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  Contributions to ELOG, Page 1 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Author Email Category Subject Status Last Revision
  28   Fri Mar 28 10:23:50 2008 svrmartysvrmarty@gmx.netOtherELOG V2.7.3-2080 debian amd64 packageStableFri Mar 28 10:23:55 2008 by svrmarty
Attachment 1: elog_2.7.3+r2080-1_amd64.deb
  154   Thu Mar 3 12:01:55 2022 rami repeating first inline_image in emailStableThu Mar 10 11:30:20 2022 by rami khrais

Fixing repeating first image in email (email notification) when the user submit a new log with in_line images.

Attachment 1: elogd.c

   Name:         elogd.c
   Created by:   Stefan Ritt
   Copyright 2000 + Stefan Ritt

   ELOG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   ELOG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
   permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
   OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
   individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
   including the two.
   You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
   for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
   file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
   version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
   do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
   version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
   files in the program, then also delete it here.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with ELOG.  If not, see <>.

   Contents:     Web server program for Electronic Logbook ELOG


#include "elogd.h"
#include "git-revision.h"

const char *_git_revision = GIT_REVISION;

BOOL running_as_daemon;         /* Running as a daemon/service? */
int elog_tcp_port;              /* Server's TCP port            */

static void (*printf_handler)(const char *);   /* Handler to printf for logging */
static void (*fputs_handler)(const char *);    /* Handler to fputs for logging  */
static FILE *current_output_stream = NULL;      /* Currently used output stream  */

char *return_buffer;
int return_buffer_size;
int strlen_retbuf;
int keep_alive;
char header_buffer[20000];
int return_length;
char host_name[256];
char referer[256];
char browser[256];
char config_file[256];
char resource_dir[256];
char logbook_dir[256];
char listen_interface[256];
char theme_name[80];
char http_host[256];
char http_user[256];

char _param[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH];
char _value[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH];
char _mtext[TEXT_SIZE];
char _cmdline[CMD_SIZE];
char *_attachment_buffer;
int _attachment_size;
int _max_content_length = MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH;
struct in_addr rem_addr;
char rem_host[256];
char rem_host_ip[256];
int _sock;
BOOL use_keepalive, enable_execute = FALSE;
BOOL ckedit_exist, image_magick_exist;
int _verbose_level, _current_message_id;
int _logging_level, _ssl_flag;

LOGBOOK *lb_list = NULL;

#define VERBOSE_URL     1
#define VERBOSE_INFO    2
#define VERBOSE_DEBUG   3

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
SSL *_ssl_con;

char *mname[] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
                 "October", "November", "December"

char attr_list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH];
char attr_options[MAX_N_ATTR][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH];
int attr_flags[MAX_N_ATTR];

char attr_list_default[][NAME_LENGTH] = {"Author", "Type", "Category", "Subject", ""};

char attr_options_default[][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = {{""},
                                                        {"Routine", "Other"},
                                                        {"General", "Other"},

int attr_flags_default[] = {AF_REQUIRED, 0, 0, 0};

struct {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {

                ".AI",   "application/postscript"},
                ".ASC",  "text/plain"},
                ".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
                ".CFG",  "text/plain"},
                ".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
                ".CONF", "text/plain"},
                ".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
                ".CSS",  "text/css"},
                ".DOC",  "application/msword"},
                ".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
                ".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
                ".GIF",  "image/gif"},
                ".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
                ".HTM",  "text/html"},
                ".HTML", "text/html"},
                ".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
                ".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
                ".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
                ".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
                ".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
                ".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
                ".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
                ".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
                ".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
                ".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
                ".PNG",  "image/png"},
                ".PS",   "application/postscript"},
                ".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
                ".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
                ".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
                ".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
                ".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
                ".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
                ".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
                ".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
                ".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
                ".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
                ".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
                ".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
                ".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
                ".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
                ".TXT",  "text/plain"},
                ".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
                ".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
                ".XML",  "text/xml"},
                ".XSL",  "text/xml"},
                ".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},

                /* Open XML file types */
                ".DOCM", "application/"},
                ".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
                ".DOTM", "application/"},
                ".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
                ".PPSM", "application/"},
                ".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
                ".PPTM", "application/"},
                ".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
                ".XLSB", "application/"},
                ".XLSM", "application/"},
                ".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
                ".XPS",  "application/"},

                "",      ""},};

struct {
   char language[32];
   char abbrev[32];
} lang_table[] = {

        {"brazilian",    "br"},
        {"bulgarian",    "bg"},
        {"czech",        "cz"},
        {"danish",       "dk"},
        {"dutch",        "nl"},
        {"french",       "fr"},
        {"german",       "de"},
        {"indonesia",    "id"},
        {"italian",      "it"},
        {"japanese",     "jp"},
        {"polish",       "pl"},
        {"ru_CP1251",    "ru"},
        {"slowak",       "sk"},
        {"spanish",      "es"},
        {"swedish",      "se"},
        {"turkish",      "tr"},
        {"zh_CN-GB2314", "zh"},
        {"zh_CN-UTF8",   "zh"},
        {"",             ""}

char _convert_cmd[256];
char _identify_cmd[256];

#ifdef OS_WINNT
int run_service(void);

#ifdef OS_UNIX
gid_t orig_gid;                 /* Original effective GID before dropping privilege */
uid_t orig_uid;                 /* Original effective UID before dropping privilege */
char pidfile[256];              /* Pidfile name                                     */

#ifdef __CYGWIN__               /* bug in cygwin, 'timezone' not linked automatically */
long _timezone;

/*---- Funcions from the MIDAS library -----------------------------*/

#define my_toupper(_c)    ( ((_c)>='a' && (_c)<='z') ? ((_c)-'a'+'A') : (_c) )
#define my_tolower(_c)    ( ((_c)>='A' && (_c)<='Z') ? ((_c)-'A'+'a') : (_c) )

BOOL strieq(const char *str1, const char *str2) {
   char c1, c2;

   if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL)
      return TRUE;
   if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL)
      return FALSE;
   if (strlen(str1) != strlen(str2))
      return FALSE;

   while (*str1) {
      c1 = *str1++;
      c2 = *str2++;
... 30972 more lines ...
  11   Wed Nov 24 23:45:19 2004 damon nettlesnettles@phgrav.phys.lsu.eduOtherSteps for securing Elog using SSL and ApacheStable 
Everything in this guide was done on a full install of Fedora Core 3 running
Apache 2.0. If you are using an older version of Apache some of this may not
work, so I recommend upgrading. Also, on different Linux distributions, some
of the paths may be different.

