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  1369   Thu Aug 4 20:29:23 2005 Reply Stefan   Re: Notify email recipient of attachments without including?

Chris Green wrote:

Our elog is going to be taking some large attachments. I've disabled the attachments from going out in the email, but I'd like email recipients to know that the post has attachments associated with it. Is there a mechanism to do this already, or would it be an enhancement? I'm looking for something like:

Email Notify Attachments = 0 | 1 | 2

Where 0 = no notification,
1 = number only,
2 = list

... independent of whether attachments are included with the email itself.


I added Email Format = 64 for only attachment names. So you could set Email Format = 111 to get everything except the full attachments.
  1371   Thu Aug 4 20:35:48 2005 Reply Stefan Windows2.60 beta3Resolution (i think) - Re: Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296)

PJ Meyer wrote:
think I figured it out- had to make explict most of the default settings: resource, logbook, url, theme, css and so on.

so this is done.

I'm not satisfied with this solution, I rather would like to fix the problem at the source. So can you remove the explicit directory settings, then stip down the config file to the bare minimum where the problem happens, then send me this file so that I can reproduced it. Do yo use SSL, stunnel or a proxy?

- Stefan
  1377   Fri Aug 5 01:15:23 2005 Reply Chris   Re: Notify email recipient of attachments without including?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Chris Green wrote:

Our elog is going to be taking some large attachments. I've disabled the attachments from going out in the email, but I'd like email recipients to know that the post has attachments associated with it. Is there a mechanism to do this already, or would it be an enhancement? I'm looking for something like:

Email Notify Attachments = 0 | 1 | 2

Where 0 = no notification,
1 = number only,
2 = list

... independent of whether attachments are included with the email itself.


I added Email Format = 64 for only attachment names. So you could set Email Format = 111 to get everything except the full attachments.

Thanks for this. Will verify as soon as someone posts to the (now live) logbook.

  1396   Wed Aug 10 11:28:30 2005 Question   Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?
Just updated to ELOG V2.6.0-beta4 from V2.5.6-2 and I note a couple of changes:

- HTML code inculed in elog.cfg "Comment" lines were previously rendered, now they are not. e.g. "Comment = Some comment
<A href="" target="_top">&nbsp; Some link text</A>" Is this change deliberate, or is the functionality likely to return? Any workaround?

- The "Several logbooks are defined on this host" elog index page was previously collapsable, now it is not. Same questions as previous.

Thanks & best regards,

  1402   Thu Sep 1 17:53:58 2005 Reply   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?

ralphb wrote:
- The "Several logbooks are defined on this host" elog index page was previously collapsable, now it is not.

OK, I've fixed that one with "Expand Selection page = 0"
  1408   Tue Sep 6 09:37:20 2005 Reply Stefan   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?

ralphb wrote:
HTML code inculed in elog.cfg "Comment" lines were previously rendered, now they are not. e.g. "Comment = Some comment
<A href="" target="_top">&nbsp; Some link text</A>" Is this change deliberate, or is the functionality likely to return?

I had to render the comment, because some people had comments like "PCs > W2k", where the ">" screwed up the HTML code of the page. I added some code now which checks if the comment is real HTML, and reverts back to the old behaviour if it is. The update is in CVS.

ralphb wrote:
The "Several logbooks are defined on this host" elog index page was previously collapsable, now it is not. Same questions as previous.

People complained about the collapsing (it's really hard to make everybody happy!!!). So the page is expanded by default. If you want the old behaviour, add an
Expand selection page = 0

into your config file
  1411   Tue Sep 6 18:36:21 2005 Reply   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?

Stefan Ritt wrote:
I added some code now which checks if the comment is real HTML, and reverts back to the old behaviour if it is. The update is in CVS.

Thanks very much Stefan.

Our new server has no gcc so I had to compile it on a sister machine, pending the next RPM release.

By the way, your download page needs an extra line:
cvs -d checkout mxml
to have a hope of the make working.

Also, it would be nice if the "Installing and running on UNIX" section of the Administrator's Guide also had a set of "Installation from CVS" instructions.

Stefan Ritt wrote:
it's really hard to make everybody happy!!!

Ah, but you are doing it so well!

Thanks again.

Best regards, Ralph.
  1420   Fri Sep 23 17:27:40 2005 Question Linux2.6.0elog fails to connect with "cannot get host name: Success" message
I can't seem to connect using elog: elog -h <myhost>:8080 -v -l Servers -a "Type=Routine" -a "Author=ScottK" -m ~/test.txt it run fine through the web interface on http://<myhost>:8080/Servers I have URL = http://<myhost>:8080 in my elogd.cfg Any clues what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help. ScottK
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6