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  66927   Tue Nov 9 19:36:40 2010 Angy harleyh9s@ornl.govOtherMac OSX2.7.8locking entries & auto-submission?

We have multiple users for a single elog.  Aside from making an entry only editable by the author, is there a way to secure the entry if it is being edited so that only one user may edit a particular entry at one time?

Also, is there a way to auto-submit entries after x minutes?


Your help and support are appreciated.


  68194   Fri Nov 20 10:28:41 2015 Question Mike Gilesmike.giles@gmx.comQuestionWindows3.1.1log entries after a certain date not displayed - 3.1.1


I'm having an issue with Elog 3.1.1 on windows 10 not displaying all log entries (after a certain date) in a logbook directory.

The logbook is saved in a Dropbox folder and the entries were created on a windows 8.1 PC with 3.1.1 also.

I created an entry in windows 10, this created a new log file (new day) with a duplicate ID, deleted the log file and then the windows 10 pc displayed all entries.

Is there any way to ensure Elogd picks up all log files ?

Thanks & Regards,



  374   Wed Jun 18 14:50:23 2003 Entry Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beInfoLinux | Windows | Mac OSX logboog for new project
we develop some improvement to elog and modify the C source
to adapt some internal improvement.

1. shellonsubmit command : give the possibility to execute external program
from elog by sending specific parameter (user/logbook/message ID)

2. elog log file in xml format : give a better view on what happens with 
users see attachments easy to push the files to excel or sql database.

3. synchronisation to mySql or SQL server through perl routine and the 
shellonsubmit command
this will push any new/edit/delete command in sql server so we keep a full 
historic off all transaction in ELOG

4. sms gateway : from elog entry we send sms message throught internet 
gateway (perl routine)

If somebody has good experience in C and Perl I suggest to contact me to 
improve this wonderfull product
Thank Stephan

other projet : 
we use a logbook from our external phone call

from our telephone connected to RS232 and/or TAPI interface we keep the 
phone number and try to find the name from sql server : if found 
we want to push an automatic entry in elog and fill specific field like 
name/contact/last phone call....

I will ask to Stephan Ritt what's the best way to include our routine in 
his standard source ?

could we create a specific logbook for the wishlist
in elog/contribution may be some parameters for the actual status of the 
project ? 

SQL : 
for our sql link we have a probleme as elog re use id when deleted
we must generate an unique ID for each elog CREATE 
and a version# field automaticly incremented after each update.
This must be implemented in ELOG source.
  181   Tue Dec 31 17:56:34 2002 Question eric wootenwootene@gao.govQuestion  logbook db size causing very slow response
Was wondering if there were any tweaks/suggestions for improving the 
logbooks responsiviness.  Our logbook was started 31 July 01.  Since that 
time we have went from 1 logbook to 4 logbooks.  Logbook 1 having 2651 
entries, logbook 2 having 300 entries, and the last 2 are new logbooks, so 
only a few entries.

When user launches the logbook website, it takes considerable time to bring 
the site up.  It seems to be directly related to the number of entries in 
the logbook.  If I set up a dummy site with a couple logbooks and only a 
few entries, the logbook is very fast coming up as well as saving entries.

Another thing that seems to slow the site down, is the number of users in 
the elog notification list (those who've subscribed).  When you save a log 
entry, it takes around 30sec or longer for it to actually complete the 
save.  If I remove the list of users from the notification list and just 
have a few, the save is very fast.

Thanks in advance,

  1084   Thu Apr 14 12:38:04 2005 Question Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.5.8-2logbook clone
When I create a new logbook (I used an existing one as a template) elog  
does not works anymore...  
- The problem is on elog user's file.. It seems elogd can't read it  
Cannot open file arco.users: Success  
Please use your browser's back button to go back  
- Here are some informations:  
sparcserv:/usr/share/elog# ps U elog  
 5165 ?        Ss     0:08 /usr/sbin/elogd -f /var/run/  
-c /etc/elog.conf -d /var/lib/elog -s /usr/share/elog -p 8080 -n  
sparcserv:/usr/share/elog# id elog  
uid=106(elog) gid=106(elog) gruppi=106(elog)  
sparcserv:/usr/share/elog# ls -lha*  
-rw-------  1 elog elog 1,8K 2005-03-24 12:21 arco.users  
-rw-r--r--  1 elog elog  473 2005-03-23 10:41 arco.users_bak  
giving the arco.users file chmod a+wr does *not* make it work ...  
re-chmod-ing to -rw-------  AND restarting the daemon solves the problem 
and everything works nice ...  
any idea?  
  109   Thu Aug 15 20:21:17 2002 Idea tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comRequest  logging
is it possible to add ip information into the logging? that's something i was working on already but never that there's logging already added :)
  122   Sun Aug 18 23:18:00 2002 Question Marcel Pilsmarcel_pils@web.deQuestion  logical search operators
It is posible to use logical search operators like "and" and "or" ?

Which Operators can i use how do i so ?

Thank you for your anwser.
  69480   Wed Mar 2 18:35:48 2022 Entry Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caBug reportLinuxELOG V3.1.4-cb3login cookie confusion
we had an elog with only one logbook and one password file,
we added a second logbook with a second password file and everything broke.

specifically, login to the original logbook stopped working,
username and password is accepted, elog.log says "user accepted", but I am presented
with the login dialog again, ad infinitum, and cannot access the elog.

solution seems to be to "delete all cookies" (which is excessive,
google chrome wants to delete all cookies for *,
which will log me out from everywhere I am logged in and probably
erase/reset web site preferences everywhere).

manually deleting just the elog session cookie also seems to work, though.

this suggests that there is a bug in elog, where on successful login,
it fails to create a new authentication cookie, but reuses an old
cookie, which is no longer valid, for whatever reason (that would
be a different bug, why adding one more logbook invalidates
existing logins?).

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886