The goal here is to get Elog set up under Secure Socket Layers, so that
communication both ways is encrypted.  This will cover any password
transactions so nothing gets sent over the web in the clear.

The previous method of securing the Elog, which involved using stunnel, is
out of date. A better way to go is to use the Elog in conjunction with
Apache. The Apache method leverages all the research and development that's
gone into providing secure sockets for Apache, and removes the need for any
serious reinventing of the wheel.

We begin with a web server running on port 80 and an Elog server running on
port 8080.

Making Certificates:
It's necessary to generate some secure certificates to be issued to anyone
who attempts to access the securesite.
A guide to making the certificates can be found at:

So, following the steps in the article:
   openssl genrsa -des3 -rand file1:file2:file3:file4:file5 -out\
   server.key 1024 
where the \ is merely an indicator that the command wouldn't fit on a line
here.  The fileN references are sources of random information to help the
random number seed be more random.  I merely used some personal text files
that were zipped up, as suggested in the page.

   openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.pem

Removes the RSA encryption from the key, to make it easier for the Apache
server to deal with it.

   openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

Starts a line of questioning about us as a certificate issuing entity.
Answer with reasonable values.

  openssl x509 -req -days 60 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -  

After this move the server.pem, server.crt, and server.csr to the
appropriate directories under /etc/httpd/conf/ .  The extensions explain
which directory to put them in, with the exception that server.pem ended up
in etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/ .

In the elogd.cfg file, change the port to 8079, and set the URL to
"" .  Restarting the Elog daemon now leaves us with
Elog listening to port 8079 instead of port 8080.

The rest of the story is in the "elogredirect.conf" file attached to this
post, but here are the highlights.

Create a virtual host dealing with SSL that listens to port 443 (the ssl
port), and acts as a proxy for port 8079 (where Elog is listening).  This
allows Apache to act as an SSL handler for Elog by handing off any access at to the Elog server.  The firewall then can keep out
any direct attempts to access port 8079, so that the only thing that can
reach the Elog server is stuff talking to 8079 on the local side of the
firewall (which pretty much means just the Apache proxy).  I recommend
Firestarter for the firewall config by the way, it's a real lifesaver.

This covers the SSL portion of the story, and by doing the redirection
inside the port 443 virtual host, instead of from the port 80 webpage as
before, you can avoid any path overlap.

As was the case for us, you may have links in older Elog posts, e-mails, or
web pages that point to specific Elog posts. If you have been using Elog for
some time and never bothered with the SSL stuff, the links most likely look
something like 

To cover legacy support for calls on port 8080, you can  create another
virtual host listening to port 8080.  This host's job is to take any
incoming URL calls on "" and
translate them into calls on "" .
This means that any attempt to contact the Elog on port 8080 will get
answered by an Apache virtual host that redirects the client through the
Apache SSL virtual host described above. See the conf file for the details.

So in the end, the firewall is set to only allow through ports 80, 443, and
8080.  Port 80 handles the normal webpage access stuff.  Port 443
exclusively handles the SSL port for the Elog daemon, and port 8080
exclusively handles the redirect for the legacy Elog calls.

Implementation of this setup on another system should be pretty
straightforward.  Apache's config file is at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ,
and it also loads any *.conf files in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ .  So its a pretty
simple case of just dropping elogredirect.conf into /etc/httpd/conf.d/ and
restarting the Apache server.  Of course the necessary changes to elogd.cfg
have to be made and that server restarted as well.  The firewall, too, needs
to be setup to secure the whole deal. Note that the elogredirect.conf file
needs to be edited for your specific setup (changing the instances of 
"" to whatever your server is, and also putting in the
administrator e-mail address where it is noted).

This work was done by Jonathan Hanson and Damon Nettles in the Gravity Lab
at Louisiana State University. You can see our Elog at .

If you have any questions or comments send them to .
Attachment 1: elogredirect.conf
### Here be things to make the elogd daemon invisibly secure under an
### Apache SSL proxy virtual host.  Arrrrrr!
### ----This config file be mostly written by Jonathan Hanson, 11/23/04
### ----With some help from a few old salts on the net.

### This be the first instance of SSL in our setup, so the SSL module
### Must be called.  This can be commented out if it don't put wind in
### your sails.
LoadModule ssl_module modules/

### Ahoy, ye scurvy land dogs! Listen to the SSL port (443) or may the
### sea beasts take ye!
Listen 443

### Make a virtual host at the default server name, and assign it port 443.
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
	### Here be standard configuration for the Virtual Host
	ServerAdmin your_e-mail_address
	ServerName _default_:443
	RequestHeader set Front-End-Https "On"
	### This be the path to the elog directory 
	### (This didn't seem to make any difference, but it be a good
	###  idea nonetheless)
	DocumentRoot /usr/local/elog
	### Here be the setup for the SSL component of the Virtual Host
	SSLEngine On
	SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
	SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.pem
	### Here be the setup options for the Proxy module
	ProxyRequests Off
	ProxyPreserveHost On
	### This be the root of the new Virtual Host, and it should be
	### redirected to the port the elogd server is listening to 
	### (8079 on our poop deck).
	<Location />

	### Shiver me timbers!  A firewall can be laid across the elog
	### port to hinder direct access from the outside world to the elog
	### daemon.  This'll make the scurvy wretches come in through the apache
	### proxy virtual host, and batten down the hatches on the elog in general.


### Our previous elog configuration was at and some of our
### users made static HTML links to other posts in their posts and email.  They be sleeping 
### in Davy Jones's locker in the briney deep now, but we be needing to make these posts 
### backward-compatible.  We be changing the port Elogd listens to (as above) to 8079, and
### then we be using another new virtual host at port 8080 to redirect to the new SSL URL.
### So it appears to the landlubbers outside as if a normal elog server is listening to port
### 8080, but in reality it be a Virtual Host redirecting through the other SSL virtual host
### which then be passing it on to the port the elog server really be listening to.
### If ye not be needing this backwards compatability, the following section can be made
### to walk the plank.

