Would it be possible to just hardcode a few lines in the SetChannelConfig in DRS.cpp method as such:
fChannelConfig = 0x01; //gives me eight
d = fChannelConfig | (fDominoMode << 8) | (1 << 9) | (fWSRLoop << 10) | (0xF8 << 8);
fChannelDepth = 8 * (fDecimation ? kNumberOfBins/2 : kNumberOfBins);// gives eight times the bins
then modify the GetWave method/function to include another else if statement similar to "else if (fChannelCascading == 2) {" but would be modifidied for fChannelCascading == 8?
By, "But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp" do you mean hard-coded? Would changing the hard code just amount to resizing all of the arrays, and replacing all the '2*kNumberBins" with '8*kNumberBins' ?
I'm afraid of drs_exam.cpp because it doesn't come with all the perks of Osci.cpp. It seems less daunting to just modify Osci.cpp then to try understanding everything I need to include in drs_exam.cpp because I'm also using an external trigger, and saving the waveform to an external text file.