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    icon2.gif   Re: Several attachement at the same time, posted by stephane on Sat Jan 26 11:13:38 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:


I would like to make several attachement at the same time. I would be great cause I have lot of attachements to do every day. I try wiht CTRL or SHIFT key but I failed in.

Is it possible at this moment ?

Kind regards


Unfortunately this is a limitation of HTML and your browser. Most photograph printing services have the same problem, you can only upload one photo at a time, so they come up with some Java programs you have to run locally to upload sets of photos. Or they have standalone programs, but they only work under Windows. So the only way to ease your pain is if you put your attachments into a single zip file.


Thank's for your answer.


icon5.gif   FCK Editor + spell check, posted by stephane on Mon Feb 4 11:44:42 2008 


How do I proceed to have spell check in fck editor under linux / firefox ?

Kind regards


icon1.gif   elog hand on destination mirror server, posted by stephane on Thu Feb 21 12:50:53 2008 


When I start elogd on the mirror destination server, until cron job started, I can access to the website normaly. Once cron job started, I can't access to the website of the elog mirror destination server.

How can I solve this problem ?

Kind regards



icon14.gif   elog hand once mirror started, posted by stephane on Thu Feb 21 12:55:56 2008 


When I started elogd on the mirror server, I can access to the website on it until cron job started. Once cron job started, the elog mirror server hang and I can't obtain any response on it.

How can I solve this problem ?

Kind regards



    icon2.gif   Re: elog hand once mirror started, posted by stephane on Thu Feb 21 15:09:25 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:


When I started elogd on the mirror server, I can access to the website on it until cron job started. Once cron job started, the elog mirror server hang and I can't obtain any response on it.

How can I solve this problem ?

With this information I cannot diagnose the problem. I would recommend you to run the elogd on the mirror server in interactive mode with the "-v" flag, so you see all net traffic. Maybe this sheds some light on the problem.


The server hang at this point :

ID362  : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D
Cache  : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D
Remote : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D

I can't stop the process with ctrl+c


Kind regards



    icon2.gif   Re: elog hand once mirror started, posted by stephane on Fri Feb 22 06:32:48 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:



The server hang at this point :

ID362  : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D
Cache  : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D
Remote : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D

I can't stop the process with ctrl+c

No, that does not help me to come to a conclusion. So I have no idea what's going on. When you do mirroring, you can start the synchronization from both server sides. Can you maybe try to do that from the "other" server? Maybe you have some firewall problem.

How can I put the output in a file to send it to you ?


    icon2.gif   Re: elog hand once mirror started, posted by stephane on Fri Feb 22 08:38:38 2008 

stephane wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

stephane wrote:



The server hang at this point :

ID362  : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D
Cache  : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D
Remote : 45F505AF26644D7F71A2AF6E9822554D

I can't stop the process with ctrl+c

No, that does not help me to come to a conclusion. So I have no idea what's going on. When you do mirroring, you can start the synchronization from both server sides. Can you maybe try to do that from the "other" server? Maybe you have some firewall problem.

How can I put the output in a file to send it to you ?


I solve my mirror problem. It came from old logbooks made with old elog version. I replicate these manually and exclude them from mirror.

Kind regards


    icon2.gif   Re: MacOS install failure - cannot find ssl.h, posted by stefano bonaldo on Thu Dec 15 01:38:20 2016 

On Sierra Macports install openssl in /opt/local/include/ , but copy it into /usr/local/include. You should able to fix it.

sudo cp -r /opt/local/include/openssl /usr/local/include/

Stefan Ritt wrote:

My macports puts it under


Christina Swinson wrote:

I responded too quickly.

I already have openssl installed via macports (this is the "Mac version" of libssl-dev).

Does anyone know where exactly elog is looking for openssl/ssl.h? I have just updated Macports and upgraded to Sierra, so maybe it's been dumped it in a different location.


Christina Swinson wrote:


I think that I must have skipped straight to the MacOS notes instead of reading the linux section properly.

Thanks for the help,


Stefan Ritt wrote:

If you look into the documentationa at:

you will see that for Linux (as well asl MacOS) you need the libssl-dev packaged to be installed. There are many ways to install this on MacOS, I personally use the MacPorts distribution:

Best regards,


Christina Swinson wrote:


I am trying to install on MacOS Sierra. I believe that I have followed all the steps correctly, but the install is failing with the following error: 

cc -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations -DHAVE_SSL -o elog src/elog.c crypt.o  -lssl
src/elog.c:57:10: fatal error: 'openssl/ssl.h' file not found
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
1 error generated.
make: *** [elog] Error 1

Help appreciated!







ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6