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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  1475   Thu Oct 20 16:01:49 2005 Reply Stefan Linux2.6.0beta4Re: Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?

Johan Nyberg wrote:
Is there a way to force the users to supply an email address when they register?

I will happily implement such an email check if you supply me further information. Presume you enter an email address in the form (# instead @). Does your SMPT server then complain, too? What about user@com (without "domain.")? If you check all possibilities and let me know, I will put it in.
  1476   Sat Oct 22 00:21:03 2005 Reply Johan Linux2.6.0beta4Re: Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Johan Nyberg wrote:
Is there a way to force the users to supply an email address when they register?

I will happily implement such an email check if you supply me further information. Presume you enter an email address in the form (# instead @). Does your SMPT server then complain, too? What about user@com (without "domain.")? If you check all possibilities and let me know, I will put it in.

Hi Stefan,

Sorry for the delayed reply. I have run some tests which I will send to you by email.

  1514   Fri Nov 18 08:40:13 2005 Question Dinesh Windows2.6Send a email to E-log?
Is it possible to send an email to Elog and record an entry automatically?We have situations where endusers have very narrow bandwidth email access. But no broadband to update E-log. Is there some mechanism so that they can send a email and it update Elog automatically?Thanks in advance.
  1518   Fri Nov 18 21:09:01 2005 Reply Stefan Windows2.6Re: Send a email to E-log?

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
Is it possible to send an email to Elog and record an entry automatically?
Have a look at elog:Contributions/10
  1542   Wed Dec 7 02:37:40 2005 Entry Jesse   Proxy question
I'm trying to run elog 2.6.0-beta4 under Apache 2.0.  I follow the directions, and everything works fine, so my
elog runs as

running under port 8082, with the following lines in my httpd.conf file

 Redirect permanent /elog
 ProxyPass /elog/

This machine has an alias, which is  My question is, how can I run elog so that
when someone types in this name, it brings up my elog? I know that I can make a VirtualHost entry and put a
redirect at the document root of that virtual host, but that seems clumsy.  Can I just modify ProxyPass or add a
Redirect statement somehow?

  7   Mon Mar 24 13:05:02 138        
  65620   Sat Oct 6 14:05:01 2007        

I ended with 125384 entries like the one above.

Everything works fine but ......... [U]tteerrrriibbllee[/U] [B]slow[/B].  CPU usage is constant at 99%.  

I tried to split the one file produced by the import into 2 chunks but that did not improve the situation.

My question is : Is there a rule of thumb for the size of the "database" in which elog keeps it's performance, or better : is there a solution for this for elog.

  Draft   Thu Sep 24 00:13:31 2015 Warning Stefano Linux3.1.0Elog command not working properly
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6