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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
    icon2.gif   Re: error message from this forum, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 18 19:52:41 2005 

Heiko Scheit wrote:
Just after submitting the last message, the following error message was displayed:

Error sending Email via "": malformed address: synergie-infcom>

Sombody used an invalid formed email address, like user<at>domain<dot>com, on which the SMTP server complained. I would like to note here that the email addresses registered in this forum are not published in any way, so there is no risk to get spam from that (except the normal elog notifications, which can be turned off easily).
icon4.gif   password encryption, posted by Alex H on Fri May 20 14:40:12 2005 password.gif
Hi Stefan,

I have found a little problem with elog. I'am using ELOG V2.5.8-6. When I'am on the logon page,
I type my Login and password and hit "submit", in the bottom of IE, we can show my password without encryption, it can be dangerous. I have made a screenshot to explain my problem better.
Could you fix it for the next release ?
Thanks a lot.
icon1.gif   Problem with auto-increment attribute, posted by Andy on Tue May 24 20:32:08 2005 
I have a very strange problem with auto-increment attribute. Here is a part of my configuration:

Attributes = Access ID, Harvest Date, Access, Species, PI, Submission date, Stain, Comments
Preset Access ID = MI-05-%03d
Type Harvest date = date
Type Submission date = date

I tried to add new entry, and it's Access ID is MI-05-001. But when I'm adding another entries,
there Access ID is MI-05-006
I found only one mention of using increment in documentation.
What I'm doing wrong?
    icon4.gif   Re: password encryption, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 27 14:48:05 2005 

Alex H wrote:
Hi Stefan,

I have found a little problem with elog. I'am using ELOG V2.5.8-6. When I'am on the logon page,
I type my Login and password and hit "submit", in the bottom of IE, we can show my password without encryption, it can be dangerous. I have made a screenshot to explain my problem better.
Could you fix it for the next release ?
Thanks a lot.

Unfortunately there is no real way around that. If a password is entered into a text box, it is always transferred in plain text (which means that in security-sensive installations one should always use SSL together with elog). I encrypt it on the server side and do an immediate redirect which "hided" the plain password, but if your connection is slow, you might see it for a moment. Unless nobody has a clever idea of how to prevent this, we're out of luck.
    icon12.gif   Re: password encryption, posted by Alex H on Mon May 30 10:01:14 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Alex H wrote:
Hi Stefan,

I have found a little problem with elog. I'am using ELOG V2.5.8-6. When I'am on the logon page,
I type my Login and password and hit "submit", in the bottom of IE, we can show my password without encryption, it can be dangerous. I have made a screenshot to explain my problem better.
Could you fix it for the next release ?
Thanks a lot.

Unfortunately there is no real way around that. If a password is entered into a text box, it is always transferred in plain text (which means that in security-sensive installations one should always use SSL together with elog). I encrypt it on the server side and do an immediate redirect which "hided" the plain password, but if your connection is slow, you might see it for a moment. Unless nobody has a clever idea of how to prevent this, we're out of luck.

Oki Thanks for the answer Smile.

    icon2.gif   Re: password encryption, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Jun 4 14:00:17 2005 

Alex H wrote:
I have found a little problem with elog. I'am using ELOG V2.5.8-6. When I'am on the logon page,
I type my Login and password and hit "submit", in the bottom of IE, we can show my password without encryption, it can be dangerous. I have made a screenshot to explain my problem better.
Could you fix it for the next release ?
Thanks a lot.

I switched the login page to the HTTP "POST" method, where arguments are not passed in the URL.

The new version is under CVS. Can you try if the behaviour is better now? I upgraded also the ELOG forum, so you can try there as well.
icon1.gif   Summary page, posted by Dinesh Bapat on Mon Jul 25 10:14:27 2005 

This might be a stupid question.

But I was unable to fix it. Hence asking for help. I have set config as

List Display = ID, Author, Type, When, Subject

But "Summary" page of my e-log continues to display additional column "Text". Kindly advise how to hide this last column. Also, is it possible to assign % width for each of these columns (ID, Author, Type, When, Subject)

Thank you


    icon2.gif   Re: Summary page, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 25 10:24:23 2005 

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
But "Summary" page of my e-log continues to display additional column "Text". Kindly advise how to hide this last column.

Summary lines = 0

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
Also, is it possible to assign % width for each of these columns (ID, Author, Type, When, Subject)

Yes, via the Cascading Style Sheets, but only for the single display page. First put a

Format Author = 0, author_name, author_value

then put into your default.css following sections:
.author_name {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.author_value {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

Here you can then play with the width, font-size etc. I use this for example for the large subject dispaly in this forum.

On the list display however, the column width is determined by the browser, which tries to optimally arrange the colums for best readability.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886