### I won't be telling ye twice, ye slimy bilge rat!  Pay attention to what 
### used to be the old elog port(8080).
Listen 8080

<VirtualHost _default_:8080>
	### Here be standard configuration for the Virtual Host
	ServerAdmin your_e-mail_address
	ServerName _default_:8080
	### This be the path to the html directory 
	### (This didn't seem to make any difference, but it be a good
	###  idea nonetheless)
	DocumentRoot /httpd/html
	### Here be the dark magic of mod_rewrite.  Quake in your boots ye dogs!
	<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
		RewriteEngine On
		RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [NC,R=301,L]

### In the end, elog be reachable through either 
### or , though the latter will be rewritten
### to the former as soon as the request be made.  This be satisfying our 
### needs for backwards compatbility with old URLs, while ensuring modern 
### secure SSL support.  Beware matey, recognize that we also had to change
### the port that elog listens to, and then add a URL line in the elogd.cfg
### file:
###      port = 8079
###      URL =
### Also a firewall was brought up and told to allow through only ports 
### 80(html), 443(SSL), and 8080(the elog stand-in) and of course any other 
### ports ye may need for other applications.
  18   Mon Sep 25 11:24:05 2006 Yoshio ImaiDocumentationsecuring of elog with stunnel v4 under LinuxBeta 
The following instructions should work in securing the elog using stunnel version 4 under Linux. The specific paths may have to be adapted to your distribution. A sample configuration file is attached.
Attachment 1: elog-stunnel4.howto
1. Prepare a certificate
either: request a certificate for your elog URL from your web administrator
- the private key must not be password-protected
- the 'common name' must be the URL of your elog server

or: create a self-signed certificate yourself with the OpenSSL package
- as root user, create a self-signed certificate with the command

root@localhost:# openssl req -new -x509 -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf -keyout stunnel.pem -out stunnel.pem -days 365 -nodes

- this creates a self-signed certificate (-x509) whith one year validity (-days 365)
  and no password protection for the private key (-nodes)
- private key and certificate are written to the same file, "stunnel.pem"

Answer all questions, making sure that the 'common name' is the URL under which users
are to reach your elog server.

For more information on how to create and/or manage SSL certificates, see e.g.

Notice: Unless your web administrator can procure a certificate signed by an established
        CA, your elog users will be asked if they want to accept your (unverifiable) certificate
        when connecting to your elog server. This is no problem at all but can lead to
        questions if your users are unsure about this.

2. Adapt the certificate file to stunnel4 conventions
The certificate filename must be the MD5 checksum:
- Retrieve the MD5 checksum of your certificate with

root@localhost:# openssl x509 -hash -noout -in stunnel.pem 


- Rename the certificate file accordingly

root@localhost:# mv stunnel.pem abcdefgh.0

- Move the certificate file to the standard location, e.g. /etc/ssl/certs
- change the permissions of the file to -rw-------
- make sure there is a blank line between
  and a blank line after
  in your certificate file.

3. Configure stunnel4
Install the stunnel4 package (if not already done).
Modify the configuration file (e.g. /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf, depending on your

- general options:
  cert = /etc/ssl/certs/abcdefgh.0    ; put the name of your certificate file here
  debug = 4                           ; otherwise ALL connection attempts will be logged to your syslog
  pid = /var/run/stunnel4/ ; check where the other services write their pid-files, depends 
                                      ; somewhat on the distribution

- comment out all lines containing chroot options
- comment out all CA lines
- comment out all service sections except the HTTPS section, which should look as follows

accept  = 443       ; i.e. stunnel listens on port 443, the standard https port
connect = 8080      ; and forwards all connections to port 8080 (use the port under which
                    ; your elogd is running here!)
TIMEOUTclose = 0    ; for buggy MS Internet Explorers, see the stunnel4 manpage

Some Linux distributions require that in the file /etc/defaults/stunnel4 the option ENABLED be set
to ENABLED=1. If not, the stunnel will not be started at system bootup.

4. Start the stunnel4 server
root@localhost# stunnel4 /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf

Your elog should now be accessible via

Attachment 2: stunnel.conf
cert = /etc/ssl/certs/abcdefgh.0
pid = /var/run/stunnel4/

; Some performance tunings
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

; Some debugging stuff useful for troubleshooting
debug = 4

; Service-level configuration
accept  = 443
connect = 8080
TIMEOUTclose = 0
  21   Tue Feb 20 18:20:40 2007 Val Schmidtvschmidt@ldeo.columbia.eduDocumentationSecure elog with SSL under Apache2 on UbuntuStable 
The steps for configuration under Apache2 are a bit different. Below I've included a quick list of instructions for Ubuntu. One nice thing about this method, is that only https requests to https://your.url/elog are redirected (not all https connections to your url) so you can have other services running under ssl:

My Setup:
Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy):
Linux tide1 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

ii  apache2                                    2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      next generation, scalable, extendable web se
ii  apache2-common                             2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      next generation, scalable, extendable web se
ii  apache2-mpm-worker                         2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      high speed threaded model for Apache2
ii  apache2-utils                              2.0.55-4ubuntu4                      utility programs for webservers 
ii  elog                                       2.6.1+r1642-1                        Logbook system to manage notes through a Web

To setup ssl in apache2 for elog I started here:
This min-howto was kindly provided in a forum. I reproduced it here without permission.
A Mini-Howto for apache2: 

apt-get install apache2
(and answer the questions)

Now, enable ssl:
a2enmod ssl

configure ssl:
cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl
ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl 
"/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl" should look like this:

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
(... configure the directories too...)
and "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default" should look like this:

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
(... configure the directories too...)
In /etc/apache2/ports.conf, add Listen 443

In the middle of /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl file, insert this two lines:

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem

Hope it helps :)

This method, without configuraiton of any of the <Directory> directives in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl, makes everything in /var/www https accessible. This may not be desirable. Configure the directives as you see fit.

To get SSL forwarding going for elog, in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl, I added the following:


        ProxyRequests Off
        ProxyPreserveHost On

        <Location /elog/>
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all


Once this is in place one must restart apache with
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

In /etc/elog.conf I added:

and restarted elog as above.

Finally, I removed the firewall entry that allowed connections to port 8080 for non-secure elog.

Items of note:
The "apache2-ssl-certificate" created a certificate that seems to expire in 30 days. This obviously not ideal. More details about how to create certificates can be found at HERE. At some point in the future, we'll have to figure this out and create a more appropriate certificate.
  46   Fri Jul 31 13:52:32 2015 TorstenJtorsten.jakob@jet-services.comWeb siteProblem with Internet Explorer when saving an entryStableFri May 31 14:20:43 2019 by Stefan Ritt

Hi all,

first off all let me say, that I realy like this great tool. That is a lot of help for keeping our server documentation up-to-date. Thanks to all contributors for that.

