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ID Date Author Author Emaildown Category Subject Status Last Revision
  30   Mon Jul 20 14:23:56 2009 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chScriptDoing mathematical calculations with attributesStable 

Following entry was written by Richard Stamper. I moved it here for persistency:

On the matter of automatic calculation of fields, it is possible using included javascript but you have to do the work yourself.  For example, we have a log which computes responsivity as the ratio of a photocurrent and optical power.  With log attributes called "Photocurrent", "Optical Power" and "Responsivity" there is a file in the logbooks directory called photomixer_javascript.html containing something like:


if (document.form1.Photocurrent) {
  document.form1.Photocurrent.onchange = new Function(
    "var power = parseFloat(
    "var current = parseFloat(
    "if (!isNan(power) && !isNan(current) && power != 0.0) {"+
document.form1.Responsivity.value = Math.round(current/power*100)/100.0"+

  document.form1.Optical_Power.onchange = document.form1.Photocurrent.onchange;


and the elogd.cfg file includes

Bottom text = photomixer_javascript.html

for the relevant log.

The assignments to the onchange handlers are guarded because this javascript is included on all pages for that log, including the list pages where there is no such field as Photocurrent, (or Optical_Power) and the event handler function is defined dynamically for the same reason.


  39   Fri Sep 17 06:19:39 2010 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chScriptCustom input forms implementationStableThu Jul 2 20:55:55 2015 by Stefan Ritt

Dear ELOG users,

starting with SVN revision 2328, custom input forms are implemented. This allows application specific formats for check lists etc. In our specific case we had to implement a shift check list, which was quite long. Furthermore the check list should be optimized for an iPad, which we take in the field and record various checks and readings (in our case some gas pressure gauges at the PSI particle accelerator). Since the standard ELOG interface was too inflexible, a completely hand-written form was needed. The form can be activated by the new configuration options Custom New Form, Custom Edit Form and Custom Display Form, one for a new entry, an entry to edit and and entry to display. In our case we used the same form for all three cases. This is how the shift check list looks under the Safari Browser on a PC:


And here is how it looks on the iPad:


Each section can be collapsed and expanded (blue arrows at the left), and various internal checks are made before the check list can be submitted.

Implementing such forms is however more something for the advanced user, since you have to hand-write HTML with CSS and JavaScript code. It can then however be a powerful method for check lists. Please find in the attachments the elogd.cfg configuration for that logbook and the shiftcheck.html source code file. It is a bit complicated since the page is a static page, elogd just serves it from the file. This requires all the dynamic functions to be implemented inside the HTML file with JavaScript. To display an entry for example, the JavaScript loads the raw data with the "?cmd=Download" command and the populates the form fields. The collapsing and expanding is done by using CSS properties. The integrated style sheet was optimized for the rendering on an iPad. Rather large fonts were chosen so that the items can be checked easily with your finger tips. Various parameters are sent between the browser and the elogd program via hidden fields and cookies. So only something for experts! But if you go through the effort and hand-write the form, it can be very handy. Note that you have to upgrade to SVN revision 2328 for the three new options.


Attachment 2: elogd.cfg
Port = 8080
Password file = passwd

Comment = Shift Check List

Attributes = Author, D, M, Y, Shift, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, bb1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr4, cr5, cr6, cr7, cr8, cr9, cr10, cr11, cr12, cr13, cr14, cr15, cr16, cr17, cr18, cr19, cr20, cr21, cr22, cr23, cr24, cr25, cr26, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5
Quick filter = Shift, Author
Options Shift = Morning, Evening, Night

Enable attachments = 0
Show text = 0
Custom new form = /home/meg/meg/online/elog/shiftcheck.html
Custom edit form = /home/meg/meg/online/elog/shiftcheck.html
Custom display form = /home/meg/meg/online/elog/shiftcheck.html
List after submit = 1
Attachment 4: shiftcheck.html
Attachment 5: sc_up.png
Attachment 6: sc_down.png
  34   Fri Feb 4 10:26:38 2011 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chOtherRe: Building elog on OpenBSDStable 

T. Ribbrock wrote:

Two things are required to get elog (tested with 2.8.1) to compile on OpenBSD (tested on OpenBSD 4.8):

Step 1 - Patch Makefile:

--- Makefile~ Mon Jan 24 21:38:09 2011
+++ Makefile Mon Jan 24 21:42:57 2011
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
 RM = /usr/bin/rm -f

+ifeq ($(OSTYPE),OpenBSD)
+LIBS += -lcrypto
 ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)

Step 2 - Use "gmake" instead of the standard "make" to build.


Thanks, I added your patch to the distribution. 

