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    Reply   , posted by on Fri Oct 29 20:14:17 2004 
> 1) elogd should report quota or disk-full problem:  In case a logbook           
>    entry cannot be saved (quota or disk full) then a message like               
>    'Could not save last entry.  Please contact administrator.' should           
>    be displayed.  Currently nothing happens.  Only the submitted                
>    entries 'vanish'.                                                            

That has been fixed in meantime.

> 4) mark messages as unread/read on a per user basis: The                        
>    implementation of this might be quite involved but it would be               
>    rather useful.  One way would be to add a default attribute 'Seen            
>    by' to each entry, which lists the login names of the users.  Or 
>    files LOGIN_NAME.has_seen can be created which contain the entry 
>    IDs of the viewed entries for each user.

There is an elegant way to achieve this already now: Use an RSS reader (like
SharpReader for Windows or Straw from Linux) and subscribe to a logbook. Then don't
read the entries directly in the logbook, but read them in your RSS reader. Once you
read them, they become automatically marked read.   

> 5) alignment of attribute table (using <td colspan=2> for multi line            
>    stuff): see elog:669 :)                                                      

Has been fixed as well.

> - Use "and" and "or" operands in queries                                        

Elog supports now regular expressions. So for a "<str1> OR <str2>" one can write


and for a "<str1> AND <str2>" one can write


Looks a bit complicated, but maybe some day we will get some code which rewrites
"AND" and "OR" as regular expressions.
    icon2.gif   Re: , posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Nov 1 13:49:12 2004 
> 2) default page view per user, i.e. the 'Back' link goes to                     
>    ?mode=Full,summary,... depending on the user that is logged in.              
>    Some users complained that 'Back' is not really back.  Maybe                 
>    consider renaming 'Back' to 'Default View' or something.                     

I replaced the "back" link with a "list" link, hope that this makes now more sense.
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Nov 15 01:02:29 2004 
I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
works fine in with Bloglines (

I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular


> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Nov 15 01:02:29 2004 
I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
works fine in with Bloglines (

I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular


> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Nov 15 01:02:29 2004 
I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
works fine in with Bloglines (

I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular


> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Nov 15 09:38:39 2004 
> I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
> works fine in with Bloglines (

You need Firefox 1.0 Preview or later.

> I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular
> logbook?

It's on by default for all logbooks.
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Nov 15 09:38:39 2004 
> I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
> works fine in with Bloglines (

You need Firefox 1.0 Preview or later.

> I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular
> logbook?

It's on by default for all logbooks.
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Nov 15 09:54:45 2004 
IE 6 chokes on the XML, below is what I get for
(sorry this is in french).
So I assume all rss reader parsing the file with the MS XML parser shall also 
have a problem, this is the case with Avant Browser integrated RSS reader.



La page XML ne peut pas être affichée 
Impossible d'afficher l'entrée XML en utilisant la feuille de style XSL. 
Corrigez l'erreur, puis cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou réessayez 


Un caractère incorrect a été trouvé dans un contenu de texte. Erreur de 
traitement de la ressource

<title>Re: $message id  gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back, posted 
by Ulrich Tr
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6