I right here, because I actually have an issue with saving entries working with IE11 (but also in IE9). When ever I enter an entry, and click the save button, the page open a page with the text: "OK 1"   or the second attemp: "OK 2"   3rd  "OK 3" and so on. To get back to my Item list, I have to click the back button in the internet explorer. I also opens a lot of draft entries in my databases.  When I submit my entry, I don't have an issue, and the entry is saved correctly.

This issue doesn't happen when using Google Chrome.

Had anyone an simlar issue using elog with IE?  It would be great to have some help with that issue.



  32   Fri Feb 19 14:05:53 2010 Tony Alberstony.albers@gmail.comOtherupdated eloglang.danish fileStable 

I have updated the file. Everything should be translated now.



# Danish translation by Miljan Dedic <mde@HVIDOVRE.DK>
# 04-06-2004
# Updated by Tony Albers <>
# 19-02-2010
# A more recent version may be available at :

New = Ny
Edit = Ændr
Delete = Slet
Reply = Svar
Find = Find
Last day = Sidste Dag
Last 10 = Sidste 10
Config = Konfigurer
Change password = Ændre Password
Logout = Log Ud
Help = Hjælp
Back = Tilbage
Submit = Send
First = Første
Last = Sidste
Previous = Forrige
Next = Næste
Copy to = Kopier til
Move to = Flyt til
Save = Gem
Cancel = Annuller
Wrong password = Forkert kendeord
Please login = Log Ind
Username = Bruger Navn
Password = Kendeord
Old password = Gamle kendeord
New password = Nyt kendeord
ELOG password = ELOG kendeord
ELOG change password = Ændre ELOG kendeord
Please enter password to obtain write access = Skriv kendeord for at opnå skriveadgang
Please enter password to obtain administration access = Skriv kendeord for at opnå admin adgang
Several logbooks are defined on this host = Flere logbøger er defineret på denne host
Please select the one to connect to = Vælg hvilken du vil have adgang til
Change password for user = Ændr kendeord til bruger
Logged in as = Du er logget ind som
Entry date = Dato for indlæg
with = Med
This is the last entry = Dette er det sidste indlæg
This is the first entry = Dette er det første indlæg
Email sent to = Email sendt til
Email notification suppressed = Send ikke Email
please select = Vælg venligst
Suppress Email notification = Notificér ikke med Email
Attachment = Vedhæft
Reply to this = Svar på denne
In reply to = Som svar på
Fields marked with = Felter markeret med
are required = Er påkrævet
Please check that it exists and elogd has write access = Kontroller venligst om det eksisterer,og om elogd har skriveadgang
Error: Attribute <b>%s</b> not supplied = Fejl: Attribut <b>%s</b> ikke udfyldt
Please go back and enter the <b>%s</b> field = Gå tilbage og udfyld <b>%s</b> feltet
Please use your browser's back button to go back = Brug tilbage knappen på din browser
ELOG find = ELOG søg
Find = Find
Search = Søg
Reset Form = Nulstil Form
Summary only = Kun Beskrivelse
Show attachments = Vis vedhæftede filer
Printable output = Vis Print
Sort in reverse order = Sorter i omvendt rækkefølge
Start date = Start dato
End date = Slut dato
Year = År
Text = Tekst
Search all logbooks = Søg i alle log bøger
Last %d days = Sidste %d dage
Last %d entries = Sidste %d indlæg
No entries found = Ingen indlæg fundet
A new entry has been submitted on %s = Et nyt indlæg af %s
Logbook = Logbog
Yes = Ja
No = Nej
Error deleting message: status = Fejl ved sletning: Status
Error: Command "<b>%s</b>" not allowed = Fejl: kommando "<b>%s</b>" ikke tilladt
Cannot open file <b>%s</b> =kan ikke åbne filen  <b>%s</b>
Cannot write to <b>%s</b> = kan ikke skrive til <b>%s</b>
No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file = Ingen SMTP host defineret i [global] sektionen af konfigurationsfilen 
Display threads = Vis tråde
Logbook is empty = Logbog er tom
Download = Hent
and all its replies = Og alle Svar
Message ID = Besked-ID
Not logged in = Ikke logget ind
Login = Login
Page %d of %d = Side %d af %d
all entries = alle indlæg
Login name = Brugernavn
Full name = Fulde navn
ELOG user config = ELOG bruger Konfig
ELOG new user = Ny ELOG bruger
Admin = admin
Select user = Vælg bruger
Remove user = Fjern bruger
New user = Ny bruger
Retype new password = Gentag det nye kendeord
New passwords do not match, please retype = kendeord passer ikke, prøv igen
Retype password = Gentag kendeord
exists already = Bruger eksisterer allerede
Register as new user = Opret som ny bruger
A new ELOG user has been registered on %s = En ny bruger er blevet registreret på %s
Email = Email
User "%s" registered on logbook "%s" = Bruger "%s" i Logbog "%s" registreret
User [%s] has been deleted = Bruger [%s] er blevet slettet
Hit following URL to activate that account = Tryk på følgende URL for at aktivere bruger konto
ELOG registration = ELOG Registrering
Your ELOG account has been activated on host = Din ELOG Konto er aktiveret
You can access it at = Du kan opnå adgang på
Are you sure to delete these messages? = Er du sikker på at du vil slette disse beskeder?
Select = Vælg
All entries = Alle indlæg
Day = Dag
Week = Uge
Month = Måned
Show last = Vis Sidste(n)
Goto page = Gå til
All = Alle
Display = Vis
entries per page = Indlæg per side
Toggle all = Vis alle
Selected entries = Vælg Indlæg
Collapse = Fold Sammen
Expand = Fold Ud
Full = Fuld
Summary = Beskrivelse
Threaded = Vis som Tråde
Filters = Filtrer
Mode = Modus
Options = Funktioner
Error: start date after end date = Fejl: Start Dato efter Slut Dato
and all their replies = Og alle deres svar
Upload = Overfør til server
Requested = Rekvirer
Registration request on logbook "%s" = Anmodning om registrering på logbog "%s"
A new ELOG user wants to register on "%s" = Ny Bruger Ønsker At Registrere på "%s" logbogen