  36   Tue Aug 23 12:07:51 2011 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chScriptRe: JavaScript list auto-refreshStableTue Jul 12 12:36:16 2005 by Emiliano Gabrielli

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Here is a simple piece of JS code to accomplish a smart page reload.
We don't reload if in some kind of editing mode.

You can put the code everywhere you like in the elog html page, my suggestion is to put it in Bottom Text (or Top Text):

Bottom text = [I]<script language="JavaScript">if (null==window.location.href.match('/[0-9]+$|.*(cmd|select)=.*') ) { window.setTimeout("location.reload();", 2*60*1000); now=new Date(); document.write('<br/>Last reload at '+now.getFullYear()+'/'+(now.getMonth()+1)+'/'+now.getDate()+', '+( ((h=now.getHours())<10) ? '0'+h :h)+':'+( ((m=now.getMinutes())<10) ? '0'+m :m)+':'+( ((s=now.getSeconds())<10) ? '0'+s :s)) }</script>[/I]

the timer is a product of # of minutes, #of seconds and milliseconds... 2 minutes in the above example Smile

Revision Tue Jul 12 12:36:16 2005 wrote:

modified regular expression in order to not activate the auto-refresh in the signle entry view

Starting with SVN revision 2422, there is a new config option

refresh = <seconds>

which lets you do the same thing.
  41   Mon Jan 7 16:37:21 2013 Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chScriptRe: Server time offsetStable 

Bruce Weber wrote:

Our server runs on local time, however, we require log entries to be in UTC (-0800hrs) - is there a command to achieve this?

Your assistance will be much appreciated


Have you tried


Subst <attribute> = $utcdate


Probably you need a dedicated attribute of type "datetime" and have to play with the "Date format" options.

  50   Tue Jul 26 10:16:22 2016 Andreas Luedekesimon.ebner@psi.chScriptPython module to read/write/edit/reply/delete ELOG entriesStableTue Jul 26 10:26:34 2016 by Andreas Luedeke
Hello Everybody!
I would just like to inform you that there is a new Python module available to access and work with ELOG (read/write/edit/reply/delete).
Currently the module is only supported for Python version 3. The package is pure Python and has no special dependencies. Therefore you can use the package on any machine.

The documentation you can find on

If you want to install the package in an Anaconda on your local machine just use
conda install -c paulscherrerinstitute elog
(also works from outside PSI - the package is available at

If there are issues with the package please use the issue tracker that comes with the github repository or let me know.
  149   Sat Jun 15 06:13:07 2019 Johnsecondcomingtechnologies@fastmail.comScriptRe: Custom input forms implementationStableSat Jun 15 06:19:24 2019 by John

I have been trying to get my head around this application module. I assume that after the input is done on this example (ShiftCheck), if goes into the  usual file system directorys for storage? Or is it (or can it) goto another db like sql, flat, etc.?  I also assume that the 'normal' Elog screens we see for input (and output), would be a completely seperate module that you have for (ShiftCheck).. but we do not see them here (as one of the attachments)? I am asking these questions because I am trying to recreate this (type) of input/output system for users, so I would like to know how the 'whole picture' is done with your example here. Thanx again.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dear ELOG users,

starting with SVN revision 2328, custom input forms are implemented. This allows application specific formats for check lists etc. In our specific case we had to implement a shift check list, which was quite long. Furthermore the check list should be optimized for an iPad, which we take in the field and record various checks and readings (in our case some gas pressure gauges at the PSI particle accelerator). Since the standard ELOG interface was too inflexible, a completely hand-written form was needed. The form can be activated by the new configuration options Custom New Form, Custom Edit Form and Custom Display Form, one for a new entry, an entry to edit and and entry to display. In our case we used the same form for all three cases. This is how the shift check list looks under the Safari Browser on a PC:


And here is how it looks on the iPad:


Each section can be collapsed and expanded (blue arrows at the left), and various internal checks are made before the check list can be submitted.

Implementing such forms is however more something for the advanced user, since you have to hand-write HTML with CSS and JavaScript code. It can then however be a powerful method for check lists. Please find in the attachments the elogd.cfg configuration for that logbook and the shiftcheck.html source code file. It is a bit complicated since the page is a static page, elogd just serves it from the file. This requires all the dynamic functions to be implemented inside the HTML file with JavaScript. To display an entry for example, the JavaScript loads the raw data with the "?cmd=Download" command and the populates the form fields. The collapsing and expanding is done by using CSS properties. The integrated style sheet was optimized for the rendering on an iPad. Rather large fonts were chosen so that the items can be checked easily with your finger tips. Various parameters are sent between the browser and the elogd program via hidden fields and cookies. So only something for experts! But if you go through the effort and hand-write the form, it can be very handy. Note that you have to upgrade to SVN revision 2328 for the three new options.



