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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
icon5.gif   quick filter, posted by Willem Koster on Wed Sep 5 15:05:52 2007 

Last night we updated to 2.6.5 and now the <ENTER>-key on the "quick filter" searches won't work anymore in 
internet exporer (@windows). I have to use the <TAB>-key now to get the results.

The ENTER-key still works under firefox (Windows & linux) and opera (at least under linux, because 
opera@windows refuses to log me on .. whatever) and I would like to see it come back to internet explorer as 

Willem Koster
    icon2.gif   Re: quick filter, posted by Willem Koster on Wed Sep 5 16:35:29 2007 
> Greetings,
> Last night we updated to 2.6.5 and now the <ENTER>-key on the "quick filter" searches won't work anymore in 
> internet exporer (@windows). I have to use the <TAB>-key now to get the results.
> The ENTER-key still works under firefox (Windows & linux) and opera (at least under linux, because 
> opera@windows refuses to log me on .. whatever) and I would like to see it come back to internet explorer as 
> well.
> Regards,
> Willem Koster

ehm... funny enough the quick-filter entry used in this elog does work with IE.  

(we're using ELOG V2.6.5-1844 btw)

update: when we try just one quick-filter it works ok, when we add our second quick-filter it stops working.

Both quick-filters are tekst-searches (just like this forum only has one tekst-search quick-filter).

We suspect that this is an explorer issue and probably not something that can be solved with elog, but ... 
maybe .. who knows...


In the source we see:

    <noscript><input type="Submit" value="Search"></noscript> 

If we remove the <noscript> </noscript> tags we get a submit-button, but our problem seems to be solved. 
(obviously hacking the source-code is not our primary choice :-)
    icon2.gif   Re: quick filter, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Sep 6 08:50:53 2007 
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > Last night we updated to 2.6.5 and now the <ENTER>-key on the "quick filter" searches won't work anymore in 
> > internet exporer (@windows). I have to use the <TAB>-key now to get the results.
> > 
> > The ENTER-key still works under firefox (Windows & linux) and opera (at least under linux, because 
> > opera@windows refuses to log me on .. whatever) and I would like to see it come back to internet explorer as 
> > well.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Willem Koster
> ehm... funny enough the quick-filter entry used in this elog does work with IE.  
> (we're using ELOG V2.6.5-1844 btw)
> update: when we try just one quick-filter it works ok, when we add our second quick-filter it stops working.
> Both quick-filters are tekst-searches (just like this forum only has one tekst-search quick-filter).
> We suspect that this is an explorer issue and probably not something that can be solved with elog, but ... 
> maybe .. who knows...
> update2:
> In the source we see:
>     <noscript><input type="Submit" value="Search"></noscript> 
> If we remove the <noscript> </noscript> tags we get a submit-button, but our problem seems to be solved. 
> (obviously hacking the source-code is not our primary choice :-)

The code above is for cases where JavaScript is not enabled. The quick filter text box contains code like:


which is some javacode which causes the browser to submit the form after the contents of the text box has changed.
Now if javascript is turned off, this does not work obviously. So I added the <noscript> section which shows the
Submit button, so people can click on it. But you are telling me that IE accepts the hit on return (not the click
on the Submit button) even when JavaScript is off, right? Can you temporarily remove the onChange section and see
what happens?
    icon2.gif   Re: ELCode how to with URL, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Sep 7 22:56:12 2007 
> Hello there !!
> I wonder if it's possible to write an url like this[URL=?CR=CR00000429]CR00000429[/URL] 
> in fact it don't work for the moment , because it is redirected tu http:///?CR=CR00000429
> is it possible to have url without http://
> I have a logbook CR and a type CR and i work now in localhost but i want my elog to be accessible from anywhere.
> Im not very clear but I hope you understand.
> [TABLE border="1"]
> Emplacement|CR|TYPE|Cable trace voix 1|Cable trace voix 2|url|-
> MON|CR00002536|Monitoring|x|x|[URL=http://localhost:8080/CR/?CR=CR00002536]CR00002536[/URL]|-
> POW1|CR00000429|POWER Ro|x|x|[URL=?CR=CR00000429]CR00000429[/URL]|-
> POW2|CR00000430|POWER Ro|x|x|[URL=?CR=CR00000430]CR00000430[/URL]|-
> [/TABLE]

You can use the 

elog:<logbook name> 

redirection. So for this logbook, so see all entries with Category=Info using following link


This should work from everywhere.
    icon2.gif   Re: ELCode how to with URL, posted by toumbi on Tue Sep 11 11:36:04 2007 
Thank you a lot !!
icon7.gif   Add date and time stamp to file upload, posted by Fergus Lynch on Thu Oct 4 12:03:30 2007 

Been using ELOG for a couple of years now and I am very impressed with its functionality.

I would like to request a new feature - add date and time stamp to file upload. We use ELOG (amongst other things!) as a change log and this would really allow allow more accurate records to be kept. For instance we upload router config files (to record changes)and having the exact upload date would be a big enhancement, especially when there are a lot of attachments.

Many Thanks in Advance
    icon2.gif   Re: Add date and time stamp to file upload, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 4 17:19:56 2007 

Fergus Lynch wrote:
I would like to request a new feature - add date and time stamp to file upload. We use ELOG (amongst other things!) as a change log and this would really allow allow more accurate records to be kept. For instance we upload router config files (to record changes)and having the exact upload date would be a big enhancement, especially when there are a lot of attachments.

There is already a time and a date stamp. If you look in the logbook directory, you see attachments preceded with the date and time when they were submitted. You can see this date/time when you click on the attachment, such as in

where you will see it even in the URL (May 19th, 2004, 0:03:48) in the above case. I agree that this is not so obvious. If you make a proposal where this date/time should be displayed, I can easily add it.
Entry   , posted by on Sat Oct 6 14:05:01 2007 

I ended with 125384 entries like the one above.

Everything works fine but ......... [U]tteerrrriibbllee[/U] [B]slow[/B].  CPU usage is constant at 99%.  

I tried to split the one file produced by the import into 2 chunks but that did not improve the situation.

My question is : Is there a rule of thumb for the size of the "database" in which elog keeps it's performance, or better : is there a solution for this for elog.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6