Search text also in attributes = Søg også text i attributerne
Date = Dato
Forgot password? = Glemt kendeord?
Email address <i>"%s"</i> not registered = Email Adresse <i>"%s"</i> ikke registreret
ELOG password recovery = Gendan ELOG kendeord
No Email address registered with user name <i>"%s"</i> = Bruger "</i> har ikke registreret mail adresse
Error sending Email via <i>"%s"</i> = Fejl ved afsendelse af e mail via <i>"%s"</i>
A new password for user <i>"%s"</i> has been sent to %s = Et nyt kendeord til Bruger <i>"%s"</i> er sendt til  %s
Forgot = Glemt
User "%s" registered on host "%s" = Bruger "%s" på host "%s" registreret
Registration request on host "%s" = Andmodning om registrering på host "%s"
A new password has been created for you on host %s = Et nyt kendeord er genereret på %s
Enter your user name or email address = Skriv venligst Bruger navn eller e mail adresse
Password recovery for ELOG %s = Genskab kendeord for  ELOG %s
Host = Host
Your ELOG account has been activated = Din ELOG Konto er aktiveret
Maximum number of attachments reached = Max antal vedhæftninger nået
on = Til
Entry is currently edited by = Indlæg er ved at blive redigeret af
recipients = Modtagere
Suppress shell execution = Ignorer kommando shell
Update = Opdater
by = Af
Change %s = rediger %s
Add new option here = Tilføj ny Funktion
Expand all = Udvid Alle
Add %s = Tilføj %s
User name <i>"%s"</i> not registered = Bruger Navn  <i>"%s"<i> ikke registreret
Synchronization = Synkronisering
Error: Value <b>%s</b> not allowed for boolean attributes = Fejl: værdi <b>%s</b> ikke tilladt for bool'ske Attributer
Error: Attribute option <b>%s</b> not existing = Fejl: Attribut Funktion <b>%s</b> eksisterer ikke
Last submission = Sidste Indlæg
Synchronize = Synkroniser
No mirror server defined in configuration file = ingen mirror-Server defineret i konfigurations filen
user = Bruger
Maximum number of replies (%d) exceeded = Max antal svar (%d) overskredet
Entry can only be edited %1.2lg hours after creation = Indlæg kan kun redigeres %1.2lg timer efter oprettelse
Display full entries = Vis alt
No entry selected for deletion = Intet indlæg markeret til sletning
Cannot read entry from local logbook = Kan ikke læse fra lokal logbog
Cannot create socket = Kan ikke oprette socket
Cannot resolve host name "%s" = Host "%s" kan ikke opløses
Cannot connect to host %s, port %d = Kan ikke forbinde til %s, Port %d
Cannot receive "%s" = Kan ikke modtage "%s"
Received wrong entry id "%d" = Modtog forkert ID "%d"
Entry #%d is locked on remote server = Indlæg #%d er låst på remote server
Cannot save remote entry locally = Kan ikke gemme remote indlæg lokalt
local = lokal
remote = remote
Please delete %s or %s entry to resolve conflict = Slet venligst indlæg %s eller %s indlæg for at løse problem
Error sending local entry = Fejl ved afsending af lokalt indlæg
Local entry submitted = Lokalt indlæg indlagt
Error deleting remote entry = Fejl ved sleting af remote indlæg
New entry cannot be written to directory "%s" = Nyt indlæg kan ikke skrives til bibliotek  "%s"
Entry %s cannot be read from logbook "%s" = Indlæg %s kan ikke læses fra logbog "%s"
This entry has been deleted = Dette indlæg er slettet
Entries = Indlæg
Cannot connect to remote server "%s" = Kan ikke forbinde til remote server  "%s"
Remote server is not an ELOG server = Remote server er ikke en ELOG server
Incorrect remote ELOG server version %s = Forkert Version %s fra remote server
Error accessing remote logbook = Fejl ved adgang til remote server
Invalid HTTP header = Forkert HTTP header
No user name supplied to access remote logbook = Intet bruger navn angivet til remote logbog
Synchronizing logbook %s with server "%s" = Synkroniser %s med server "%s"
Configuration has been changed locally and remotely = Konfigurationen er ændret lokalt og remote
Please merge manually to resolve conflict = Sammensmelt manuelt for at løse konflikt
Logbook "%s" does not exist on remote server = Logbog "%s" eksisterer ikke på remote server
Entry has been changed locally and remotely = Indlæg er ændret lokalt og remote
Entry deleted locally = Indlæg slettet lokalt
Changed local entry ID to %d = lokalt indlæg ID til %d
Entry deleted remotely = Indlæg slettet remote
All entries identical = Alle indlæg identiske
Invalid mirror_id or entry_date = Ugyldigt mirror_id eller indlæg_dato
Synchronize all logbooks = Synkroniser alle logbøger
Calendar = Kalender
Remote entry received = Remote indlæg modtaget
Pick a date = Vælg dato
Please select at least one '%s' = Vælg mindst en '%s'
Please select a '%s' = Vælg en  '%s'
Please enter month for attribute '%s' = Vælg måned for attribut '%s'
Please enter day for attribute '%s' = Vælg dag for attribut '%s'
Please enter year for attribute '%s' = Vælg år for attribut '%s'
Please enter attribute '%s' = Vælg attribut '%s'
Entry time = Dato/Tid
Start = Start
End = Slut
From = Fra
After = Efter
to = Til
Before = før
Previous Year = Forrige år
Next Year = Næste år
Please enter numeric value for '%s' = Indsæt numerisk værdi for '%s'
Error: Attribute <b>%s</b> must be numeric = Felj: Attribut <b>%s</b> skal være en numerisk værdi
3 Months = 3 måneder
6 Months = 6 måneder
Error sending local message = Fejl ved adsendelse af lokalt besked
Error receiving message = Fejl ved modtagelse af besked
Are you sure to delete this entry? = Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette indlæg?
ELOG CSV import = ELOG CSV Import
Import = Import
CSV filename = CSV filnavn
Field separator = Felt Separator
Edit entry = Rediger Felt
Delete entry = Slet Felt
CSV Import = CSV Import
Derive attributes from CSV file = Hent attributer fra CSV fil
Comma = Komma
Semicolon = Semikolon
