(Board Type:9, DRS4)
I´m trying to reach the timig resolution of about 2.5ps as written in the manual.
My settings are:
I followed the instructions of the manual. The chip was warm and ran about 10h. Then, Timing- followed by Voltage-Calibration.
The test-signal is a splittet sine-wave of 20MHz (function-generator) brought on A0 and A1 (A1 signal is delayed by 1ns-cable).
I´ve been testing different trigger-logic: (Chn1 AND Chn2), (Chn1 OR Chn2) and only Chn1 or Chn2.
Trigger-levels were changed too.
All setups show the same result of 1.009ns +/- 30-35ns (results from the DRS-Oscilloscope).
What is wrong from my side?
Thanks a lot for your help |