  4   Fri Jun 13 17:10:48 2003 Sridhar submit emails to elog (along with MIME attachments)  
Attached is a perl script to which you can pipe a message (or a
single-message file) to submit that message to `elog'.  The `elog'
distribution includes two programs `elogd', which is the main daemon that is
accessed via the browser, and `elog', which is a command-line interface to

The attached perl script `mailelog', will split a multipart MIME message
into its components and submit each as an attachment to elog to create a new
entry in a specified logbook.  The attributes are the subject, from, and cc
of the message.

Usage: mailelog [-|file] [-l logbook]

(if there are no arguments, read from stdin)
(makes a command that looks like this:
elog -p 8080 -h localhost -l emails -a subject=<subject> -a from=<from> -a
cc=<cc> -f attachment-1 -f attachment-2 -f ...

attachment-1 is the body of the message and attachment-2... are the actual
MIME attachments.  Set the elogd configuration to display attachments, so
that the message body is immediately visible.

Defaults: -h localhost -p 8080 -l emails

If no `-l logbook' flag is specified, then the entry is sent to the `emails'
logbook, so make sure that logbook exists.  Save this in, e.g,
~/bin/mailelog, and make sure it is executable (`chmod +x mailelog') and on
your path (bash: `export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' or csh/tcsh: `setenv PATH

Bugs: multi-message files don't work.  can't add other attributes.  if the
logbook doesn't have attributes subject, from, cc, they are quietly lost.
Attachment 1: mailelog
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

doelog - save a mime message to elog


    doelog [-l logbook] <mime-msg-file> <mime-msg-file> ...
    someprocess | doelog [-l logbook] -


Takes one or more files from the command line that contain MIME
messages, and explodes their contents out into /tmp.  The parts
are sent to elog as attachments.

Modified mimeexplode of the MIME::Tools in perl, which see.

From mimeexplode:
"This was written as an example of the MIME:: modules in the
MIME-parser package I wrote.  It may prove useful as a quick-and-dirty
way of splitting a MIME message if you need to decode something, and
you don't have a MIME mail reader on hand."


None yet.  

=head1 AUTHOR


BEGIN { unshift @INC, ".." }    # to test MIME:: stuff before installing it!

require 5.001;

use strict;
use vars qw($Msgno $cmd $default_logbook $tmpdir);

use MIME::Parser;
use Getopt::Std;
## $Id: doelog,v 1.4 2003/06/05 13:08:16 sak Exp sak $
## $Log: doelog,v $
## Revision 1.4  2003/06/05 13:08:16  sak
## Added a kludge to force elog to return if there is nothing piped to
## it.  Now you can use doelog either as a pipe or on a single-message file
## Revision 1.3  2003/06/05 12:37:49  sak
## Added "configuration section" to hold config variables like default
## logbook and tmpdir.
## Revision 1.2  2003/06/05 12:28:03  sak
## Allow up to 50 attachments
## Revision 1.1  2003/06/05 12:26:24  sak
## Initial revision

## base elog cmd
$cmd = "elog -h localhost -p 8080 ";

# dump_entity - dump an entity's file info
sub dump_entity {
    my $ent = shift;
    my @parts = $ent->parts;
    my $file;
    die "too many attachments\n" if ($#parts>50);

    if (@parts) {        # multipart...
	map { dump_entity($_) } @parts;
    else {               # single part...append to elog cmd
	$file = $ent->bodyhandle->path;
	$cmd .= "-f \"$file\" ";
	###print $cmd, "\n";
	###print "    Part: ", $ent->bodyhandle->path, 
	###      " (", scalar($ent->head->mime_type), ")\n";

# main
sub main {
    my $file;
    my $entity;
    my $subject;
    my $from;
    my $cc;
    my $logbook;

    # Sanity:
    ## (-w ".") or die "cwd not writable, you naughty boy...";

    ## check if user wants a particular logbook
    ## fix to add host and port?
    if($opt_l) { $logbook=$opt_l;} else {$logbook=$default_logbook;}
    $cmd .= "-l $logbook ";
    # Go through messages:
    @ARGV or unshift @ARGV, "-";
    while (defined($file = shift @ARGV)) {

	# Create a new parser object:
	my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
	# Optional: set up parameters that will affect how it extracts 
	#   documents from the input stream:
	# Parse an input stream:
	open FILE, $file or die "couldn't open $file";
	$entity = $parser->read(\*FILE) or 
	    print STDERR "Couldn't parse MIME in $file; continuing...\n";
	close FILE;