Preview import = Forhåndsvis Import
CSV import preview of %s = CSV import forhåndsvisning af %s
Too many attributes in CSV file = For mange attributter i CSV fil
%d entries successfully imported = %d indlæg successfuldt importeret
No 'Attributes' option present in %s = Ingen 'Attributter' funktioner tilstede i %s
CSV ("," separated) = CSV ("," separeret)
CSV (";" separated) = CSV (";" separaret)
Auto detect = Auto detektion
Resubmit as new entry = send som nyt indlæg
#---- please translate following items and then remove this comment ----#
text = tekst
Column header '%s' must be present in CSV file = Kolonneoverskrift '%s' skal være tilstede i CSV filen
Fill text body = Brødteks
Please re-enter filename = Genindtast venligst filnavnet
New = Ny
Last x = Sidste x
Activate = Aktiver
Entry has been modified = Indlægget er blevet modificeret
No attachment file specified = Der er ikke specificeret en fil til vedhæftning
Submit modified ELOG entry? = Publicer modificeret ELOG indlæg
Delete this logbook = Slet denne logbog
Rename this logbook = Omdøb denne logbog
Create new logbook = Opret ny logbog
Syntax error in config file = Indtastningsfejl i konfigurationsfilen
Email notification = Email notifikation
Are you sure to delete logbook "%s"? = Er du sikker på at du vil slette logbogen ''%s''?
Logbook "%s" exists already, please choose different name = Logbogen ''%s'' findes allerede, vælg venligst et andet navn
Rename logbook = Omdøb logbog
Enter new logbook name = Indtast nyt navn på logbog
Logbook name = Logbog navn
Use existing logbook as template = Brug eksisterende logbog som skabelon
none = ingen
URL is redirected to: = URL er henvist til
Remote config should be received = Fjernkonfiguration skulle blive modtaget
Local entry should be submitted = Lokalt indlæg bør afsendes
Remote entry should be received = Fjernindlæg bør modtages
Local entry = Lokalt indlæg
%s should be deleted = %s bør slettes
Entry should be deleted locally = Indlæg bør slettes lokalt
Local entry ID should be changed to %d = Lokalt indlægs ID bør ændres til %d
Remote entry = Fjernindlæg
Entry should be deleted remotely = Indlæg bør slettes på fjernlokation
Click here to delete this entry = Tryk her for at slette dette indlæg
Maximum number of attribute options exceeded = Maximalt tilladt antal atributmuligheder overskredet
Please increase MAX_N_LIST in elogd.c and recompile = Forøg venligst  MAX_N_LIST i elogd.c og kompiler igen
You can "steal" the lock by editing this entry = Du kan ''stjæle'' låsen ved at modoficere dette indlæg
Several logbooks groups are defined on this host = Der er adskillige logbogsgrupper defineret på dette system
Please select one to list the logbooks in that group = Vælg venligst en gruppe for at se dens logbøger
No logbook defined on this server = Der er ikke defineret en logbog på dette system
Goto ELOG home page = Gå til ELOG's hjemmeside
Please enter "%s" = Indtast venligst ''%s''
Change config file = Ændr konfigurationsfil
Click here to delete %d entries = Tryk her for at slette %d indlæg
Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full = Kontroller venligst at elogd har skriveadgang og at der er ledig plads på harddisken
Show = Vis
Hide =  Skjul
Hide all = Skjul alle
Show all = Vis alle
This logbook requires authentication = Denne logbog behøver opmærksomhed
Attachment file <b>"%s"</b> empty or not found = Vedhæftet fil <b>''%s''</b> er tom eller kunne ikke findes
Case sensitive = Forskel på store og små bogstaver
List = Liste
Date must be between 1970 and 2037 = Dato skal være mellem 1970 og 2037
up = op
down = ned
stop = stands
Entry = Indlæg
name may not contain blanks = Der må ikke være mellemrum i navnet
regular expressions = regulære udtryk
Text fields are treated as %s = Teksfelter behandles som %s
Subscribe to logbooks = Abonnér på logbøger
enable automatic email notifications = aktiver emailnotifikationer
Set all = Sæt alle
Set none = Sæt ingen
Please enter hour for attribute '%s' = Indtast venligst timetal for attribut '%s'
Please enter minute for attribute '%s' = Indtast venligst minuttal for attribut '%s'
Please enter second for attribute '%s' = Indtast venligst sekundtal for attribut '%s'
No admin user has been defined in configuration file = Der er ikke defineret en administrator i konfigurationsfilen
Duplicate = Dupliker
Cannot lookup server name = Servernavn kan ikke slås op
Cannot connect to server = Der kan ikke forbindes til serveren
%s wrote = %s skrev
Quote = Citat
Insert current time = Indtast nuværende tidspunkt
Please enter numeric value for year of attribute '%s' = Indtast venligst numerisk værdi for årstal i attributten '%s'
Preview = Forhåndsvisning
smiling = smiler
happy = lykkelig
winking = blinker
big grin = griner
crying = græder
cool = kølig
frowning = vrænger ansigt
confused = forvirret
mad = gal
pleased = glad
tongue = rækker tunge
yawn = gaber
Encoding = Formattering
User "%s" not found in password file = Brugeren ''%s'' blev ikke fundet i password filen
Cannot write to file <b>%s</b> = Kan ikke skrive til filen <b>%s</b>
Really remove user %s? = Er du sikker på at du vil slette brugeren %s?
Invalid user name "%s" or password for remote logbook = Ugyldigt brugernavn eller kodeord til fjernlogbog
Hide attachments = Skjul vedhæftninger
Show only new entries = Vis kun nye indlæg
Show all entries = Vis alle indlæg
New entries since = Nye indlæg siden
An old ELOG entry has been updated = Et gammelt ELOG indlæg er blevet opdateret
A new ELOG entry has been submitted = Et nyt ELOG indlæg er blevet publiceret
Cannot open file "%s" = Kan ikke åbne filen ''%s''
Invalid user name or password = Ugyldigt brugernavn eller kodeord
Upload image = Send billede
