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Entry  Wed Jan 15 14:20:51 2014, Stefan Ritt, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 drsosc.png
    Reply  Tue Feb 18 14:12:37 2014, Stefan Ritt, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 scope.png
       Reply  Mon Jun 9 12:03:26 2014, Osip Lishilin, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 
          Reply  Wed Jun 11 11:13:50 2014, Stefan Ritt, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 
             Reply  Mon Jun 16 15:35:59 2014, Osip Lishilin, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 
Message ID: 331     Entry time: Tue Feb 18 14:12:37 2014     In reply to: 323     Reply to this: 351
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Subject: Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dear DRS community,

starting from this year, we ship the new evaluation board V5. This board has an improved internal timing calibration, with which one can measure the time with a precision down to a few ps. Following picture shows the time between two pulses, obtained with a function generator, a passive split and a delay cable. The single threshold time estimator of the DRSOsc program obtains with such signal a resolution of 2.5 ps (RMS).

Using more sophisticated algorithms such as cross-correlation, resolutions below 1 ps were already achieved.

The new board can now be ordered at the same price than the V4 board, delivery will start in March 2014.

Best regards,
Stefan Ritt

The new software for the V5 evaluation board has been released today with following new features:

  • Hardware scalers for all four channels and the trigger working up to 200 MHz. With the trigger scaler one can measure for example coincidence rates between two channels.
  • New vertical and horizontal "slice" measurements. This allows to measure the amplitude of a signal at a certain time relative to the trigger point or the time when a signal crosses a certain level.
  • Gated charge measurement allowing to measure the charge of a signal between two time markers, like an old-fashioned charge integrating ADC.

The software is available at the the usual location http://www.psi.ch/drs/software-download for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. I'm working right now to get it also into the Apple App Store.


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