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Entry  Wed Apr 5 12:40:16 2017, Martin Petriska, DRS4 eval board v4 coincidence firmware changes for triger for short pulses 
    Reply  Mon Apr 10 10:48:03 2017, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 eval board v4 coincidence firmware changes for triger for short pulses 
Message ID: 592     Entry time: Wed Apr 5 12:40:16 2017     Reply to this: 594
Author: Martin Petriska 
Subject: DRS4 eval board v4 coincidence firmware changes for triger for short pulses 

I would like to implement fpga firmware changes for DRS4 eval board v4 to put there posibility for standard coincidence (for example to get triger on two short (5ns pulses from Plastic scintilator) in 100ns coincidence window), Similar but more complex was done for eval v.5 boards ( https://forge.physik.rwth-aachen.de/projects/drs4-rwth ) Im beginner in state of FPGA design, but hope it will be not so dificult to implement same functionality in eval4 board. Is there any SVN server with firmware sources for evaluation board? Im litle bit confused with different firmware sources in linux and windows installation packages, For example whose are last eval4 board firmware souces ? (There are some eval4 sources in  5.0.6 files, but not sure if its workable)

May be didnt make same changes already?  

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