Please enter filename or URL = Indtast venligst filnavn eller URL
Maximum allowed file size is = Den størst tilladte filstørrelse er
Enter filename or URL = Indtast filnavn eller URL
Image uploaded successfully = Billedet er korrekt overført
Image "%s" uploaded successfully = Billedet ''%s'' er korrekt overført
HelpELCode = HjælpELKode
Cannot retrieve file from URL "%s" = Filen kan ikke hentes fra URL ''%s''
Enter name of hyperlink = Indtast hyperlink navn
Enter URL of hyperlink = Indtast hyperlink URL adresse
astonished = forbløffet
Error in regular expression "%s" = Fejl i regulært udtryk ''%s''
File not found at URL "%s" = Filen blev ikke fundet på URL ''%s''
Entry size too large for email notification = Indlæggets størrelse er for stort til email-notifikation
Please specify a valid email address = Specificer venligst en gyldig email adresse
Cannot send email notification to "%s" = Kan ikke sende email-notifikation til ''%s''
Error: Command "<b>%s</b>" is not allowed for user "<b>%s</b>" = Fejl: Kommando ''<b>%s</b>'' er ikke tilladt for bruger ''<b>%s</b>''
Shell execution not enabled via -x flag = Kommandofortolkerudførelse er ikke slået til med -x flaget
Enter heading level (1, 2 or 3) = Indtast overskiftsniveau (1, 2 eller 3)
User name may not contain blanks = Der må ikke være mellemrum i brugernavnet
Empty password not allowed = Tomme kodeord er ikke tilladt
Password may not contain blanks = Kodeord må ikke indeholde mellemrum
Anonymous = Anonym
Activation notice has been sent to %s = Notifiakation om aktivering er sendt til %s
Your request has been forwarded to the administrator = Din forespørgsel er sendt videre til en administrator
You will be notified by email upon activation of your new account = Du vil få besked i en email når din konto er aktiveret
Select period = Vælg periode
Last week = Sidste uge
Last month = Sidste måned
Last 3 Months = Sidste 3 måneder
Last 6 Months = Sidste 6 måneder
Last Year = Sidste år
Enter %s = Indtast %s
Select %s = Vælg %s
Bold text CTRL+B = Fed tekst CTRL+B
Italics text CTRL+I = Kursiv tekst CTRL+I
Underlined text CTRL+U = Understreget tekst CTRL+U
Centered text = Centreret tekst
Insert hyperlink = Indsat hyperlink
Insert email = Indtast email
Insert image CTRL+M = Indsæt billede CTRL+M
Insert quote = Indsæt citat
Insert list CTRL+L = Indsæt liste CTRL+L
Insert table = Indsæt tabel
Insert heading CTRL+H = Indsæt overskrift CTRL+H
Insert code CTRL+O = Indsæt kode CTRL+O
Hide the smiley bar = Skjul smileymenu
Show the smiley bar = Vis smileymenu
Insert current time/date = Indtast nuværende tidspunkt/dato
Entry is locked on local server and therefore skipped = Indlægget er låst på det lokal system og springes derfor over
Keep me logged in on this computer = Lad mig blive ved at være logget ind på denne maskine
for the next %d minutes = i de næste %d minutter
for the next hour = i den næste time
for the next %d hours = i de næste %d timer
for the next %d days = i de næste %d dage
keep original values = gem oprindelige værdier
Entry is locked = Indlæg er låst
Edit anyhow = Ret alligevel
Submit entry = Publicer indlæg
Insert image = Indsæt billede
Insert Date/Time = Indsæt dato/tid
Insert horizontal line = Indsæt horisontal linje
Insert anchor point = Indsæt ankerpunkt
keep original text = behold oprindelig tekst
unspecified = uspecificeret
To subscribe to any logbook, click on 'Config' in that logbook = For at abonnere på en logbog, vælg 'konfigurer' i denne logbog
ELOG XML import = ELOG XML import
Derive attributes from XML file = Afled attributter fra XML fil
XML filename = XML filnavn
Invalid date format = Ugyldigt datoformat
XML file does not contain %s element = XML filen indeholder ikke elementet %s
XML import preview of %s = XML import forhåndsvisning af %s
XML Import = XML Import
A old entry has been updated on %s = Et gammelt indlæg er blevet opdateret den %s
This entry has in meantime been locked by %s = Dette indlæg er i mellemtiden bleve låst af %s
This entry has in meantime been modified by someone else = Dette indlæg er i mellemtiden blevet modificeret af en anden bruger
First entry, Ctrl-Home = Første indlæg, Ctrl-Home
Previous entry, Ctrl-PgUp = Foregående indlæg, Ctrl-PgUp
Next entry, Ctrl-PgDn = Næste indlæg, Ctrl-PgDn
Last entry, Ctrl-End = Sidste indlæg, Ctrl-End
ELOG import = ELOG import
Please choose format to import: = Vælg det format der skal importeres
Enter text = Indtast tekst
Show HTML source code = Vis HTML kildekode
or until I log out = indtil jeg logger ud
Make smaller = Gør mindre
Original size = Oprindelig størrelse
Make larger = Gør større
Rotate left = Rotér til venstre
Rotate right = Rotér til højre
Delete attachment = Slet vedhæftning
Cannot create thumbnail, please check ImageMagick installation = Kan ikke danne oversigtsbilleder, kontroller at ImageMagick er korrekt installeret
Please log on by clicking on following link and change your password = Log venligst på ved at trykke på følgende link og ændr dit kodeord
Attachments = Vedhæftninger
Error: Content length (%d) larger than maximum content length (%d) = Fejl: Længde af indhold (%d) er større end maksimalt tilladt (%d)
ELOG error = ELOG fejl
Only user <b>%s</b> can edit this entry = Kun brugeren <b>%s</b> kan rette i dette indlæg
Export to = Eksporter til
Do not ignore first line = Ignorer ikke første linje
Last %d hours = Sidste %d timer
Invalid URL = Ugyldig URL
Attribute "%s" is not allowed in config file = Attributten ''%s'' er ikke tilladt i konfigurationsfilen
Only user <b>%s</b> can delete this entry = Kun bruger <b>%s</b> kan slette dette indlæg
File system full, ELOG cannot continue to work = Filsystemet er løbet fuld, ELOG kan ikke fortsætte