	## get the subject, assumes all logbooks have a subject 
	## attribute - not necessarily true.  Mine do...
	if($subject = $entity->head->get('Subject', 0)) {
	    $cmd .= "-a subject=\'$subject\' ";
	if($from = $entity->head->get('From', 0)) {
	    $cmd .= "-a from=\'$from\' ";
	if($cc = $entity->head->get('CC', 0)) {
	    $cmd .= "-a cc=\'$cc\' ";

	##print $cmd, "\n";

	# Congratulations: you now have a (possibly multipart) MIME entity!
	dump_entity($entity) if $entity;
	### $entity->dump_skeleton if $entity;
	### print $cmd, "\n";
        ### kludge to force elog to return
	exec "$cmd<<EOF

exit (&main ? 0 : -1);

  10   Fri Sep 24 23:14:47 2004 Sridhar Anandakrishnansak@essc.psu.eduScriptPerl script to forwar emails to elogAlpha 
Takes one or more files from the command line that contain MIME
messages, and explodes their contents out into /tmp.  The parts
are sent to elog as attachments.
Attachment 1: doelog
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

doelog - save a mime message to elog


    doelog <mime-msg-file> <mime-msg-file> ...
    someprocess | doelog -


Takes one or more files from the command line that contain MIME
messages, and explodes their contents out into /tmp.  The parts
are sent to elog as attachments.

Modified mimeexplode of the MIME::Tools in perl

This was written as an example of the MIME:: modules in the
MIME-parser package I wrote.  It may prove useful as a quick-and-dirty
way of splitting a MIME message if you need to decode something, and
you don't have a MIME mail reader on hand.


None yet.  

=head1 AUTHOR


BEGIN { unshift @INC, ".." }    # to test MIME:: stuff before installing it!

require 5.001;

use strict;
use vars qw($Msgno $cmd);

use MIME::Parser;
use Getopt::Std;

## these should be options too?
## base elog cmd
$cmd = "~/elog -h localhost -p 8080 ";

# dump_entity - dump an entity's file info
sub dump_entity {
    my $ent = shift;
    my @parts = $ent->parts;
    my $file;
    die "too many attachments\n" if ($#parts>10);

    if (@parts) {        # multipart...
	map { dump_entity($_) } @parts;
    else {               # single part...append to elog cmd
	$file = $ent->bodyhandle->path;
	$cmd .= "-f \"$file\" ";
##	print $cmd, "\n";
##	print "    Part: ", $ent->bodyhandle->path, 
##	      " (", scalar($ent->head->mime_type), ")\n";

# main
sub main {
    my $file;
    my $entity;
    my $subject;
    my $logbook;

    # Sanity:
    ## (-w ".") or die "cwd not writable, you naughty boy...";

    ## check if user wants a particular logbook
    ## fix to add host and port?
    if($opt_l) { $logbook=$opt_l;} else {$logbook="emails";}
    $cmd .= "-l $logbook ";
    # Go through messages:
    @ARGV or unshift @ARGV, "-";
    while (defined($file = shift @ARGV)) {

	# Create a new parser object:
	my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
	# Optional: set up parameters that will affect how it extracts 
	#   documents from the input stream:
	# Parse an input stream:
	open FILE, $file or die "couldn't open $file";
	$entity = $parser->read(\*FILE) or 
	    print STDERR "Couldn't parse MIME in $file; continuing...\n";
	close FILE;

	## get the subject, assumes all logbooks have a subject 
	## attribute - not necessarily true.  Mine do...
	chomp($subject = $entity->head->get('Subject', 0));
	$cmd .= "-a subject=\"$subject\" ";
	print $cmd, "\n";

	# Congratulations: you now have a (possibly multipart) MIME entity!
	dump_entity($entity) if $entity;
	### $entity->dump_skeleton if $entity;
	### print $cmd, "\n";
	exec $cmd;

exit (&main ? 0 : -1);

  6   Wed Sep 17 11:43:44 2003 R. ELOG v2.3.9 CSS cross-reference (used for skins)BetaSeptember 17, 2003 by R. Beekman
For all you guys (and girls;-) who want to add skins to ELOG, it is 
important to know what will be affected if you change a style.
So I made a cross reference of styles vs. html pages.

In the attached ZIP file you will find:
--> "ELOG CSS xref.xls" (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet)
--> "ELOG CSS xref.pdf" (PDF file for those who do not have Excel)
--> A directory containing the html pages I documented and the ELOG 
stylesheet (.css-file) that you need when you want to see the html files. 
Images are not included: they are not needed for this purpose.

I know that not all pages are documented, but Stefan told me that there is 
no complete list of all pages because they are generated. So I documented 
only the pages I need at this moment.

Please feel free to mail me when you have comments, corrections or 
Attachment 1: ELOG CSS
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6