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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown Text Attachments
  1569   Thu Dec 22 21:15:19 2005 Reply Edmundo T Rodriguezedrodrig@chpnet.orgRequest 2.6.0"Syntax of elogd.cfg" - DocumentThe document "ELOG - Syntax of elogd.cfg"
is outdated!
  1937   Mon Sep 18 18:36:07 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.2-1714"Supress Email Notification" checkboxIs there a way to allow email notification
but have the "Suppress Email Notification"
checked by default?  We had complaints about
  66002   Tue Oct 14 10:29:34 2008 Question T. Ribbrockemgaron+elog@ribbrock.orgQuestionLinux2.7.5-2130"Style" based on two MOptions - possible?We have a logbook in which we use two "Status"
attributes, both of which are MOptions. What
we want to do is have the corresponding line
  68781   Wed Apr 11 18:14:35 2018 Warning Michael Kelseykelsey@slac.stanford.eduBug reportMac OSX3.1.3"Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times outHello!  The CDMS collaboration is
using e-Log as one of it's issue tracking
systems.  In the last few months, I
  67596   Fri Nov 1 21:47:12 2013 Question Mark"Show only new entries" stuck for one user For one user in our ELog installation
the "Show only new entries" button
seems to be stuck on one particular date
  331   Thu May 8 16:49:05 2003 Question Tomas Rudolftomas@mba.beRequest  "Selection page" parameterHi, 

I have a question concerning the "Selection
  68038   Wed Jul 1 11:05:32 2015 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.0-3c6"Resolve host names" does not resolve host namesHello

I use Resolve host
names = 1 in my config file,
  66630   Thu Nov 26 14:27:27 2009 Question David reportLinux2.7.7-"Reply to" Author in this forumHi Stefan,

This has happened twice on this forum now,
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6