  3   Fri Jun 6 18:32:14 2003 Tomas ELOG Syntax highlighting in UltraEdit  
Maybe some of you use UltraEdit code editor ( to 
create/modify your ELOGD.CFG files.

Well, in that case we hope you find useful the attached syntax highlighting 
configuration file.

To intstall this file into UltraEdit :

You can also download the latest version from our website :
Attachment 1: u-edit-elog-syntax.txt
/L7"Elog" Line Comment = ; Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ String Chars = "' File Extensions = cfg
/Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> ,	.?
/C1"Elog Global functions"
** Logbook tabs
** SMTP host =
** Admin Password
** Admin user =
** Selection page
** Self register
** URL=
** Welcome Title
/C2"Elog Syntax"
** Attributes
** Back
** Bottom text
** Comment
** Config
** Copy to
** CSS
** Data dir
** Date format
** Delete
** Display Email recipients
** Display mode
** Download
** Edit
** edit
** Email
** Email All
** Email message body
** Email notification
** Entries per page
** Filtered browsing
** Find
** Find Menu commands
** Fixed Attributes Edit
** Fixed Attributes Reply
** full
** Group
** Guest find menu commands
** Guest menu commands
** Help
** Help URL
** IOptions
** Icon comment
** Language
** Last day
** Locked Attributes
** Logbook dir
** Logbook Tabs
** Logbook tabs
** Logfile
** Login
** Logout
** Main tab
** Menu commands
** Message Height
** Message Width
** MOptions
** Move to
** New
** Number Attachments
** on 
** Options
** Page Title
** Password file =
** port
** Preset
** Quick filter
** Remove on reply
** Reply
** Required Attributes
** Resource dir
** Restrict edit
** Reverse sort
** ROptions
** Search all logbooks
** Self register
** SMTP host
** Search all logbooks
** Subdir
** Submit Page
** Subst
** Subst on reply subject
** Suppress default
** Suppress Email on edit
** Suppress Email to users
** Tab cellpadding
** Theme
** Thread display
** Thread Icon
** threaded
** Use Email From
** Use Email Subject
/C3"Elog MBA reserved attributes"
** %a %d %m %y
** %%Action
** %%BookName
** %%MessageID
** %%User
** Email AdressesEmail
** Email AsTo
** Email Partner
  44   Tue Jul 8 15:43:21 2014 TimStimpie_s@yahoo.comScriptRe: Custom input forms implementationStableTue Mar 19 13:18:33 2013 by Stefan Ritt

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dear ELOG users,

starting with SVN revision 2328, custom input forms are implemented. This allows application specific formats for check lists etc. In our specific case we had to implement a shift check list, which was quite long. Furthermore the check list should be optimized for an iPad, which we take in the field and record various checks and readings (in our case some gas pressure gauges at the PSI particle accelerator). Since the standard ELOG interface was too inflexible, a completely hand-written form was needed. The form can be activated by the new configuration options Custom New Form, Custom Edit Form and Custom Display Form, one for a new entry, an entry to edit and and entry to display. In our case we used the same form for all three cases. This is how the shift check list looks under the Safari Browser on a PC:


And here is how it looks on the iPad:


Each section can be collapsed and expanded (blue arrows at the left), and various internal checks are made before the check list can be submitted.

Implementing such forms is however more something for the advanced user, since you have to hand-write HTML with CSS and JavaScript code. It can then however be a powerful method for check lists. Please find in the attachments the elogd.cfg configuration for that logbook and the shiftcheck.html source code file. It is a bit complicated since the page is a static page, elogd just serves it from the file. This requires all the dynamic functions to be implemented inside the HTML file with JavaScript. To display an entry for example, the JavaScript loads the raw data with the "?cmd=Download" command and the populates the form fields. The collapsing and expanding is done by using CSS properties. The integrated style sheet was optimized for the rendering on an iPad. Rather large fonts were chosen so that the items can be checked easily with your finger tips. Various parameters are sent between the browser and the elogd program via hidden fields and cookies. So only something for experts! But if you go through the effort and hand-write the form, it can be very handy. Note that you have to upgrade to SVN revision 2328 for the three new options.



That's awesome!! Didn't know ELOG was still being developed!!  I was looking for this ...been trying this version now with
supplied example but there's files missing which are being referenced from the html file.

Anyway it would be nice to know a little more on how to use this and how it incorporates into ELOG.

Is some more work being done on this version ?

Thankx heaps for this great enhancement although now it's still needs a lot of figuring out on how to do this.

  29   Thu Nov 27 11:43:32 2008 T. Ribbrockemgaron+elog@ribbrock.orgScript/etc/init.d/elog script for Debian-like distrosStable 

The attached script was used by the Debian package (which is no longer maintained) to start/stop elogd. I have changed it based on some comments in the forum (see script) to add some more functionality. As there is no mainatined elog package for Debian anymore, I'm placing it here in the hope that it might come in handy for users who want to run elog under Debian.

This script needs to be placed in /etc/init.d and expects elogd to be installed as /usr/sbin/elogd (can be changed, of course).

Attachment 1: elog
# Init script for ELOG.
# Copyright © 2003, 2005  Recai Oktaş <>
# Additional changes by Thomas Ribbrock <>
# - 2008-11-27: Added better reload functionality, based on suggestion and
#   code from Yoshio Imai as posted in elog forum
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
# See the file `'.

DESC="ELOG daemon"

test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

set -e

# Admin should be able to lock some options.
if [ -f /etc/default/elog ]; then
	. /etc/default/elog

# To be in the safe side, the followings should be always defined.

# Add the options to argument list only if defined previously.  Since
# some options may also be present in the conffile, we couldn't preset
# those options which would otherwise overwrite the settings in the
# conffile.  Also note that, all have reasonable compiled-in defaults.
ARGS="${PIDFILE+"-f $PIDFILE"}         \
      ${CONFFILE+"-c $CONFFILE"}       \
      ${LOGBOOKDIR+"-d $LOGBOOKDIR"}   \
      ${PORT+"-p $PORT"}               \
      ${HOST+"-n $HOST"}               \
# Always run as a daemon.
ARGS=`echo $ARGS -D`

case "$1" in
		echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
		start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
			--exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS 2>&1
		sleep 1
		if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ] && ps h `cat "$PIDFILE"` >/dev/null; then
			echo "$NAME."
			echo "$NAME failed to start; check syslog for diagnostics."
			exit 1
		echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
		start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
			--exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS 2>&1
		echo "."
		# Send HUP signal to reload config file
		# (Only needed if config is edited manually and not via
		# webinterface)
		if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
			echo -n "$DESC to reread config file ... "
			kill -HUP `cat "$PIDFILE"`
			echo "done"
			echo "No $PIDFILE found!"
		$0 stop
		sleep 1
		$0 start
		if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
			exit 1
		echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
		exit 1

exit 0

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