i try to create it again, i want not be able.
Is there a way to do that ?
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886